「His words」を含む例文一覧(833)

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  • “Oh”, he muttered, as though echoing his thoughts, "I can't do it, I can't!" The woman caught the words and leaped up as though some one had struck her in the face.
    「あぁ…」男はただつぶやくばかりだった。「私にはできない、私には…」女はその言葉を聞きとがめ、誰かに顔を叩かれたみたいに素早く立ち上がった。 - Melville Davisson Post『罪体』
  • But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and spoke out to them, “You men of Judea, and all you who dwell at Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and listen to my words.
    しかし,ペトロが十一人と共に立ち上がり,声を張り上げて彼らに語りかけた。「ユダヤの人たち,またエルサレムに住むすべての人たち,このことを知ってください。そして,わたしの言葉に耳を傾けてください。 - 電網聖書『使徒行伝 2:14』
  • Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? The words that I tell you, I speak not from myself; but the Father who lives in me does his works.
    わたしが父のうちにおり,父がわたしのうちにおられることをあなたは信じないのか。わたしがあなた方に告げる言葉は,わたしが自分から話すのではない。わたしのうちに住まわれる父がご自分の業を行なっておられるのだ。 - 電網聖書『ヨハネによる福音書 14:10』
  • Jesus spoke these words in the treasury, as he taught in the temple. Yet no one arrested him, because his hour had not yet come.
    神殿の中で教えていた際,宝物殿の中で,イエスはこれらの言葉を語った。それでも,彼を逮捕する者はいなかった。彼の時がまだ来ていなかったからである。 - 電網聖書『ヨハネによる福音書 8:20』
  • For whoever will be ashamed of me and of my words, of him will the Son of Man be ashamed, when he comes in his glory, and the glory of the Father, and of the holy angels.
    わたしとわたしの言葉を恥じる者は,人の子もまた,自分の栄光,また父と聖なるみ使いたちとの栄光のうちに来るとき,その者を恥じるだろう。 - 電網聖書『ルカによる福音書 9:26』
  • Moreover, Second Shogun of Ashikaga ShogunateYoshiakira ASHIKAGA who was one of his enemies left words in his will, "After my death, I want to sleep beside the tomb of Masatsura KUSUNOKI in Kanrin-ji Temple (Hokyo-in Temple, as of now) whom I have adored for a long time,' and according to his will, his tomb (Hokyoin-to) was erected next to the tomb of Masatsura KUSUNOKI (Gorin sekito).
    また、彼の敵である足利幕府二代将軍足利義詮は遺言に「自分の逝去後、かねており敬慕していた観林寺(現在の宝筐院)の楠木正行の墓の傍らで眠らせてもらいたい」とあり、遺言どおり、楠木正行の墓(五輪石塔)の隣に彼の墓(宝筐印塔)は建てられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is generally known that, for years, Mabuchi intended to promote his research on ancient words through works such as Kaiko (Commentary on Poetry), Buniko (Commentary on Literature), and Goiko (Commentary on Language), and to set up the philosophy of ancient Shinto after perfecting the fundamentals; however, in consideration of his old age, he passed on his attempt to advocate Fukko Shinto (reform Shinto [prominent 18th century form of Shinto, based on the classics, and free from Confucian and Buddhist influences]) to his successor, Norinaga MOTOORI.
    古語の研究を歌意考・文意考・語意考などで進め、基礎を大成したうえで古神道の哲学を組成することを真淵は長年意図していたのであるが、自分の老齢を意識して、復古神道の学論を立てる企ては後継者である本居宣長に譲ることにしたということは一般に知られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This goddess is extraordinarily difficult to enshrine because it is supposed that any person is required, once this goddess is enshrined, to keep believing therein in exchange for his or her life until his or her last moment and also that should such a duty be neglected (in other words, should incantation to worship the deity be discontinued), such a person would immediately become ruined or meet with disaster.
    しかし、この尊天は祀るのが非常に難しく、一度祀ると自分の命と引きかえに最後までその信仰を受持することが必須とされ、もしその約束を破ると、その修法を止めた途端に没落する、あるいは災禍がもたらされるとも考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although Atsumori, on having finally found his enemy tries to take revenge on Naozane, he learns that Naozane has become a priest and as Rensho was dedicated to reading sutra and was no longer his enemy; the ghost of Atsumori disappears, leaving words that he and Rensho both be born as lotus ('ren' in Rensho's name means lotus) in Gokuraku Jodo (the Amida Pure Land).
