「cooperate with」を含む例文一覧(812)

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  • (2) In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, a person who is near the scene of the fire shall cooperate with the activities carried out by the persons listed in the preceding paragraph in extinguishing the fire or preventing the spread of the fire or in rescuing human life.
    2 前項の場合においては、火災の現場附近に在る者は、前項に掲げる者の行う消火若しくは延焼の防止又は人命の救助に協力しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • Article 35-7 (1) An ambulance team member, when it is urgently necessary, may request a person who is near the scene where a person suffering an injury or contracting a disease as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (9) is found, to cooperate with the ambulance services.
    第三十五条の七 救急隊員は、緊急の必要があるときは、第二条第九項に規定する傷病者の発生した現場付近に在る者に対し、救急業務に協力することを求めることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • (2) The persons concerned in the case shall cooperate with the court so that trial proceedings progress according to the schedule that has been specified in a pretrial conference procedure or an interim conference procedure.
    2 訴訟関係人は、公判の審理が公判前整理手続又は期日間整理手続において定められた予定に従つて進行するよう、裁判所に協力しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • Article 56 The captain of a vessel or aircraft entering Japan and the carrier who operates such a vessel or aircraft shall cooperate with an immigration inspector in executing his/her duties such as immigration inspection.
    第五十六条 本邦に入る船舶等の長及びその船舶等を運航する運送業者は、入国審査官の行う審査その他の職務の遂行に協力しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • Article 72-2 The National Public Safety Commission, the Minister of MEXT, the Minister of METI and the Minister of MLIT shall cooperate together with respect to the regulations for the physical protection of specific nuclear fuel material pursuant to this Act.
    第七十二条の二 国家公安委員会、文部科学大臣、経済産業大臣及び国土交通大臣は、この法律に基づく特定核燃料物質の防護のための規制に関し相互に協力するものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • (2) City residents shall cooperate with measures that national and local governments enact to achieve the purpose of this Act and are obliged to make efforts to develop a good urban environment.
    2 都市の住民は、国及び地方公共団体がこの法律の目的を達成するため行なう措置に協力し、良好な都市環境の形成に努めなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • (3) Any person engaging in the sale of the consumer products shall cooperate with the measures that are taken by a person engaging in the manufacture or import of such products under orders as described in paragraph (1) of the following Article.
    3 消費生活用製品の販売の事業を行う者は、製造又は輸入の事業を行う者が次条第一項の規定による命令を受けてとる措置に協力しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • (viii) Continuing to request that persons other than the Obligor, etc. cooperate in the collection of claims, although said persons have refused to inform the Money Lender of the residence or contact address of the Obligor, etc. or have refused to conduct any other acts in cooperation with the Money Lender in the collection of claims;
    八 債務者等以外の者が債務者等の居所又は連絡先を知らせることその他の債権の取立てに協力することを拒否している場合において、更に債権の取立てに協力することを要求すること。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • Members were encouraged to actively cooperate with the staff and other members in the design and review of proposed specifications,and in the design, coding and testing of sample implementations of thosespecifications.
    会員は提案する仕様の設計と吟味、この仕様のサンプル実装の設計、コーディングテストにおいてスタッフや他の会員に積極的に協力することが奨励された。 - XFree86
  • Soka Gakkai has made the same claim in recent years, insisting that it has attacked other Buddhist sects in the past under similar circumstances and that it will make efforts to cooperate with these sects in the future unless it is subjected to criticism by other sects.
    これは創価学会も、近年になってこの点を主張し「創価学会も似たような事情から他宗派を反撃した過去があるが、今後は攻撃されない限り協調していきたい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, most of the storytellers who belong to the Kamigata Rakugo Association cooperate with one another regardless of their companies when they perform at the Tenma Tenjin Hanjotei Theater or when they take part in 'Hikohachi Festival.'
    しかし、大多数の落語家は上方落語協会の会員であり、天満天神繁昌亭への出演や「彦八まつり」への参加などでは事務所の枠を超えて協力し合っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Muneko foresaw the defeat of the Sutoku side and said "In this matter, the Shinin (newer ex-emperor) will not compromise. There is no way we can win." and ordered Yorimori to cooperate with his elder brother, Kiyomori, telling him to, "Follow your elder brother, Kiyomori, without fail" (quoted from the "Gukansho").
    宗子は「コノ事ハ一定新院ノ御方ハマケナンズ。勝ツベキヤウモナキ次第ナリ」と崇徳方の敗北を予測して、頼盛に「ヒシト兄ノ清盛ニツキテアレ」と協力することを命じた(『愚管抄』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Yorimichi did not cooperate with the Crown Prince and, in 1050, his only daughter, FUJIWARA no Kanshi, entered the court to become Empress, accompanied by great hopes that a prince would be born but this was not to be.
