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  • Abe Hiroshi won the best actor award at the Japan Academy Awards for playing Lucius in that film.
    阿(あ)部(べ)寛(ひろし)さんはその映画でルシウスを演じて日本アカデミー賞で最優秀主演男優賞を受賞した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • An Academy Award nominee, Quvenzhane Wallis, plays Annie, a tough, upbeat orphan girl.
    アカデミー賞にノミネートされたことのあるクワベンジャネ・ウォレスが,たくましく明るい孤児の少女アニーを演じている。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • For example, she won the girls 15-17 division at the IMG Academy Junior World Championships in 2015 and 2016 as a member of Japan's junior national team.
    例えば,日本代表ジュニアチームの一員として出場したIMGA世界ジュニア選手権では,2015年と2016年に15-17歳の部女子で優勝した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • The Swedish Academy recently announced that Bob Dylan, 75, an American singer-songwriter, has won this year's Nobel Prize in Literature.
    スウェーデン・アカデミーは先日,米国のシンガー・ソングライターであるボブ・ディランさん(75)が今年のノーベル文学賞を受賞したと発表した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • Sara Danius, the permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy, said at a press conference that Dylan is a great poet.
    スウェーデン・アカデミーのサラ・ダニウス事務局長は記者会見で,ディランさんは偉大な詩人であると述べた。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • In his youth, Yamashita attended a drama academy run by the famous scriptwriter Kuramoto So.
    山下さんは青年時代に有名な脚本家の倉(くら)本(もと)聰(そう)さんが主(しゅ)宰(さい)する演劇塾に所属していた。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • She had been through the Academy and gave a pupils' concert every year in the upper room of the Antient Concert Rooms.
    彼女はアカデミーを修了し、毎年生徒のコンサートをアンシェント・コンサート・ルームスの上階の部屋で催していた。 - James Joyce『死者たち』
  • He sent the older daughter, Kathleen, to a good convent, where she learned French and music, and afterward paid her fees at the Academy.
    彼は長女のキャスリーンをよい修道院へ送り、そこで彼女はフランス語と音楽を学び、その後アカデミーの授業料も彼が負担した。 - James Joyce『母親』
  • Later, asked to give his comments on the closing of the private academy, Prince Saionji mentioned 'It seemed that they misunderstood that letting the students of Ritsumeikan speak freely was a revolutionary idea, but they asked that it be stopped, and while it was a shame, since the academy was quite active, I closed it.'
    後に私塾の閉鎖について感想を求められた西園寺公は、「立命館の諸生が高談放論するのを、革命思想とでも勘ちがいして、ぬきうちに止めよと云ってきたらしく、塾はよほど盛んになっていて惜しかったけれど、廃校にした」と述べている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • TOGO's descendants include Minoru TOGO, his son, who was the 40th alumni of the Imperial Japanese Naval Academy to become major general (of the Imperial Japanese Navy), Ryoichi TOGO, his grandson, (who, boarding on the heavy cruiser Maya, was killed in the Battle of Leyte Gulf, and became next two ranks up from lieutenant to captain), and his great grandson, who was a line officer of the Maritime Self Defense Official, who graduated from National Defense Academy.
    子孫には海軍兵学校(日本)40期生で少将になった息子の東郷実(海軍軍人)、その子で72期生の東郷良一(少尉で重巡洋艦摩耶に乗組み、比島沖海戦で戦死し2階級特進で大尉になった)、曾孫には防衛大学校卒の幹部海上自衛官がいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • …In the summer of 1885, in the following year after entering the academy, the student himself became a ringleader and agitated the leave in alliance, at the same time he drove out the instructors and did not obey orders, he deluded the school rules and disturbed the army principles, which angered Takeo OZAWA, the headmaster and lieutenant general, and finally punishment to expel him from the academy was decided.
    「・・・入学の翌年18年の夏、自ら首謀者になって同盟休学を扇動し、同時に教官を排斥してその命に応ぜず、即ち校則を妄り軍紀を乱す者たるの故を以って、校長小澤武雄中将の怒りに触れ、遂に退校処分に附されることとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The purpose of the Academy of Murasaki Shikibu is to promote classical literature as represented by "The Tale of Genji"; the academy was established on June 4, 1932 by Tsukuru FUJIMURA (president), who was the head of the Department of Japanese Literature, Faculty of Letters at Tokyo Imperial University; Senichi HISAMATSU (vice-president), a professor of Japanese literature at Tokyo Imperial University; and Kikan IKEDA (chairperson), a junior assistant of the Japanese literature study room at Tokyo Imperial University.
