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theater headquartersの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 8


Nihon Katsudo Josetsukan Kanshu Renmei Eiga Haikyu Honsha' (Distribution Company Headquarters for Movie Theater Owners in Japan) (also known as "Kanshu Renmei" [the Theater Owner's Association]) was established in Osaka and announced policies on contributions to production costs and direct distribution of films to independent productions. 例文帳に追加

大阪に「日本活動常設館館主連盟映画配給本社」を設立、独立プロダクションへの製作費の出資と作品の直接公開の方針を打ち出す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In April of the same year, Yamazaki, together with Ryosuke TACHIBANA, the chief officer of Bando Tsumasaburo Productions, and Kikumatsu OSHIMA of Kikusui Kinema Shokai in Kobe, contacted the owners of 150 movie theaters across the nation and established 'Nihon Katsudo Josetsukan Kanshu Renmei Eiga Haikyu Honsha' (Distribution Company Headquarters for Movie Theater Owners in Japan) (also known as "Kanshu Renmei" [the Theater Owner's Association]). 例文帳に追加

同年4月、山崎は、阪東妻三郎プロダクションの経営者・立花良介、神戸市の菊水キネマ商会の大島菊松らとともに、全国150館の独立系映画館主に呼びかけ、「日本活動常設館館主連盟映画配給本社」を設立した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

TAKEI's decision to resign was partly motivated by the formation of "Nihon Katsudo Josetsukan Kanshu Renmei Eiga Haikyu Honsha" (Distribution Company Headquarters for Movie Theater Owners in Japan) (also known as "Kanshu Renmei" [the Theater Owner's Association]) by Tokujiro YAMAZAKI, as well as by the establishment of former Makino members Hiroshi KAWAI and Juzu TANAKA's studio-for-rent "Japan Kinema Studio" (Narabigaoka Studio) in Narabigaoka, Kyoto. 例文帳に追加

その背景には、山崎徳次郎による「日本活動常設館館主連盟映画配給本社」の設立、マキノを退社した河合広始と田中十三による京都・双ヶ丘の貸しスタジオ「日本キネマ撮影所」(双ヶ丘撮影所)の設立があった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tokujiro YAMAZAKI made an appeal to eliminate the exploitation of productions and performances by establishing 'Nihon Katsudo Josetsukan Kanshu Renmei Eiga Haikyu Honsha' (Distribution Company Headquarters for Movie Theater Owners in Japan) (also known as "Kanshu Renmei" [the Theater Owner's Association]) and began supporting the five production companies' production fees and promotions. 例文帳に追加

またそれに先立つ同年4月、配給業者による中間搾取のない製作と興行の直結を訴える山崎徳次郎が「日本活動常設館館主連盟映画配給本社」を結成、5つのスタープロダクションを製作費と興行の面で支えることとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At about that time, Tokujiro YAMAZAKI of Sankyo, which distributed Makino's movies in the Shikoku area, conspired with Ryosuke TACHIBANA, the top executive of Bando Tsumasaburo Productions, to ask 150 independent theater owners throughout Japan, including Kikumatsu OSHIMA of Kikusui Kinema in Kobe, to cooperate in establishing 'Nihon Katsudo Josetsukan Kanshu Renmei Eiga Haikyu Honsha' (Distribution Company Headquarters for Movie Theater Owners in Japan) (also known as "Kanshu Renmei" [the Theater Owner's Association]) in Osaka and declaring policies on directly releasing movies and funding for production costs of independent productions. 例文帳に追加

そのころ、マキノの四国ブロック配給を行っていた三共社の山崎徳次郎は、阪東妻三郎プロダクションの経営者・立花良介と謀り、神戸市の菊水キネマ商会の大島菊松ら全国150館の独立系映画館主に呼びかけ、大阪に「日本活動常設館館主連盟映画配給本社」を設立、独立プロダクションへの製作費の出資と作品の直接公開の方針を打ち出した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As prelude to this establishment, in April of 1928 Tokujiro YAMAZAKI of Sankyo, which had been distributing Makino films in the Shikoku area, conspired with the top executive of Bando Tsumasaburo Productions named Ryosuke TACHIBANA to ask 150 independent theater owners throughout Japan, including Kikumatsu OSHIMA of Kikusui Kinema in Kobe, to cooperate in establishing 'Nihon Katsudo Josetsukan Kanshu Renmei Eiga Haikyu Honsha' (Distribution Company Headquarters for Movie Theater Owners in Japan) (also known as "Kanshu Renmei" [the Theater Owner's Association]) in Osaka and declaring policies of directly releasing films as well as funding for production costs of independent productions. 例文帳に追加

そのきっかけとして、同年4月、当時マキノの四国ブロック配給を行っていた三共社の山崎徳次郎が、阪東妻三郎プロダクションの経営者・立花良介と計画し、神戸市の菊水キネマ商会の大島菊松を中心とした全国150館の独立系映画館主に呼びかけ、大阪に「日本活動常設館館主連盟映画配給本社」を設立、独立プロダクションへの製作費の出資と作品の直接公開の方針を打ち出すという動きがあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As prelude to this establishment, in April of 1928 Tokujiro YAMAZAKI of Sankyo, which had been distributing Makino's films in the Shikoku area, conspired with the top executive of Bando Tsumasaburo Productions named Ryosuke TACHIBANA to ask 150 independent theater owners throughout Japan, such as Kikumatsu OSHIMA of Kikusui Kinema in Kobe that had dealt with independent works by moviemakers, to cooperate in establishing 'Nihon Katsudo Josetsukan Kanshu Renmei Eiga Haikyu Honsha' (Distribution Company Headquarters for Movie Theater Owners in Japan) (also known as "Kanshu Renmei" [the Theater Owner's Association]) in Osaka and declaring policies of the direct release of movies as well as funding for production costs of independent productions. 例文帳に追加

そもそも、同年4月、当時マキノの四国ブロック配給を行っていた三共社の山崎徳次郎が、阪東妻三郎プロダクションの経営者・立花良介と計画し、従来から映画作家のインディペンデント系作品を手がけていた神戸市の菊水キネマ商会の大島菊松を中心とした全国150館の独立系映画館主に呼びかけ、大阪に「日本活動常設館館主連盟映画配給本社」を設立、独立プロダクションへの製作費の出資と作品の直接公開の方針を打ち出したことがきっかけであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In April of 1928 Tokujiro YAMAZAKI of Sankyo, the company led by Shozo MAKINO that had been distributing Makino films in the Shikoku area, conspired with the top execute of Bando Tsumasaburo Productions named Ryosuke TACHIBANA to get in contact with 150 independent theater owners throughout Japan, such as Kikumatsu OSHIMA of Kikusui Kinema in Kobe who was greatly interested in Indies films, to cooperate in establishing 'Nihon Katsudo Josetsukan Kanshu Renmei Eiga Haikyu Honsha' (Distribution Company Headquarters for Movie Theater Owners in Japan; also known as "Kanshu Renmei" [the Theater Owner's Association]) to eradicate the intervening contracting company and introduce policies that would provide direct production fees to independent film productions. 例文帳に追加

1928年(昭和3年)4月、牧野省三率いるマキノ・プロダクションの四国ブロック配給会社・三共社の山崎徳次郎は、阪東妻三郎プロダクションの経営者・立花良介とともに、以前から映画作家系インディーズの興行に熱心であった神戸市の菊水キネマ商会の大島菊松らを中心とした全国150館の独立系映画館主に呼びかけ、「日本活動常設館館主連盟映画配給本社」を設立、配給会社の中間マージンを排除し、独立プロダクションへの製作費のダイレクトな出資および興行の方針を打ち出した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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