    頼通は東宮には協力せず、永承5年(1050年)に一人娘の藤原寛子を入内させ皇后となし、皇子誕生に望みを繋いだがやはり皇子を生むことはなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, Kaneie tried to cooperate with Tamemitsu to counterbalance MINAMOTO no Masanobu who then Sadaijin (minister of the left), so Tamemitsu was appointed to Udaijin in 986 and received the investiture of Juichii (Junior First Rank) the next year.
    だが、兼家は左大臣源雅信に対抗するために為光との連携を図り、寛和2年(986年)右大臣に任じられて、翌987年(寛和3年)には従一位に叙せられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After they succeeded in killing Shinzei, Tsunemune and Korekata had no need to cooperate with the Insei group any more and, therefore, they secretly contacted TAIRA no Kiyomori and let the Emperor Nijo escape from the dairi (Imperial Palace) to Rokuhara.
    信西殺害に成功して院政派と組む必要がなくなった経宗・惟方は、密かに平清盛と内通して二条を内裏から六波羅に脱出させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He is also known as a person who offered his demesne at the present-day Imadegawa Campus of Doshisha University to cooperate with Joseph Hardy Neesima (Joe NIIJIMA) who founded Doshisha English School (present-day Doshisha University).
    また、同志社英学校(現同志社大学)の創立者新島襄の協力者として、現在の同志社大学今出川校地の敷地を譲った人物としても知られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It seems that Masamune planned to organize allied forces of territorial lords of Oshu led by Date clan, and then the forces would cooperate with Gohojo clan, while he also anticipated and waited for the rise of seditious groups within the Toyotomi administration such as Ieyasu TOKUGAWA.
    また、伊達家を中心に奥州の諸大名の連合軍を組織し後北条氏と連携、徳川家康ら豊臣家中の不穏分子の蜂起を待つという構想も持っていたようだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In order to suppress the rebellious troops led by Oama no Miko, Otomo no Oji (Prince Otomo who has been called Emperor Kobun since the Meiji era) sent three envoys to Yamato City (old capital of Asuka) to cooperate with Rusutsukasa (guard of city) of Yamato City, Takasaka no Okimi in forming troops.
    大友皇子(弘文天皇)は、大海人皇子の反乱を鎮圧するため、使者三人を倭京(飛鳥の古い都)に遣わし、倭京の留守司高坂王とともに兵を集めさせた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Aristocrats subordinate to the Jimyoin line naturally did not cooperate with Godaigo, but many of the aristocrats subordinate to Daikakuji line preferred the direct descendent Kuniyoshi to the 'One-generation-head' Godaigo.
    持明院統に仕える貴族たちが後醍醐に協力しなかったのはもちろん、大覚寺統に仕える貴族たちも多くは「一代主」でしかない後醍醐よりも嫡流の邦良に仕えることを選んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • These measures were taken under the wishes of Takauji, who wanted to extract concessions from Godaigo and have him cooperate with Takauji's new government, but Godaigo refused any compromises and immediately escaped Kyoto to establish his own imperial court in Yoshino.
    このような措置は、後醍醐から譲歩を引き出し、自らの新政権に協力させたい尊氏の意向によるものであったが、後醍醐はいっさいの妥協を拒み、すぐに京都を脱出して吉野に自らの朝廷を樹立した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Since Tsushima was considered one of the most important bases of the wako pirates, the So clan, who was the governor of Tsushima Province, was requested to cooperate with the Korean Dynasty, so the So clan responded to that request and eventually began to undertake active participation in the trade between Japan and Korea.
    特に対馬は倭寇の一大拠点と目されており、対馬守護であった宗氏に対してもこうした協力が要請され、宗氏もそれに応え日朝交易に積極的に参加をしていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After that, people came to say that persons who did not cooperate with the copper production were betrayers of the country, because the increase production was demanded as a national policy, therefore the movement against the mining pollution temporarily subsided.
    これ以降の時代は、国策である銅の増産に協力しない者は非国民であるという主張がされるようになり、鉱毒反対運動は一時下火になった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • During this time, Kowashi INOUE convinced Kaoru INOUE, a sworn ally of Ito (Inoue thought of introduction of parliamentary Cabinet system in future), and asked Ito to cooperate with Satsuma domain clique and decide on establishment of a constitution and the time of opening a parliament.
    この間にも井上毅が伊藤の盟友・井上馨(当初は将来的な議院内閣制導入を唱えていた)を自派に引き入れ、伊藤が薩摩藩藩閥と結んでまず憲法制定・議会開催時期の決定することを求めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Since the exclusion of foreign ships from the Yokohama port was rejected by the U.S. and the Netherland, the bakufu tried to have a conference with the envoys of the U.S., Britain, France and Russia to persuade them to cooperate on October 31.
