「to blame」を含む例文一覧(474)

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  • When the children flew away, Mr. Darling felt in his bones that all the blame was his for having chained Nana up, and that from first to last she had been wiser than he.
    コドモ達が飛んで行ってしまって、パパはすべて悪いのはナナをつないだ自分で、最初から最後までナナは自分より賢かったということが骨身にしみたのです。 - James Matthew Barrie『ピーターパンとウェンディ』
  • Besides, military men who agreed to the Seikanron, they didn't blame SAIGO who returned home without training the replacement of the downfall councilor, Konoe-totoku (Commander-in-Chief of the Inner Palace Guard) that was violation of law, instead, on the contrary, they encouraged only SAIGO to make a comeback to the government, and the large numbers of bureaucracies and military men who were close to ITAGAKI and GOTO were resentful at it and resigned.
    また征韓論に賛成する軍人、下野した参議近衛都督の引継ぎを行わないまま帰国した法令違反で西郷を咎めるどころか、逆に西郷に対してのみ政府への復帰を働きかけている事に憤慨して、板垣・後藤に近い官僚・軍人が大量に辞職した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In addition, Rene of Hongaku-ji Temple tried to blame Rengo for his banishment from Echizen Province as a result of failure in attack against the Asakura clan in the province which has been advanced by Rengo and others, but in return, he finally yielded to Rengo who suggested Rene's excommunication to the head of the sect Jitsunyo.
    更に蓮悟らによって進められた越前国朝倉氏攻め失敗の煽りを受けて越前を追放された本覚寺の蓮恵が蓮悟に対して越前追放を受けた責任を追及しようとしたところ、逆に法主実如に蓮恵の破門を進言して最終的に屈服させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although it is not inappropriate to blame him for the fact that there are incomparably less green in Tokyo than London, New York, or Paris, we can not overlook his error that the aspects to unify a local community, the core to solve urban problems, were destroyed by the person who was describing himself as professional of self-government, yet in reality simply followed the fashion of the day.
    世界のロンドン、ニューヨーク、パリと比しても圧倒的に森が少ない点を後藤の責に帰する訳にはいかないが、自治のプロを任じながら時代の流れののままに、都市問題解決の中核となる地域コミュニティの結束点を破壊しているのは断じて見過ごせない点である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • To provide a control instrument used both for a defending shield capable of effectively control and arrest an offender without receiving any blame of excessive defence, such as a definite damage given to the body of an opponent or the like, while securing a perfect space at a site facing to the offender having an offensive weapon.
    抵抗する持凶器犯人に対峙した現場において、安全な間合を確保しつつ、かつ相手の身体に対しては決定的なダメージを与える等過剰防衛のそしりを受けず効果的に制圧逮捕が可能な防御盾を兼ねた制圧器具。 - 特許庁
  • Some scholars state that the diary was written in order to blame Kaneie or take revenge on him, but Yuichiro IMANISHI offered the opinion that it was a kind of propaganda that Kaneie helped to make because the diary contained many of his poems.
    なお兼家への恨み言を綴ったもの、ないし復讐のための書とする学者もあるが、今西祐一郎は、作中に兼家の和歌が多数収められていることなどから、兼家の協力を得た、宣伝のための書ではないかという説を唱えている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • "Honcho Bugei Shoden" describes another version of the incident at the Sarugaku Performance; according to that, although 'Matasaburo Kanefusa YOSHIOKA' had a fight with the security guards, other members of the Yoshioka present at the site didn't take any steps to help Matasaburo, therefore, Shoshidai (Representative of governor of the board of retainers) Katsusige ITAKURA didn't blame Yoshioka family.
    前述の『本朝武芸小伝』にも猿楽興行の異説があり、事件を起こしたのは吉岡又三郎兼房であり、事件の最中吉岡一族の者が多く居たが、騒ぎたてず加勢しなかったため、所司代板倉勝重が吉岡一族を不問にしたとある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • From the darker side of Japanese history, HOSHI, who brought into the political world rightists of the Liberal Party after the 'Osaka Incident,' including young activists called Santama Soshi such as Tsuneemon MURANO and Sakuzo MORIKUBO, is said to have been heavily to blame for the numerous scandals in Tokyo municipal government.
    日本裏面史より見れば、三多摩の村野常右衛門、森久保作蔵など「大阪事件」以降の自由党右派の壮士たちを政界に引き入れたことで、たとえ星自身が金銭的に潔白であるとしても、東京市政の疑獄の数々には彼の責も大きいと言われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Also, he dissolved merchant guilds as a part of the low-price policy, as he placed a blame on them for rising goods prices, but he minted low-quality coins to compensate the finance shortage of bakufu at the same time, which brought about an outcome completely opposite to a price reduction.
    また、物価騰貴は株仲間に原因ありとして株仲間の解散を命じる低物価政策を実施したが、その一方で低質な貨幣を濫造して幕府財政の欠損を補う政策をとったため、物価引下げとは相反する結果をもたらした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The relation between Emperor Goshirakawa and TAIRA no Kiyomori came into crisis due to the Shikagatani Incident in 1177, but Kiyomori limited the scale of the incident to the execution of FUJIWARA no Narichika and Saiko, who were the heads conspirators, and the exile of participants, and did not put the blame on the emperor at this time.