    そしてやっと敵である直実に巡り会えたと仇を討とうとするが、すでに出家して蓮生となって弔いにつとめる直実はもはや敵ではないと悟り、極楽浄土では共に同じ蓮に生まれる身になろうと言い残して敦盛の霊は姿を消す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • A list of exemplary descendants would begin with his eldest son MINAMOTO no Yoshiie and include MINAMOTO no Tameyori, MINAMOTO no Yoritomo and MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune, MINAMOTO no Yoshinaka, but would also include MINAMOTO no Yoshishige, founder of the Nitta clan, as well as MINAMOTO no Yoshiyasu, founder of the Ashikaga clan; in other words, his descendants include great numbers of the Minamoto clan's most famous and exemplary military commanders.
    代表的な子孫としては、長男源義家からは、源為朝、源頼朝や源義経、源義仲の他、後の新田氏の祖となる源義重や足利氏の祖となる源義康といった源氏の代表的な武将が輩出される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In his later life, thanks to his ability as a designer, he seemed to have actively delineated the concept of commercial art (later referred to as graphic design), aiming for art which relates to life, or in other words, the belief that art should be integrated with industry.
    生涯の後期にいたっては、彼の図案家としての才能の実績において、生活と結びついた美術を目指し、あるいは産業と融合すべきとの理念を持ち、むしろ積極的に、商業美術(のちにいわれるグラフィック・デザイン)の概念を描いていたようである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Judging from other description in the letter that he would keep staying at Unagi Hot Spring so as not to make his young Lord impetuous, the words 'I will decide to raise the army' might have meant defense and campaign against Russia, which was his biggest concern in those days, instead of starting a civil war.
    ただ、書簡中では若殿輩(わかとのばら)が逸(はや)らないようにこの鰻温泉を動かないとも記しているので、この「立つと決する」は内乱よりは当時西郷が最も心配していた対ロシアのための防御・外征を意味していた可能性が高い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • If any person uses on his place of business, or on any document issued by him, or otherwise, any words suggesting that his place of business is officially connected with, or is, the Office, he shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding £500.
    何人もその事業所又はこの者が発行した書類又はその他に当該事業所が公式に庁と関係があるか若しくは庁であることを示唆する何らかの語を使用したときは,この者は有罪とし,陪審によらない有罪判決により500ポンド以下の罰金に処せられるものとする。 - 特許庁
  • If any person uses on his place of business, or on any document issued by him, or otherwise, words which would reasonably lead to the belief that his place of business is, or is officially connected with, the Trade Marks Office, he shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine, or with both.
    何人かが自己の営業所若しくは自己が発する書類に関し,又はその他の方法で,その者の営業所が商標登録局であり又は商標登録局と公的関係があると誤認させる語を使用したときは,その者は,2年以下の禁固若しくは罰金に処し,又はそれらを併科する。 - 特許庁
  • The method for comprehensively understanding questions, answers and expression of intention issued from the person from not only his or her words and conversation input but also from his or her every motion, which associates meaning with the motion of a mouse, clicking, or the like to allow the computer to react and answer also for the motion.
    人の言葉や会話入力のみならず、人の動作すべてからその人が発する質問や返事、意思表示を総合的に汲み取る手法として、マウスやクリックなどの動作に意味を関連づけ、その動作に対してもコンピュータが反応し返事する手法を用いて課題を解決する。 - 特許庁
  • and Mercutio, who knew not of Romeo's secret motive for desiring peace with Tybalt, but looked upon his present forbearance as a sort of calm dishonorable submission, with many disdainful words provoked Tybalt to the prosecution of his first quarrel with him;
    マーキューシオはというと、彼はロミオがティバルトとの平和的関係を望む秘められた理由のことを何も知らなかったので、ロミオが自制しているのを、彼がおろかにも屈服してしまったものとみなし、ティバルトを口汚くののしり、はじめに起こったけんかを続けた。 - Charles and Mary Lamb『ロミオとジュリエット』
  • At last, when he could clap no more, he stood up suddenly and hurried across the room to Aunt Julia whose hand he seized and held in both his hands, shaking it when words failed him or the catch in his voice proved too much for him.