    米蘭との交渉で鎖港を拒否された為、今度は10月31日(旧暦9月19日(旧暦))に、米・英・仏・露の4カ国公使と会見しての説得を試みた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Minister of the Left, Hisamitsu SHIMAZU, who had shown an attitude to cooperate with Itagaki at a time, also resigned; consequently the old regime led by Iwakura and Okubo was restored.
    一時期板垣と連携する動きを見せた左大臣・島津久光までもが辞表を提出し、岩倉・大久保らが主導権を握る体制に戻った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, Teikokuzaiseikakushin kai shifted its policy to cooperate with minto due to the opposition to the Treaty of Shimonoseki and the Triple Intervention, and dissolved to join the formation of the Shinpo-to (Progressive Party of the Meiji Period) in 1896.
    だが、下関条約と三国干渉に対する反発から民党との連携路線に転じ、1896年の進歩党(明治)結成に合流するために解散した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Oshu Fujiwara clan had never changed its attitude throughout its life that it would never refuse to accept kokushi (provincial officers) dispatched from the central government and cooperate with them as the most influential clan in the Oshu region.
    奥州藤原氏は、中央から来る国司を拒まず受け入れ、奥州第一の有力者としてそれに協力するという姿勢を最後まで崩さなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1366, after Takatsune SHIBA's downfall, Seii Taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians") Yoshiakira ASHIKAGA ordered Muneyoshi ISHIBASHI, Kazuyoshi's son, to cooperate with the Oshu governor Tadamochi SHIBA and Sadatsune KIRA to search out and kill Haruie KIRA.
    貞治5年(1366年)、斯波高経が失脚すると征夷大将軍足利義詮は和義の子石橋棟義を抜擢して奥州管領斯波直持と吉良貞経と協力して吉良治家を追討させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In addition to this, there are various other issues. On the other hand, when a president of a second-tier regional bank visited me yesterday, he expressed strong hope to cooperate with the postal businesses.
    そのことだけではなくて、いろいろな面で、一昨日来られたある第二地銀の頭取の方は、「ぜひ、この郵政事業と自分たち、協力してやりたい」という、非常に強い意思を持っておられたので。 - 金融庁
  • As for the Consumer Agency, you said that the FSA will explore ways to cooperate with the Consumer Agency. Does that mean you are not giving particular consideration to the idea of transferring the FSA's jurisdiction over laws?
    「消費者庁」の件ですが、連携を探っていくということは、所管の法律の移管ということは特に考えていらっしゃらないということでしょうか。 - 金融庁
  • In addition, I would like to request you cabinet ministers to follow up on the implementation of the five-point plan for ensuring a sense of safety.As the entire cabinet aims to ensure the safety and security of the people, I would like the relevant cabinet ministers to cooperate with each other in implementing necessary measures."
    内閣をあげて国民の安心と安全の確保に向け、関係閣僚におかれては一致協力して進めていただきたい。」 - 金融庁
  • Also, we will encourage private financial institutions to cooperate with credit guarantee associations in efforts to facilitate financing for SMEs.
    また、民間金融機関に対しましては、信用保証協会等と連携して中小企業に対する円滑な資金供給に努めるよう促したいと思います。 - 金融庁
  • Also, I understand that Japan is providing short-term funds, and it is very important that countries around the world cooperate with one another in this regard.
    それから、日本も短期資金を出しているやに聞いていますけれども、やはりこれは世界各国が協調してやっていくということが非常に大事なことですしね。 - 金融庁
  • I understand that Norinchukin Bank and Rokinren Bank will become eligible for the application of this act. Could you tell me whether there is a sufficient source of revenue, and how you intend to cooperate with the relevant ministries and agencies in this respect?
    新たに農林中金や労働金庫などが対象になるということのようですけれども、財源は十分なのか、そういった関係省庁との連携を含め改めてご所見をお伺い出来ますでしょうか。 - 金融庁
  • To put it simply, first, I must cooperate closely with the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications to steadily implement the reform of the postal businesses based on the amended Postal Service Privatization Act.
    簡単に申し上げますと、一つは総務大臣と緊密に連携して、新たな郵政民営化法に基づく郵政事業改革の着実な推進に取り組む事ということでございました。 - 金融庁
  • The right approach will be to cooperate with regional financial institutions while discussing what can be done to achieve regional revitalization. I will encourage such efforts.
    そこは協調して、地域活性化のために何ができるかなというところから、素朴に出発してよく話し合いをしながら、協調してやっていくのが正しい道だなと、こう思っています。これは、そういう努力をしていきましょうということです。 - 金融庁
  • As it is also important to cooperate with foreign authorities in efforts to prevent a recurrence of the financial crisis and establish a robust financial system, we will continue to actively participate in the discussions on such issues.