    治承元年(1177年)の鹿ケ谷事件により後白河天皇と平清盛の関係は危機的状況となったが、この時は清盛も首謀者の藤原成親・西光の処刑と参加者の配流にとどめ、法皇自身の責任は問わなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Cases of revenge after the killing of a close relative are found in various parts of the world, including southern Italy; however, the characteristic of Katakiuchi in the Edo period is that it was legitimized as a method to supplement Kenka Ryoseibai (in a quarrel both parties are to blame) and that the aim was not the revenge but the pride or honor of a samurai.
    近親者を殺されてその復讐をする例は、南イタリアを始めとして、世界各地で見られるが、江戸時代の敵討は、喧嘩両成敗を補完する方法として法制化されていたことと、主眼は復讐ではなく武士の意地・面目であるとされていた点に特徴がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As it was explained that Terumoto had been just deceived, when Hiroie KIKKAWA communicated secretly, Terumoto managed to keep his territories; however, as his name was found in a (secret) covenant under joint signature found in Osaka-jo Castle after the defeat, Ieyasu TOKUGAWA annulled the agreement, and Terumoto took the blame and his territories were diminished to the Suo Province and Nagato Province (Choshu Domain).
    吉川広家の内通時に毛利氏は担ぎ上げられただけとの弁明により、所領は安泰であったが、敗戦後に大坂城で押収された書状に連判状に輝元の名があったことから徳川家康は約束を反故にし、輝元は責任を問われ周防国・長門国(長州藩)に減封された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Amid the difficult economic condition, especially for SMEs, if SMEs are to avoid failure and survive…. When the economic condition is good, sound SMEs can raise funds, but now they are having difficulty receiving business orders. They are not to blame for this situation, rather the entire economy is.
    それと、副大臣に、「信組、信金等の代表の方々からも同じように意見、知恵をいただく、そういうことをやっておけ」ということで、すぐ副大臣のほうからそれぞれ連絡をとって、それを要請する予定にしております。それはまだ結果を聞いておりませんが。 - 金融庁
  • An attention obligation degree setting part 26 sets an attention obligation degree corresponding to a rating blame in time of an accident encounter to a combination the regulation kind on the own vehicle side and the regulation kind on the crossing vehicle side obtained by the regulation kind acquisition part 24.
    注意義務度設定部26によって、規制種別取得部24によって取得された自車側及び交差車両側の各々の規制種別の組み合わせに対して、事故遭遇時の過失割合に対応する注意義務度を設定する。 - 特許庁
  • Subsequently, his anger cools after Onna San no Miya becomes a nun and Kashiwagi passes away, and he considers that his deceased father might also have known of Genji's sin but did not blame him, so he makes up his mind to raise the child as his own without telling anybody the secret.
    その後女三宮の出家と柏木の死でさすがに怒りも和らぎ、また亡き父帝も源氏の過ちを悟っていながら咎めなかったのではないかと思いを馳せて、源氏は生まれた子の秘密を誰にもいわず自分の子として育てる事になった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The retainers of the Asano family became very angry claiming that the fact only their lord Asano Takumi no Kami committed seppuku and Kira Kosuke no Suke did not receive any punishment was against 'Kenka,' and there are, in fact, some 'judicial precedents' for affairs of sword fight based on Kenka Ryoseibai (in a quarrel both parties are to blame) in the early Edo period
    主君である浅野内匠頭だけが切腹となり、吉良上野介に咎めがなかったのは「喧嘩」に反すると浅野家の家臣達が憤慨したと言われており、確かに江戸前期の刃傷事件には喧嘩両成敗の“判例”がいくつかある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • We, as policymakers who have the responsibility of dealing with global financial issues, should use the term “crisis” with utmost care, but it would be difficult to blame anyone for describing the current situation of the world economy as a “financial crisis.”
    我々は、国際金融問題に対処する責任を負う政策立案者として、“危機”という言葉を使うことには最大限の注意が必要ですが、現下の世界経済情勢を“金融危機”と表現することに異を唱えることは困難です。 - 財務省
  • Prior to the publication of the notice of the decision concerning registration, access to a registry file is granted to the applicant and a person who has written consent of the applicant, or a person who proves that applicant, after the registration of the trade mark, intends to blame the person of infringement of the applicant’s exclusive right of the proprietor of trade mark.
    登録に関する決定の通知に係る公告前に,出願人,出願人の承諾書を有する者,又は出願人が商標登録後出願人の商標所有者としての排他権を侵害したか否かで自己の責任を問おうとしていることを証明した者に対し,登録ファイルの閲覧を認めるものとする。 - 特許庁
  • And what was said about another matter? Is the pupil who devotes himself to the practice of gymnastics supposed to attend to the praise and blame and opinion of every man, or of one man only--his physician or trainer, whoever he may be? Of one man only.