    紫式部学会とは、1932年(昭和7年)6月4日に、東京帝国大学文学部国文学科主任教授であった藤村作(会長)、東京帝国大学文学部国文学科教授であった久松潜一(副会長)、東京帝国大学文学部国文学研究室副手であった池田亀鑑(理事長)らによって源氏物語に代表される古典文学の啓蒙を目的として設立された学会である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The printing block of the first edition of the Tripitaka was carved at Shu (Sichuan Province) from 971 to 983 in the era of Kyoin CHO (Song Taizong) of the Northern Sung dynasty, and was printed at 'Sutra Printing Academy,' which was built in Kaifeng, the capital.
    最初の大蔵経刊本は、北宋の趙匡胤・太宗(宋)の治世、971年-983年(開宝4-太平興国8)にかけて蜀(四川省)で版木が彫られ、都の開封に建てられた「印経院」で印刷された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • By people belonging to the Buddhist academy, however, much criticism has been raised against his interpretation which judges that Nehan-gyo Sutra is inferior to Hoke-kyo Sutra, asserting that he twisted the argument too much in favor of Hoke-kyo Sutra from his standpoint regarding Hoke-kyo Sutra's superiority.
    しかし法華優位の立場から涅槃経を劣ると判じるその解釈については、やや牽強付会(けんきょうふかい)であった、という指摘が仏教学において多く提示されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 890 he became Zusho no kami (head of the Documents Office), and thereafter succeeded to the posts of Monjo hakase (Chief Calligrapher to the Court) and Daigaku no kami (Headmaster of the Academy); in 902 he was appointed Sangi (Director of Palace Affairs), and then in 911 (Engi 11) he was promoted to Chunagon (vice-councilor of state).
    890年(寛平2年)図書頭となり、以後文章博士・大学頭などを経て、902年(延喜2年)に参議、911年(延喜11年)に中納言に昇進した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • During his career he passed from the position of Monjo hakase (chief calligrapher to the court) to such posts as Daigaku no kami (headmaster of the Academy), Shikibu taifu (chief judge of Civil Services), Sachuben (first assistant controller of the left) and Danjo daihitsu (Major Deputy Inspector of the Police Bureau), thereafter reaching Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) and receiving imperial permission for a visit, via ox-drawn carriage, to the Emperor's palace.
    文章博士から大学頭・式部大輔・左中弁・弾正大弼などを歴任、その後従三位となり牛車による参内を勅許された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Kiyokimi was also called 'the greatest of the Confucians,' and was invested into the nobility at Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade), as befitting his official post as Monjo hakase (Chief court calligrapher); under the Ritsuryo system, he essentially stole the position of 'top brush' (i.e., chief calligrapher) from Myogyo, an instructor in the Confucian classics at the Academy.
    清公は「儒門之領袖」と称されて、文章博士の官位相当を貴族である従五位下に引き上げさせて、律令法によって本来大学寮の博士の筆頭とされてきた明経博士からその地位を奪った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As a result, the large hallway of the Sugawara clan's private estate (in those days, the hallways had sufficient space to be used as a regular room, costing rent and all) became a gathering point for Academy students, thereby acquiring the name 'the Kanke (Sugawara family) hallway' among later generations (as recorded in the "Kitano Tenjin onden," or Legends of Kitano Tenjin Shrine (which was dedicated to Michizane).
    このため、菅原氏の私邸の廊下(当時は空間が広く部屋代わりにも用いられていた)には学生達が集まるようになり、後世に「菅家廊下」と称されるようになったとされている(『北野天神御伝』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After Shimei graduated from a school of western studies (the present-day Aichi Prefectural Asahigaoka High School), the Treaty of Saint Petersburg, signed between Japan and Russia at the time, roused in him a feeling that Japan was in a crisis against Russia, and he applied to the Military Academy (Japan).
    洋学校(現・愛知県立旭丘高等学校)卒業後、当時、ロシアとの間に結ばれた千島樺太交換条約をうけて、ロシアに対する日本の危機感を持ち、陸軍士官学校(日本)を受験した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Subsequent to receiving the award, the winners often gain the nomination for enrollment to the Academy's membership but, in the case of one of the winners, nearly 10 years went by before the nomination was received while in the case of the other winner, the nomination finally came after that person had passed away and, still, for some of them, it never came.