    とうとう、もう手を叩けないとなると彼は突然立ち上がって急いでジュリア叔母のところへと部屋を横切り、彼女の手をつかんで両手で握り、言葉が出ない、あるいは声が引っかかってどうにもならないとなると、それを揺すぶっていた。 - James Joyce『死者たち』
  • After the Battle of Okehazama, Nobumoto MIZUNO and Sadatoshi HISAMATSU often visited Ieyasu entering Okazaki-jo Castle as envoy of Oda family to persuade him as much as possible in words to become the daimyo of the Oda side, however, Ieyasu did not accept their words so easily then they said that following the stupid commander Ujizane who did not revenge for Yoshimoto died in battle would surely end up Ieyasu losing his territory by the Takeda clan and the Hojo clan.
    桶狭間の合戦後に、岡崎城に入城した家康の許に、織田家からの使者として、たびたび、水野信元、久松定俊の両人が訪問し、言葉を尽くして、和順を促したという、しかしながら、家康はなかなか応じず、討死した義元の仇も報じない愚将の氏真に従えば武田・北条にその所領を奪われるは必定。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • To provide a related word extracting device and method, a program and a storage medium by which words related with a predetermined theme can be extracted under the consideration of the reliability of a user on which the user's detailed knowledge and the strength of his or her interest in the predetermined theme is reflected at the time of extracting words related with the predetermined theme.
    所定のテーマに関連する単語を抽出する場合、上記所定のテーマに対する詳しさ、興味の強さを反映したユーザの信頼度を考慮して、所定のテーマに関連する単語を抽出することができる関連語の抽出装置、関連語の抽出方法、プログラムおよび記憶媒体を提供することを目的とするものである。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a supporting or caring degree chart and a care planning chart enabling a user receiving the adaptation of a care insurance system and his family to subjectively participitate in the system, establishing 'common words' passing current with the user, his family and a specialist and capable of achieving good understanding, clearing the judge standards of supporting and caring degrees and capable of being understood by the user and his family.
    介護保険制度の利用者やその家族が主体的にその制度に関与することができ、また利用者、家族、専門職間で通用し、意思疎通を図ることができる「共通言語」を創設し、且つ、要支援、要介護度の判定基準を明確化し、利用者やその家族が容易に理解できる要支援又は要介護度早見表及びケアプラン策定早見表を提供することを目的とする。 - 特許庁
  • The high-priest who rent his garments when the words were pronounced, which, according to all the ideas of his country, constituted the blackest guilt, was in all probability quite as sincere in his horror and indignation, as the generality of respectable and pious men now are in the religious and moral sentiments they profess;
    その国の考え方によれば、最悪の罪となる言葉が発っせられたときに、自分の着衣を引き裂いた高僧は、十中八九、今日の人格高潔で敬虔な人々の大多数が、その確信する宗教的、道徳的感情において真摯であるのと同じほどの真摯さで、嫌悪と義憤を覚えたに相違ありません。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』
  • If any person uses on his place of business, or on any document issued by him, or otherwise, the words Department of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks or any other words suggesting that his place of business is officially connected with, or is, the Department of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, he shall be punishable with fine which may extend to two hundred taka, and, in the case of a continuing offence, with further fine of twenty taka for each day on which the offence is continued after conviction therefore.
