- 絞込み
- I
- IA
- IB
- IC
- ID
- IE
- IF
- IG
- IH
- II
- IJ
- IK
- IL
- IM
- IN
- IO
- IP
- IQ
- IR
- IS
- IT
- IU
- IV
- IW
- IX
- IY
- IZ
- I(50音)
- I(タイ文字)
- I(数字)
- I(記号)
- i
- I
- I & C
- I & E
- I & L
- I & P
- I & S
- I & SE
- I & T
- i ' m h o r n y
- i 'd like to
- I (band)
- I (EP)
- I . . . all the time.
- I abandoned myself to dance this week
- I accept your proposal.
- I accidentally discarded my vaccination certificate.
- I accidentally fell asleep
- I accidentally fell asleep.
- I accidentally got on the shuttle bus
- I accidentally kicked the stand light, fortunately the bulb didn't crack
- I accidentally spilled coffee on my clothes, so I'll head over there after changing
- I acknowledge
- I acknowledge myself beaten
- I acknowledge the following.
- I acknowledge. . .
- I action
- I actually get confused when someone tells me to put on my favorite clothes
- I admire delicate hands.
- I admire those who are doing healthcare support activities in the developing countries where medical services are less available
- I admire women who are good at cooking
- i admire you
- I admire you
- I admire you.
- I admire your courage.
- I admit
- I admit it.
- I adopted the dog of my late grandfather
- i adore you
- I adore you.
- i agree
- I agree
- I agree to the contract terms described below
- I agree with him.
- I agree with his opinion.
- I agree with it for the most part.
- i agree with that
- I agree with that opinion.
- I agree with that.
- I agree with the idea that a peaceful city is a safe city.
- I agree with this opinion.
- i agree with you
- I agree with you
- I agree with you completely.
- I agree with you.
- I agree with your opinion.
- I agree.
- i aim at the stars
- I Aim at the Stars
- I almost bit my tongue.
- I almost called the wrong customer
- I almost come in late whenever I have leeway
- I almost encountered a molester on the train
- I almost failed the exam.
- I almost fell asleep.
- i almost forgot
- I almost forgot about that.
- I almost forgot it.
- I almost forgot to tell it to you.
- i almost forgot.
- I almost forgot.
- I almost got caught in the elevator doors.
- I almost got lost
- I almost got lost.
- I almost keep biting on a canker sore with my back teeth.
- I almost overslept
- I almost put gasoline to a diesel car
- I already asked all the questions I had, so everything is clear
- I already ate!
- I already ate.
- I already had enough.
- I already have a girlfriend.
- I already have plans.
- I already referred to that matter.
- I already told you.
- i also
- I also
- I also agree.
- I also have a serious side.
- I also have experience managing a company so I think that I can give you some advice
- I also have some for you.
- i also like A
- I also need to do it
- I also prepared dessert, are you still hungry?
- I also question that
- I also suffered growing pains when I was a child
- I also think so.
- I also think that it will be rude to the opposite party.
- I also want to know!
- I also want to see you again
- I also wondered why it was ~.
- I always appreciate kindness from all of you.
- I always buy natural mineral water.
- I always carry a spare battery in preparation for an earthquake.
- I always change my plan at the last minute.
- I always clean before heading to work
- I always cook 3 meals and freeze them
- I always depend on my app for transfers
- I always end up buying the same kinds of clothes every time.
- I always feel comforted by your smile.
- I always gather my hair with a hairband before washing my face
- I always get a headache a day before it snows.
- I always get a little nervous before a lesson
- I always get confused about the position of a plait
- I always get contacted immediately beforehand, so I don't know my plans until the day before
- I always get mistaken for my twin sister.
- I always get stomachache because of stress.
- I always go somewhere on my bike on my day off.
- I always go to bed at 10 o'clock.
- I always go to my parents' house in Hokkaido during the summer vacation.
- I always go to work on Monday with a depressed look on my face.
- I always go to your place, sometimes you should come to mine
- I always hate missing chances
- I always have a runny nose and constantly sneeze during this season.