    受賞者の多くは、続けて日本芸術院会員に推されるが、中には推されるまで十年近くかかる人、推される前に亡くなる人、遂に推されずに終わる人などもいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • To regulate the increasing lengths of shinai, the Kobusho (a military academy set up by the Edo Shogunate) declared in 1856 that, 'shinai longer than 3 jaku 8 sun (about 95cm) are not acceptable' and this became the set length.
    その長大化に歯止めをかけるべく、安政3年に講武所では「撓は柄共総長サ尺貫法ニて三尺八寸より長きは不相成」と3尺8寸までと決めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, the system for honoring craftspeople is partially succeeded by the systems such as Order of Culture, Important Intangible Cultural Property, recognition as a member of the Japan Art Academy, and so on.
    しかしこうした作家の顕彰行為は、一面としては文化勲章や重要無形文化財制度、あるいは日本芸術院会員への認定などに引き継がれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Sokyu UEDA and Gakyu OSAWA both of whom were concerned with movements for modern calligraphy in "Shodo Geijutsu-sha" established the "sho-no-bi" (calligraphic beauty) group and the "Heigen-sha" (literally, plain association) within Japan Calligraphy Art Academy, respectively, competing with each other.
    「書道芸術社」で現代書の運動に関与した上田桑鳩と大澤雅休は、それぞれ書道芸術院内で、「書の美」と「平原社」のグループを結成し相拮抗していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The bodies for avant-garde calligraphy in recent years include, in addition to Japan Calligraphy Art Academy, "Keiseikai," "Sojinsha," "Sorosha," and "Gendaisho-sakka-kyokai" (an association of writers of modern calligraphy), with Nankoku HIDAI and others who did not belong to any of these bodies existing as well.
    近年の前衛書道の団体としては、この書道芸術院の他に、「奎星会」・「草人社」・「蒼狼社」・「現代書作家協会」があり、その他無所属に比田井南谷らがいた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As described above, this work was strongly influenced by Nanso-Intaiga (the Southern Sung Imperial Academy style of painting) and is a valuable piece in the history of Japanese painting as a relic definitely drawn by Josetsu, who was the leading painter specializing in the early stage of ink-and-wash paintings in Japan.
    このように本作品は、南宋院体画の影響を強く受けたものであり、日本の初期水墨画を代表する人物である如拙の筆であることが確実な遺品として、日本絵画史上貴重な遺品である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After being commonly practiced for a long time at Sado club (a tea ceremony club) in the National Defense Academy, the school decided to receive a new head from the Omotesenke school as a successor to their first head, Gesshi AKINO (秋野月紫), when he died in 2006.
    長く防衛大学校茶道部などで習流してきたが、平成18年に初代家元秋野月紫が亡くなり、防衛大学校茶道部はその後継者として表千家流を迎えることとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After graduating from Military Academy and Army War College, Prince Tsunehisa pursued a career as a military officer, and became an army cavalry colonel and advanced to an army major general in 1920, but he died at the age of 38.
    恒久王は、陸軍士官学校、陸軍大学校を卒業後、将校の道を歩み陸軍騎兵大佐を経て、1920年(大正8年)少将に進むが、38歳で死去。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After that he pursued a career as navy man and entered The United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, USA in 1870.
    その後、海軍軍人の道を進路に選び、明治3年(1870年)にアメリカ合衆国のアナポリス(メリーランド州)海軍兵学校(アメリカ合衆国)(海軍アカデミー)に留学した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As Kinmochi SAIONJI himself mentioned that he established the academy with 'big ambitions to foster people loyal to the Emperor,' Shijuku Ritsumeikan was a general educational institute from the start, and different form other private academies of court nobles.
    西園寺公望自身が、「大いに勤王家を養成するという抱負」で塾を設立したと述べている通り、私塾立命館は他の公家家塾とは異なり、初めから一般的な教育機関としての性格を備えていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On April 23, 1870, Kyoto Prefectural Office (Dual capital system by Grand Council of State), which found the state of the academy disturbing, issued an injunction, which closed Shijuku Ritsumeikan after a little less than a year (the establishment was supposed to be around September 23, 1869).