    また、金融危機の再発防止と強固な金融システムの構築に向けて国際的に連携していくことは重要であり、そうした議論に今後とも積極的に参画してまいります。 - 金融庁
  • Moreover, the Cabinet Secretariat naturally has relevant functions, too, so we will cooperate with such organizations. Other ministries face serious problems of their own, as I mentioned earlier. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is also involved in this matter, as there is the issue of finance for farmers.
    私は、いつか申し上げたと思いますけれども、他の省はそれぞれに大きい問題を抱えておりまして、それから農林水産省も入っております。 - 金融庁
  • We will not immediately set forth concrete measures regarding those matters. Rather, as we will need to hold discussion and cooperate with relevant parties from now on and to take account of the progress in the examination of this case, I would like you to understand that it is difficult for me to say anything definite at this time.
    それぞれの事項については、直ちに具体策を提示するということではなく、今後、各関係者と協議・連携していく必要があり、また、今後の事案の解明の進展も踏まえていく必要もあると思っております。 - 金融庁
  • This could affect the financial status of pension funds, so we will closely cooperate with the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, which is responsible for pension administration.
    私は、各年金(基金)の財務状況に影響を与えかねないことから、年金行政を所管する厚生労働省とも密接な連携を取ってまいりたいというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁
  • For its part, the FSA (Financial Services Agency) will continue to cooperate with relevant authorities in Japan and other countries and actively participate in international debates on ways to prevent a recurrence of the financial crisis and strengthen the financial system
    金融庁としては、今後とも、各国当局や国内の関係当局等と連携・協調し、金融危機の再発防止・金融システムの強化に向けた国際的な議論に積極的に参画していきたいと思っております - 金融庁
  • . In response to consultations and requests from customers regarding new finance and loan condition changes, etc., does the financial institution closely cooperate with that guarantee company, etc. and work to quickly respond?
    ・ 顧客からの新規融資や貸付条件の変更等の相談・申込みに対し、当該保証会社等と緊密に連携し、迅速な対応を図ることとしているか。 - 金融庁
  • . In cases of denial of the customer’s request for a new finance or loan condition changes, etc., does the financial institution closely cooperate with that guarantee company, and provide appropriate explanations corresponding to the customer’s knowledge, experience and asset situation?
    ・ 顧客からの新規融資や貸付条件の変更等の申込みを謝絶する場合には、当該保証会社と緊密に連携し、顧客の知識・経験及び財産の状況に応じた適切な説明を行っているか。 - 金融庁
  • Under USADA rules, a second doping offense deserves a lifetime ban, but Gatlin avoided it by promising to cooperate with USADA in its efforts against doping.
    USADAの規定の下では,2回目のドーピング違反は永久追放処分に値するが,ガトリン選手はUSADAの反ドーピングの取り組みに協力することを約束し,それを回避した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • To help revive the economy, Abe and Aso will have to cooperate with Motegi Toshimitsu, the minister of economy, trade and industry, and Amari Akira, the minister in charge of economic revitalization.
    経済の回復を助けるため,安倍首相と麻生氏は茂(もて)木(ぎ)敏(とし)充(みつ)経済産業大臣や甘(あま)利(り)明(あきら)経済再生担当大臣と協力しなければならないだろう。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • We call on the IMF and other relevant institutions to cooperate with national authorities to create a better system for monitoring cross-border capital flows:
    我々は、IMF及び他の関連する機関に対し、各国当局と協力しながら、国境を越えた資本移動のモニタリングのためのより良いシステムを作ることを求める。 - 財務省
  • Through these seminars, the ADB and the IDB cooperate with each other. We encourage the continued development of this new initiative and partnership between regional development banks.
    ADBとIDBが、これらのセミナーの開催を契機として互いに協力することになったことは、地域開発金融機関同士のパートナーシップという面での新たな試みであり、今後の発展を大いに歓迎したいと思います。 - 財務省
  • To make the meeting fruitful for African development, Japan would like to cooperate with President Kaberuka and other people here who are from African countries and international and regional agencies and play a key role in African development.
    TICADⅤが有意義な会議となるよう、カベルカ総裁を始め、アフリカ各国及び国際機関・地域機関といったアフリカの開発に重要な役割を担う皆さまと共に取り組んでいきたいと思います。 - 財務省
  • The Government of Japan will continue to cooperate with the Bankin its efforts to take advantage of every aspect of these lessons, including optimum use of the Japan-Europe Cooperation Fund, which was established within the EBRD to support its technical cooperation activities.
    我が国は、EBRDに設けてある技術協力のための日本・欧州協力基金の活用も含め、こうした教訓を生かすEBRDの取り組みに協力していきたいと考えております。 - 財務省
  • I hope that the EBRD will do its part, too, to work actively to improve its staff diversity, cooperate with Japan's private sector, and enhance its public relations activities.
    EBRDにおかれても、スタッフの多様性の改善、我が国の民間セクターとの協働、広報活動の拡充などに積極的に取り組んでいくことを期待します。 - 財務省
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