- I always have loose bowels, I need to do something about it
- I always have something to talk about
- I always have sterilizing sheets in the toilet
- I always have stomach trouble if I sleep with my belly out.
- I always jump into the latest diet trends.
- I always keep my bathtub full of water so I thankfully managed to survive the water outage caused by the earthquake.
- I always keep my promises.
- I always keep promises.
- I always laugh at that part.
- I always leave home early to avoid the rush hour train
- I always miss summer when it's winter, and spring when it's fall
- I always pay my bills by credit card
- I always put this song first for livening up the atmosphere
- I always regret when I get too excited and drink too much
- I always run out of time.
- I always sit in the left-most seats at the movie theater
- I always stay up late on Monday night, so I’m feel tired for the rest of the week.
- I always store drinking water in case of water outages after an earthquake.
- I always think how glad I am that you're my husband
- I always thought it was a urban legend, I'd have never imagined it was true
- I always took the last place in the foot race.
- I always try my best to help if anyone is in trouble
- I always try to have at hand only the minimum amount of money necessary
- I always try to pay by credit card in shops that accept credit card payments
- I always try to wake up early in the morning
- I always turn on the TV when I get home
- I always walk to school.
- I always want to be modest
- I always want to eat sweets when I'm tired
- I always want to refuel when the remaining amount of gasoline falls below half in the meter
- I always wanted to ask that, but I thought he might get angry so I couldn't ask
- I always wear a mask when going to a crowded place.
- I always wear sneakers as public transportation will most likely stop in an earthquake.
- I always win so I am always right
- i am
- I am …
- I am 18 years old.
- I am 8 months pregnant now.
- I am a beginner but I want to try my hardest
- I am a big eater
- I am a big fan of your writing
- i am a cat
- I Am a Cat
- I am a cat.
- I am a close contact to someone with COVID-19.
- I am a doctor.
- I am a dog lover
- I am a fortunate person
- I am a full-time housewife, although I am reluctant
- I am a happy person.
- i am a human
- I am a human
- I am a lawyer.
- I am a little hungry.
- I am a little nervous.
- I am a man.
- I am a midwife
- I am a mother of two kids now.
- I am a nurse.
- I am a researcher, and I’m studying the dietary habits of the people in the Edo period.
- I am a robot.
- I am a student at that elementary school
- I am a tax accountant
- I am a teacher.
- I am a vegetarian.
- I am a volunteer teaching Japanese
- I am a woman.
- I am a wreck both physically and mentally
- I am accepting requests for work. Please contact me via email.
- i am afraid
- I am afraid
- I am afraid he will
- I am afraid not
- I am afraid of heights.
- I am afraid so
- I am afraid you will start liking someone else.
- i am against A
- I am against war! What about you?
- i am alive
- I am alive
- I Am Alive
- I am alive.
- I am all tied up with English study.
- I am allergic to pollen.
- I am already prepared.
- I am also sad to not be able to meet with you
- I am also the father of a child and I feel I understand how hard raising children can be
- I am always at home.
- i am always cheering for you from japan.
- I am always cheering for you from Japan.
- I am always going back and forth overseas for business
- I am always mistaken as a native in a town I visit.
- I am amazed how people can work in the hot weather.
- I am American.
- i am an
- I am an only child.
- I am angry with your attitude!
- I am annoyed by someone reading newspapers in a crowded train
- I am anxious
- I am anxious about the future.
- I am anxious whether I would be getting my pension in the future
- I am ashamed of myself.
- I am ashamed that I laughed over such nonsense.
- I am ashamed to recall who I used to be.
- I am at home.
- I am attaching a file about the project summary.
- I am attaching a PDF file.
- I am attending a virtual lesson on my smartphone today
- I Am Australian
- I am Australian.
- I am aware of that.
- I am aware of the announcement.
- I am aware of the media reports on such a statement.
- I am aware of the newspaper reports which you mentioned.
- I am aware of the report.
- I am aware of this matter.
- I am B of A company.
- I am basically positive.
- I am being supported by him in various ways on a daily basis
- I am beside myself with worry as it is believed the joints of the steel structure are rusting
- I am blessed with good health.
- I am blest if...
- I am bored