    1870年4月23日、塾のあり方に不穏を感じた京都府庁(太政官複都制)が差留命令を下し、私塾立命館はわずか1年弱で閉鎖されることになる(開設は1869年9月23日前後とされる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After the Saionji family moved to Tokyo in the Meiji Period, 'Shirakumo-jinja Shrine' was established in the Saionji residence site where the private academy used to be, which still exists now.
    明治時代に入り西園寺家が東京に移った後、かつて私塾が置かれた西園寺邸跡には、「白雲神社」が建立され現在に至っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • At that time, Saionji sent a big sign with the letters 'Ritsumeikan' that he had written himself when the private academy was established in 1869, as well as giving the following framed motto he wrote himself.
    このとき西園寺は1869(明治2)年の私塾開設と同時に自身で揮毫した「立命館」の大書を送るとともに、自ら次のような扁額をしたためて寄贈している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Though Saionji frowned on committing to a specific private school as a public figure, he continued to give tangible and intangible support to the development of Ritsumeikan Gakuen (academy) for the rest of his life.
    西園寺は公人として特定の私学に肩入れすることをよしとしなかったが、最後まで立命館学園の発展に有形無形の支援を続けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The name of Ashikaga School was known to foreign countries because Francis XAVIER, a Christian missionary, described the then Ashikaga School as "Japan's largest and most noted academy at Bando (old Kanto region) (university of Bando)."
    この頃の足利学校の様子を、キリスト教の宣教師フランシスコ・ザビエルは「日本国中最も大にして最も有名な坂東のアカデミー(坂東の大学)」と記し、足利学校は海外にまでその名が伝えられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Omura established a branch of the Gunmukan (Office for Military Affairs) in Osaka in July 1869 and set up the government's Heigakuryo Military Academy in October, also in Osaka.
    また大村は、2年6月の段階で大阪に軍務官の大阪出張所を設置していたが、9月には同じく大阪に兵部省の兵学寮を設けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He quit the Kyoto Prefectural Daini High School (present Toba Senior High School, Kyoto Prefectural) and after learning painting under Yoshihiko ITO, he entered Shogoin Institute of Western Art (present Kansai Bijutsuin (Fine Arts Academy of Western Japan))presided by Tadashi ASAI.
    京都府立第二中学校(現在の京都府立鳥羽高等学校)を中退し、伊藤快彦に絵を学んだ後、浅井忠が主催する聖護院洋画研究所(現在の関西美術院)に入る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He was appointed judge of the Kyoto Young Men's Society of Painting (1886), became a member of the Kyoto Fine Arts Association (1890), an advisor to the Kyoto City Young Painter Exhibition of Japan (1891), a Teishitsu Gigeiin (Imperial art expert) (1917) and was a member of the Imperial Fine Arts Academy (1919).
    京都青年絵画研究会展示会の評議員(1886年)、京都美術協会委員(1890年)、京都市立日本青年絵画共進会顧問(1891年)、帝室技芸員(1917年)、帝国美術院会員(1919年)と、順風満帆だった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After returning to Kyoto in 1924, he studied sketches and western style painting at Kansai Art Academy and Western Art Research Institute, and established a kiln at Kiyomizu Shindo Ishidanshita.
    1924年京都に戻った後、関西美術院洋画研究所でデッサンや洋画の研究をする傍ら、清水新道石段下に窯を構え制作を始める。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Joseph Hardy Neeshima (born February 12, 1843, died January 23, 1890, and known as Joe NIIJIMA in Japan) was a Christian proselytizer and founder of the Doshisha Eigakko (Academy), formerly known as Doshisha University.
    新島襄(にいじまじょう、英字表記:JosephHardyNeesima、天保14年1月14日(旧暦)(1843年2月12日)-明治23年(1890年)1月23日)はキリスト教の布教家で、同志社大学の前身となる同志社英学校の創立者である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Ugetsu Monogatari (Tales of Moon and Rain): 'Silver Lion' at the Venice Film Festival in 1953, nominated for Academy Award for Costume Design, 'Career Achievement Award' from the National Board of Review
    雨月物語(1953年ヴェネツィア国際映画祭「銀獅子賞」、米アカデミー賞衣装デザイン賞ノミネート、ナショナル・ボード・オブ・レビュー「経歴賞」) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It received numerous awards including the Peace Prize of the Czech International Film Festival, the United Nations Award of the British Film Academy, and Polish Journalists Association Honorary Award, as well as becoming the world's first anti-nuclear film.