    何人も、自己の事業所に、自己が発行する書類に又はその他の方法で、特許意匠商標庁の語、又は自己の事業所が公式に特許意匠商標庁と関連を有する、又は特許意匠商標庁であると示唆する語を使用した場合、200 タカ以下の科料をもって罰せられ、違法行為が継続する場合、有罪判決を受けた後に当該違法行為が続けられる1 日毎に20 タカの追加科料をもって罰せられる。 - 特許庁
  • (ii) Clauses which partially exclude a business operator from liability to compensate damages to a consumer arising from the business operator's default (such default shall be limited to cases where same arises due to the intentional act or gross negligence on the part of the business operator, the business operator's representative or employee).#"koi matawa jyuu kashitu ni yoru" Standard Bilingual Dictionary assigns "intent" for "koi." However, here, intentional act and gross negligence will be more suitable. In the translation of Article 504 of the Civil Code, the words "koi matawa kashitsu ni yori" are translated into "due to his/her intentional act or negligence.#
    二 事業者の債務不履行(当該事業者、その代表者又はその使用する者の故意又は重大な過失によるものに限る。)により消費者に生じた損害を賠償する責任の一部を免除する条項 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • A well-known emperor was sorry about Kyuji (a record of stories current at court) being incorrect, and attempted to correct pre-existing documents. On September 18, 711, the emperor ordered his subject, Yasumaro to present the Kyuji that was selected and recorded immediately after the emperor settled in Omiya, Kiyohara in Asuka, to the extent that HIEDA no Are could recite, and Yasumaro happily followed the emperor's words, thoroughly picking up Kyuji.
    …ここに、旧辞の誤りたがへるを惜しみ、先紀の謬り錯(まじ)れるを正さむとして、和銅四年九月十八日をもちて、臣安麻呂に詔りして、阿禮阿禮の誦む所の勅語の旧辞を撰録して献上せしむるといへれば、謹みて詔旨(おほみこと)の随(まにま)に、子細に採りひろひぬ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • One of his two children was 月向津彦月弓命 otherwise known as Susanoo no mikoto, in other words, Tsukuyomi (Tsukuyomi no mikoto in "Kojiki" and Tsukuyumi no mikoto in "Nihonshoki") and it is said to be another name of Susanoo (Susanoo no mikoto, written as 素盞嗚尊 or 素戔嗚尊 in "Nihonshoki" and 建速須佐之男命 or 須佐乃袁尊 in "Kojiki").
    その2子のうち1子が「月向津彦月弓命亦ノ名須佐之男命」すなわちツクヨミ(『古事記』では月読命、『日本書紀』では月弓尊)であり、スサノオ(『日本書紀』では素盞嗚尊・素戔嗚尊、『古事記』では建速須佐之男命・須佐乃袁尊)の別名とされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The whole nation is in sorrow after hearing about the Emperor's death, especially people who were with the Emperor and were looked after in many ways from morning to night, and who endeavored to achieve a higher position with the Emperor's support,' although the formal words or morning were being used, he criticized the Emperor for becoming a believer in Buddhism and made fun of the sorrow his close aides expressed.
    いまご逝去の報に接し、天下はみな悲しんでいるが、朝夕法皇の徳に慣れ、法皇の恩によって名利を得た輩はなおさらである」形式的な悲しみの言葉を使いながらも、仏教帰依を非難し、近臣の悲しみを嘲笑している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although Bifukumon-in had already become a nun, she showed very good strategic abilities in this war; i.e., she summoned even TAIRA no Kiyomori and his brother, whose names were not given in the last words of the Cloistered Emperor Toba because their mother was the nursemaid of Imperial Prince Shigehito, and finally led Emperor Goshirakawa's part to victory.
    美福門院はすでに落飾していたが、この乱においては卓抜な戦略的手腕を見せ、重仁親王の乳母子ゆえに鳥羽法皇の遺命では名が挙げられなかった平清盛兄弟をも招致し、後白河天皇方の最終的な勝利へ導いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Soon after that, when the shooting of "Tsubaki hime" (The Lady of the Camelias) as a project planned by 'Kinyo-kai' was goin on, he blew up a leading character Yoshiko OKADA with his scorching-like words in front of crowds, and Okada ran off together with her opposite Ryoichi TAKEUCHI, also because of stress and frustration in her private life.
    しかし、直後に開始された「金曜会」企画の『椿姫』の撮影中に主役の岡田嘉子に群衆の前で罵倒に近い叱声を浴びせかけ、私生活の縺れも重なって、岡田が相手役の竹内良一と駆け落ちし一時失踪。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In classical literatures such as 'Taiheiki' (The Record of the Great Peace), he is described to have committed suicide with his elder brother Masashige by stabbing each other, and he swore the famous 'shichishohokoku' (which means if he is reborn seven times, he will destroy enemies of the Emperor to serve the country every time he is reborn); but this has been mistaken as the words that Masashige said by some people.
