企業の人事・総務関連の業務で用いられる人事労務関連の用語を英語で調べることができます。 提供 人事・労務 URL http://www.jinji-roumu.com/ |
人事労務和英辞典 のさくいん |
- half-day work
- handicapped person
- Handicapped Person’s Employment Promotion Law
- hazardous work
- head
- head office
- head-huntings
- headquarters
- health check
- Health Insurance Act
- Health Insurance Scheme
- health insurance society
- Health Services Scheme for the Aged
- health-building program
- hierarchy system
- high economic growth
- high technology
- high-ranking official
- high-tech
- higher management
- hiring freeze
- hiring of new graduates
- hiring-in rate
- holding company
- holiday neurosis
- home responsibility
- home side line
- home worker
- home working
- home-ownership scheme
- horizontal society
- hourly wages
- hourly-wage worker
- hours actually worked
- hours of work
- hours paid
- hours worked per annum
- house organ
- house union
- household allowance
- household work
- housing allowance
- housing payment
- human relations
- human resource development
- Human Resources Development Promotion Law
- human resources management
- human resources planning
- human-oriented management