    チェコ国際映画祭平和賞、英国フィルムアカデミー国連賞、ポーランドジャーナリスト協会名誉賞など多くの賞を受け、世界に於いても反核映画の第1号となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, with the aggravation of the war situation, he was called to duty and joined an army technical training school, Rikugun Kohei Gakko in Matsue, and he greeted the end of the war at Toyohashi Yobishikan Gakko (preliminary military academy to foster junior army officers).
    しかし戦局の悪化に伴い招集され、松戸の陸軍工兵学校に入隊、豊橋陸軍予備士官学校で終戦を迎えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • His film "Rainbow Kids" (1991) won the Japan Academy Prize for best director and best screenplay, and since then many of his films began to further enhance the entertaining aspect.
    『大誘拐RAINBOWKIDS』(1991年)では日本アカデミー賞最優秀監督賞、最優秀脚本賞を受賞し、持ち味の一つである娯楽色をさらに前面に押し出した作品が多くなっていく。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The production of his first film, however, was greatly delayed partly due to the draft of some of the actors, and 2 years later, in 1939, it was finally released as Imai's debut film "Numazu Heigakko" (Numazu Military Academy).
    しかし、処女作は出演俳優が兵役に取られるなどして完成が大幅に遅れ、やっと公開されたのが2年後の1939年、『沼津兵学校映画』が監督デビュー作となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1953, "Jigokumon" (Gate of Hell), likened to a historic picture scroll brimming with flamboyant colors, won the Palme d'Or grand prize at the Cannes Film Festival, an Academy honorary award and costume design award, and the New York Film Critics Circle Award for "Best Foreign Language Film."
    1953年、華麗な色彩美あふれた歴史絵巻『地獄門』がカンヌ国際映画祭グランプリ、米アカデミー賞の名誉賞と衣装デザイン賞の2部門、ニューヨーク映画批評家賞外国語映画賞を受賞した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1879 he was engaged in the compilation of "Kojiruien" (an encyclopedia of ancient literatures), in 1882 he became a professor at the Tokyo University as well as a member of the Tokyo gakushiin (Tokyo Academy), and in addition, he was appointed to be the chairperson of the editorial committee of "Kojiruien."
    翌明治12年、『古事類苑』編纂に従事し、明治15年(1882年)、東京大学教授・東京学士院会員となり、明治19年、東京大学法科兼文科大学教授に就任、併せて『古事類苑』編纂委員長となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He was appointed as a Constitution Investigation Commissioner in 1876, a member of the Tokyo Academy in 1879, an official in charge of the Imperial Household at the Ministry of Education in 1880, and a Genroin gikan (councilor of Chamber of Elders or Senate) in 1885, and created a viscount in 1887.
    明治9年(1876年)に国憲調査委員、明治12年(1879年)に東京学士会会員、明治13年(1880年)に文部省御用掛、明治18年(1885年)に元老院議官となり、明治20年(1887年)には子爵を授爵した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Manzo NOMURA, the sixth (July 22, 1898 - May 6, 1978) was Nohgakushi (Noh actor), the member of the Japan Art Academy, and the holder of Important Intangible Cultural Property (Living National Treasure).
    6世野村万蔵(ろくせいのむらまんぞう、明治31年(1898年)7月22日-昭和53年(1978年)5月6日)は、能楽師、日本芸術院会員・重要無形文化財保持者(人間国宝)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Minetaro YAMANAKA, who attended military academy a year ahead of him, later, as a novelist, wrote the popular novel 'Tekichu Odan Sanbyakuri' (Crossing 300-ri Behind Enemy Lines) and influenced him to read Roan UCHIDA's translation of the controversial novel "Resurrection" written Lev Tolstoi.
    陸軍士官学校では、「敵中横断三百里」で人気を呼ぶ小説家山中峯太郎が一級上にいて、その影響から内田魯庵訳のレフ・トルストイの『復活(小説)』を読み、物議をかもした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Today's academy, however, is skeptical about the methodology itself which seeks to understand the Yamataikoku study by identifying Toyo as someone in myths or someone in genealogical chart of "Kiki" (Kojiki and Nihonshoki; "A Record of Ancient Matter" and "Chronicles of Japan").
    しかしながら、現在の学界では、台与を記紀の神話や系譜上の誰かに当てて邪馬台国論を理解しようとする方法論そのものに懐疑的である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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