    古典「太平記」などには兄・正成と刺し違えて自害したと記され、このとき有名な「七生報国」(七たび生まれ変わっても、朝敵を滅ぼし、国に報いるの意)を誓っているが、一部ではこれが正成の発した言葉と誤解されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is said that Sadakatsu was asked to be the adviser of the young second Shogun, Hidetada TOKUGAWA by the dying Ieyasu in his last words, and also that the third Shogun Iemitsu TOKUGAWA created the position of Tairo (chief minister) thinking of the presence of Sadakatsu in life.
    一説には死の床で家康から年若い2代将軍・徳川秀忠の相談役となるように遺言されたとも言われ、後に3代将軍・徳川家光が大老職を設置した際も生前の定勝の存在を意識していたとも言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, the rumor emerged that the shogunate viewed the sale of Kazan's works to support his life as a problem (one theory says this was a scheme attempted by an anti-Kazan group in the Tahara Domain), and since Kazan was afraid it would damage the domain, he killed himself by seppuku in the barn of the Ikenohara residence, having left the farewell words 'Fuchu Fuko Watanabe Nobori' (Disloyal, Unfilial, Watanabe Nobori).
    ところが、生活のために絵を売っていたことが幕府で問題視されたとの風聞が立ち(一説には藩内の反崋山派による策動とされている)、藩に迷惑が及ぶことを恐れた崋山は「不忠不孝渡辺登」の絶筆の書を遺して、池ノ原屋敷の納屋にて切腹した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to "Kenzo tenno ki (Records of Emperor Kenzo)" of Chapter 15 of "Nihon Shoki," a god of the moon who claimed Takamimusubi as his (or her) ancestor possessed a man and said, 'Worship my god of the moon, then you will have pleasures,' and the people, having heard the words, erected a shrine in Kadono no kori in Yamashiro Province and had Oshiminosukune (the ancestor of Agatanonushi of Iki) serve it.
    書紀巻十五の顕宗天皇紀には、タカミムスビをわが祖と称する月の神が人に憑いて、「我が月神に奉れ、さすれば喜びがあろう」と宣ったので、その言葉通り山背国の葛野郡に社を建て、壱岐県主の祖・押見宿彌(オシミノスクネ)に祭らせたという記録がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • First of all, the representatives of local financial institutions expressed their great appreciation of the Prime Minister's remarks in his policy speech that, “Without the revival of Fukushima Prefecture there will be no restoration of trust and confidence in Japan.” They requested that the government act in ways to honor those words.
    まず、総理大臣が所信表明で語られました、「福島の再生なくして日本の信頼回復はない」との言葉については、地元金融機関の代表者の方々から高く評価するとの表明があり、真にこの言葉に違わないよう、政府に取り組んでいただきたいとの要望がございました。 - 金融庁
  • As I said earlier, the Prime Minister made it clear that the traditional method of assembling a scratch team of members from various ministries-this is what you say is a “collegial arrangement” as I understand it -will not be allowed, so I believe his words.
    ですから、従来型の人事というのは各省寄せ集めで、各省仲間うち、これをお手盛りというのかもしれませんけれども、こういった人事はやらないと、はっきり総理がおっしゃっておられますので、総理の言葉を信じたいと思います。 - 金融庁
  • To provide a language instruction system which enables such experiencing language learning of a learner as to significantly change the conventional language learning mainly for words or by memorization within the environment where a children (learner) is able to exhibit his or her natural language learning ability of himself or herself.
    子供(学習者)が持って生まれた言語習得能力を自然に発揮できる環境の中で、従来の単語中心、暗記中心の言語習得方法を大きく塗り替えるような学習者の体験的な言語習得を可能にした言語教授システムを提供する。 - 特許庁
  • To always display on a screen of a computer, a calendar including a function of automatically changing words of wisdom, aphorisms, or proverbs every day and a link button to a specific website, thereby allowing a user to more effectively make an action plan of the day and manage his or her schedule.
    名言や格言あるいは諺を自動的に日替わりで表示する機能及び特定のホームページへのリンクボタンを備えたカレンダーをコンピュータの画面上で常に起動させておくことで、ユーザーが当日の行動指針策定とスケジュール管理をより効果的に行なえるようにする。 - 特許庁
  • For example, the users each register a plurality of favorite words matching with his or her taste and idea in advance, start a video telephone using the alternative image first, then change the alternative images to the photographed images when one of the users utters a favorite word registered beforehand.
