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英訳・英語 basic variable
該当件数 : 8件
The operation is repeated several times by changing the permutation of the base variable. - 特許庁
At first, a base variable, which comprises a variable showing a machining parameter, is extracted from an expression showing the machining condition. - 特許庁
あるクラスで、基底クラスですでに定義されているスロットを定義した場合、基底クラスのスロットで定義されているインスタンス変数は(デスクリプタを基底クラスから直接取得しない限り) アクセスできなくなります。例文帳に追加
If a class defines a slot also defined in a base class, the instance variable defined by the base class slot is inaccessible (except by retrieving its descriptor directly from the base class). - Python
Furthermore, the common information class 104 receives the common information 204 from the Servlet base class 103 to hold it as its own parameters. - 特許庁
By using base spectra, wherein the period is fixed previously as a variable, approximate spectrum wherein square spread to measurement spectrum becomes a minimum is found for each period, and the relation between the minimum square spread and periods is obtained as a graph. - 特許庁
Therefore, such an approximate spectrum which gives a minimum square error relative to the measured spectrum is found for each thickness of the film, by using basic spectra previously determined in which the thickness of the film is set as a variable, and a relation between the least square error and the thickness of the film is represented as a graph. - 特許庁
Hereby, the base spectrum wherein the film thickness is determined beforehand as a variable is used, and an approximate spectrum wherein the square error to the measuring spectrum becomes the least is found relative to each film thickness, and the relation between the least square error and the film thickness is determined as a graph (S1-S6). - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 8件
の ``組み込み例外'' の節に述べられているException クラスを基底クラスに持つ例外クラスも作成できます (NULLの代わりに他のクラスを渡した場合は別です)。 SpamError 変数は、新たに生成された例外クラスへの参照を維持することにも注意してください; これは意図的な仕様です!外部のコードが例外オブジェクトをモジュールから除去できるため、モジュールから新たに作成した例外クラスが見えなくなり、SpamError がぶら下がりポインタ (dangling pointer)になってしまわないようにするために、クラスに対する参照を所有しておかねばなりません。例文帳に追加
under ``Built-inExceptions.''Note also that the SpamError variable retains a reference to the newly created exception class; this is intentional! - Python
意味 | 例文 (8件) |
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