    じゃあ、違う話ではどんなことが言われているだろうか。体操の練習をしようとする生徒は、みんなが自分をほめたりけなしたりする、そういう評価に耳を傾けるべきだろうか、それともたったひとりの―医者だったりトレーナーだったりする人だとしてだ―そういう人の評価に耳を傾けるべきだろうか。その人の評価だけを聞くべきだよ。 - Plato『クリトン』
  • However, people's unbearable emotion against the fact that even a person like Tsunetada who received exceptional favor (needless to say, that was because he had outstanding capability and there was a recognition in the Imperial Court that he was necessary regardless friend or foe) behaved so coolly was directed to Tsunetada as anger and blame.
    だが、経任ほどの破格の寵愛を受けてきた人間までが平然とそうした振舞いに出た事(勿論、彼がそれだけ能力に長けていて、敵味方問わずに必要な人材であるという朝廷内の認識があったからであるが)に対する人々のやり切れない思いが経任への怒り・非難として向けられたのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although she was ordered to do so days ago, she hesitated to obey the order, using her illness as an excuse or saying it would be quite a disgrace for the concubine of Yoshitsune to appear on a gala occasion although she was not in a position to blame somebody for her misfortune, but Masako frequently recommended Yoritomo to see Shizuka's dance, saying "It would be a great disappointment to miss the great performance of an excellent dancer while the dancer happens to be at this place and is going to return very soon," and persuaded Shizuka to perform the dance by saying "The dance is dedicated to Hachiman Daibosatsu."
    この事は以前から命じていたところ、病気のためと称して断ったり、わが身の不遇はあれこれ言う事は出来ないといえども、豫州(義経)の妾として晴れの場に出るのはすこぶる恥辱であると言って渋り続けていたが、政子が「天下の舞の名手がたまたまこの地に来て、近々帰るのに、その芸を見ないのは残念なこと」としきりに頼朝に勧め、「八幡大菩薩に備えるのだから」と言って静を説得。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Those who were amply rewarded for their meritorious contribution to the shogunate's defeat--Takauji ASHIKAGA, Yoshisada NITTA, Masashige KUSUNOKI, etc.--were only a tiny fraction of those who fought, and Norimura (Enshin) AKAMATSU, who had joined the struggle to overthrow the shogunate from the very beginning, was forced to forfeit his Protectorship of Harima Province, and the chaos caused by situations, like when a single plot of land found itself with multiple owners, showed the unfairness of the system to reward distinguished service against the shogunate, making it likely that discontent against the new government was strong right from the beginning; but Emperor Godaigo's vassals Sadafusa YOSHIDA and Tadaaki CHIGUSA were made to take the blame for this situation and were driven out of office and forced to take the tonsure.
    倒幕の功に応じて十分な恩賞を与えられた武士は、足利尊氏、新田義貞、楠木正成ら一部に過ぎず、最初から倒幕運動に加わって六波羅攻略に功を立てた赤松則村(円心)が播磨国の守護職を没収されたり、1つの土地に何人もの領主が現れて混乱するなど倒幕の功に対する恩賞が不公平で、新政の初期から武士の不満は強かったと推測され、後醍醐の近臣である吉田定房や千種忠顕が詰め腹を切らされる形で出家させられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On a global economic level, distortions in the allocation of resources and the international division of labor have also become serious problems. Even when subsidies are used to make up for short-term market failures, the potential for their purpose and terms of use to be subverted remains. Subsidies that are used as part of a "beggar-thyneighbour" policy ultimately may induce counter subsidies, leading to "subsidy wars." Subsidy policies will then be to blame not only for preventing a product from achieving its proper competitive position, but for needlessly draining the treasuries of the countries involved. The result is a larger burden for taxpayers. In no way, therefore, do such policies improve the economic welfare of anyone concerned.
    更に、ある国の補助金政策が別の国の産業に損害を与え(近隣窮乏化政策)、結果的に相手国の対抗的な補助政策を誘発して補助金競争を招く場合には、当該産品に関する適正な競争条件が損なわれるだけでなく、いたずらに両国の財政状況の悪化又は納税者の負担を増大させることとなり、何ら経済厚生を高めるものとはならないと言えよう。 - 経済産業省
  • The current economic turmoil has been caused by the Lehman shock, which was basically a consequence of the United States acting as the sole superpower. The characteristics of the U.S. economy as exemplified by its worship of finance or its inclination toward money games are to blame for that. That is, if I may say so, a self-inflicted wound caused by greed. The United States created the subprime loan business, and that led to its own collapse. In that sense, that was a historic, epochal turning point.
    そういった今の経済的な混乱をつくったのは、やはり基本的にアメリカの一強の結果として、リーマン・ショックで破裂した、それまで30年かかってきた金融至上主義といいますか、マネーゲームといった経済の体質そのものがアメリカ自身の責任で、言うなれば「欲の股裂け」という言葉を使っていいのか知りませんけれども、まさにそういったことで、自分でサブプライム・ローンを始め、自分で破綻したわけですから、そういった意味で、そこは非常に大きな歴史的、世紀的な転換点だと思っています。 - 金融庁
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