    例えば、自分の趣味指向に合った自分にとって好ましい言葉を予め複数登録しておき、まずは代替画像を用いてテレビ電話を開始し、それ以降に、いずれか一方の相手から予め登録された好ましい言葉が発せられた場合には、代替画像から撮影画像に切り替える。 - 特許庁
  • Based on a position of the face of a performer 200 and a direction to which the face is turned, a control device 1 determines a place (viewpoint C) to which the performer 200 directs a viewpoint C, and controls a projector 2 so as to project and display video images of his words at the place.
    制御装置1は、出演者200の顔の位置およびその向いている方向に基づいて該出演者200が視点を向けている場所(視点C)を求め、その場所に台詞映像を投射表示するように、プロジェクタ2を制御する。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a language study system using a communication network which is provided with a function which enables a user to obtain a study method meeting his or her desire and enables the user to obtain picture information, voice information, and character information related to words or sentences used in a user terminal machine.
    利用者の希望に沿った学習方法を得ることができ、利用者端末機で使用する単語又は文章と関連付けられた画像情報、音声情報、及び文字情報を得ることができる機能を備える通信ネットワークを用いた言語学習システムを提供する。 - 特許庁
  • They must have been, and were, in the notes, as well as in the words of his wild fantasias (for he not unfrequently accompanied himself with rhymed verbal improvisations), the result of that intense mental collectedness and concentration to which I have previously alluded as observable only in particular moments of the highest artificial excitement.
    彼の不思議な幻想曲の歌詞はもとより、その曲調も(というのは彼はちょいちょい韻を踏んだ即興詩を自分で伴奏したから)、前に述べたような最高の人為的興奮の特別の瞬間にだけ見られる強烈な精神の集中の結果であるべきだったし、また事実そうであったのだ。 - Edgar Allan Poe『アッシャー家の崩壊』
  • Here I had heard what he had heard, I had seen what he had seen, and yet from his words it was evident that he saw clearly not only what had happened but what was about to happen, while to me the whole business was still confused and grotesque.
    この際、彼が聞いたことは私も聞いていたし、彼が見たことは私も見ていたのに、彼の言葉からすると、明らかに彼が何が起こったか、だけではなく、何が起ころうとしているか、もはっきりわかっているのに対して、私には事件全体がわけのわからぬばかげたもののままだった。 - Arthur Conan Doyle『シャーロック・ホームズの冒険』
  • A recent writer, in some respects of considerable merit, proposes (to use his own words) not a crusade, but a civilizade, against this polygamous community, to put an end to what seems to him a retrograde step in civilization.
    近ごろの著述家で、いくつかの点では優れた功績のある人が、この一夫多妻制の共同体にたいして、彼には文明化の退歩と思われるものに終止符を打つため、(彼の言葉を使えば)十字軍ならぬ文明軍を提案しています。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』
  • The utterer of these words is not, in my opinion, rendered less noble but more noble by the fact that it was the need of ethical harmony here, and not the thought of personal profit hereafter, that prompted his observation.
    私の意見では、この発言者の意見を引き出したのが、今ここでの倫理的調和の必要性であって、将来の個人的利益という考えではないという事実によって、この発言者は高潔さを損なったのではなく、高めているのです。 - John Tyndall『英国科学協会ベルファースト総会での演説』
  • - for the overpowering sense of splendor and perfume, and music, together with the unexpected eccentricity of his address and manner, prevented me from expressing, in words, my appreciation of what I might have construed into a compliment.
    というのも、この部屋の豪華さや部屋に充満している芳香に圧倒されてしまい、それに彼の話や態度が全く思いがけないものだったのでお世辞ともとれる彼の言葉に対して感謝の気持ちを言葉で言うことができなくなってしまったのです。 - Edgar Allan Poe『約束』
  • Therefore if I come, I will call attention to his deeds which he does, unjustly accusing us with wicked words. Not content with this, neither does he himself receive the brothers, and those who would, he forbids and throws out of the assembly.
