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social science informationとは 意味・読み方・使い方

意味・対訳 社会科学情報
「social science information」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 5件
Faculties: First- and second-year students of the Faculty of Theology, Letters, Social Studies, Commerce, and all students of the Faculty of Culture and Information Science, Life and Medical Sciences, Health and Sports Science, Engineering発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
学部:神、文、社会、法、経済、商学部の各1~2年次および文化情報、生命医科学部、スポーツ健康科学部、工学部全学年 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To prevent ambiguity and leakage of retrieval for securing coverage of retrieval in an information exchange system using a SNS (Social Networking Site) covering researchers in a life science field.例文帳に追加
ライフサイエンス分野の研究者を対象とするSNSを利用した情報交換システムにおいて、検索の曖昧性及び漏れを回避し、検索の網羅性を確保する。 - 特許庁
The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan) has been providing opportunities for visitors to think about realizing a sustainable social system and enriching peoples’ lives in the future through exhibitions featuring the themes of “creativity” and “information society” among others. The National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo, is also holding exhibitions and providing educational support through exhibitions commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Nobel Prize.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
日本科学未来館では、“創造力”や“情報社会”などをテーマとした展示を通じて、持続可能な社会システムや人間の豊かさを実現する未来について考える機会を提供。国立科学博物館では、ノーベル賞100周年記念展を開催するなど、展示・学習支援活動を実施。 - 経済産業省
Nine special materials rooms are currently available in the Tokyo Main Library, as follows: the Business, Science and Technology Room (reference books on business and social science, science and technology; abstracts and indexes of science and technology) and the Humanities Room (reference books on general subjects and humanities; core journals of library and information science) on the second floor of the main building; the Rare Books and Old Materials Room (rare books, semi-rare books, Japanese old books up to the Edo period, Chinese old books up to the Qing dynasty, etc.) on the third floor of the main building; the Map Room (single-sheet maps and residential maps) and the Modern Japanese Political History Materials Room (Kensei-shiryoshitsu) (documents and microfilms related to modern Japanese political history, microfilms of GHQ documents and materials related to Japanese immigrants) on the fourth floor of the main building; the Audio-Visual Materials Room (phonograph records, CDs, DVDs, VHS tapes, etc.) and the Electronic Resources Room (electronic resources such as CD-ROMs, electronic journals, etc.) on the first floor of the Annex; the Parliamentary Documents and Official Publications Room (parliamentary documents, official gazettes, statutes, court reports and treaties of Japan and other countries, publication catalogues, directories, annual reports, statistics of Japanese and foreign government offices and publications of international organizations, reference books on law and politics, etc.) on the third floor of the Annex; and the Newspaper Reading Room (Newspapers (original, reduced and reprinted edition and microfilm), newspaper clippings) on the fourth floor of the Annex.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
現在東京本館にある専門室は、本館2階に科学技術・経済情報室(科学技術及び経済社会関係の参考図書、科学技術関係の抄録・索引誌)と人文総合情報室(総記・人文科学分野の参考図書類、図書館・図書館情報学関係の主要雑誌等)、本館3階に古典籍資料室(貴重書、準貴重書、江戸期以前の和古書、清代以前の漢籍等)、本館4階に地図室(一枚ものの地図、住宅地図等)と憲政史料室(日本近現代政治史料、日本占領関係資料、日系移民関係資料)、新館1階に音楽・映像資料室(レコード、CD、ビデオ、DVD等)と電子資料室(CD-ROMなどの電子資料、電子ジャーナル等)、新館3階に議会官庁資料室(内外の議会会議録・議事資料、官公報、法令集、判例集、条約集、官庁刊行資料目録・要覧・年次報告、統計資料類、政府間国際機関刊行資料、法律・政治分野の参考図書等)、新館4階に新聞資料室(新聞の原紙、縮刷版・復刻版、マイクロフィルム、新聞切抜資料)、の計9室である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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