    それで,わたしが行くなら,彼の業に注意を呼びかけようと思います。彼は悪意のある言葉でわたしたちを不当に非難し,そのことで満足せずに,自分が兄弟たちを受け入れず,そうしようとする者たちを禁じて,集会から追い出しています。 - 電網聖書『ヨハネの第三の手紙 1:10』
  • The reason to recommend mediation with avoiding to teach by characters and words is that not only it believes strongly the historical events of telepathy in Seson nenge, Kasho bisho (when Buddha held up a the flower on his deathbed, only Mahakassapa smiled among his disciples by knowing what he meant), but also it preaches that it prevents the accomplishment of Buddhism to seek Buddha in sutras and others with forgetting the fact that Buddha exists in the inner bottom of oneself.
    文字や言葉で教えることを避けて坐禅を勧める理由として、世尊拈華、迦葉微笑における以心伝心の故事を深く信奉しているという以外にも、自分の内奥が仏であることを忘れて経典や他人の中に仏を捜しまわることがかえって仏道成就の妨げになるからであると説く。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Also he was called by MINAMOTO no Yoritomo, the 'No.1 Tengu (Mountain spirit) in Japan' which means the most boisterous person in Japan, since he used the Samurai forces, such as the Taira clan or Yoshinaka KISO, to keep his political authority and killed them when they were no longer needed, in another words he used and discarded people. (however recently there is another theory that this expression about Tengu is considered to be describing his close aide, TAKASHINA no Yasutsune.)
    また、自分の政権維持のために、平家や木曾義仲ら武士勢力を利用しては、その存在が邪魔になると討伐という形で使い捨てを続けた事から、源頼朝からは「日本国第一の大天狗」と評された(ただし、近年この大天狗の表現は、院近臣の高階泰経を指したのではないかとする説も出ている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • If any person uses on his place of business, or on any document issued by him, or otherwise, words which would reasonably lead to the belief that his place of business is, or is officially connected with, the Trademark Office, he shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to one year but not less than 6 (six) months, or with fine which may extend to taka 1 (one) lac but not less than 50 (fifty) thousand, or with both.
    自らの事業所に又は自らが発行する文書に、自らの事業所が商標当局であるか、商標当局と公的に関係すると合理的に信じさせる単語を使用する者は、いずれの表示についても6月以上1年以下の禁固若しくは5万タカ以上10万タカ以下の罰金に科し又はこれを併科する。 - 特許庁
  • Bassanio was so overpowered with gratitude and wonder at the gracious manner in which the rich and noble Portia accepted of a man of his humble fortunes, that he could not express his joy and reverence to the dear lady who so honoured him by any thing but broken words of love and thankfulness: and taking the ring, he vowed never to part with it.
    バサーニオは驚きと感謝のあまり感極まった。そんなに優雅な態度で、金持ちにして気品あるポーシャが、自分のようなほとんど財産を持たない男を受け入れてくれたのだから、当然であろう。そして、バサーニオをとても尊敬してくれた女性に対して、喜びと尊敬の言葉を言えなくなり、ただ愛と感謝とをとぎれとぎれにつぶやくばかりだった。バサーニオは指輪を受け取り、二度と手放さないことを誓った - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』
  • Therefore, whether or not the dissemination of such photograph is unlawful should be determined by comprehensive consideration of circumstances such as the extent his/her portrait rights or privacy are infringed. Circumstances which may be considered include; the relevancy between the object matter appearing therein, his/her activities in society, the place and method of photographing, and whether or not such photograph is an indispensable means for the photographer to express his/her intention. In other words the court, in considering whether the photograph is lawful will consider, whether or not the level of infringement is within the scope reasonably tolerated in our lives, in light of the balancing the need for protection of portrait and privacy rights with the need for protection of freedom of expression."
    そこで、写真の撮影・頒布が違法となるかどうかは、それによる肖像権ないしプライバシーの侵害の程度がどの位か、撮影対象事項とその者の社会的活動との関係がどの程度か、その写真撮影の場所・態様がどのようなものであるか、その写真が当該表現行為に必要不可欠なものかどうか等を併せ考慮し、肖像権及びプライバシー保護の必要性と表現の自由保護の必要性とを比較衡量して、その侵害が社会生活上受忍の限度を超えるものかどうかを判断してこれを決すべきである。」とする。 - 経済産業省
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