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英訳・英語 straight tubule
該当件数 : 49件
Microtubules are about 25 nanometers in diameter.発音を聞く - Weblio英語基本例文集
In the method for producing a heat exchanger, a straight pipe is prepared, a capillary whose diameter is smaller than that of the straight pipe and a linear brazing filler metal thinner than the capillary are simultaneously wound around the straight pipe along the longitudinal direction of the straight pipe, thereafter, heating is performed in a furnace, and the capillary is brazed to the straight pipe. - 特許庁
Q=πd^4n/128L ・1/μ ・ Δpd:ハニカム構造を構成する各毛細管の直径(mm)L:同上の毛細管の長さ(mm)n:同上の毛細管の数(本)μ:排ガスの粘度係数例文帳に追加
Q=πd^4n/128L(1/μ)▵p, where d: a diameter (mm) of each of capillary tubes constituting the honeycomb structure, L: length (mm) of each of the capillary tubes, n: the number of capillary tubes, and μ: a coefficient of viscosity of the exhaust gas. - 特許庁
To provide a method for producing a heat exchanger in which a capillary and a linear brazing filler metal are simultaneously wound around a straight pipe, heating is performed, and the capillary is brazed along the straight pipe, thus the installment of the brazing filler metal to the capillary and a coating operation of a paste-shaped brazing filler metal is eliminated, working cost is reduced, and a heat exchanger can be inexpensively produced. - 特許庁
Fixation parts 1a and 1b of the proximity conductor 1 to the capillaries are arranged to cover ranges of 1.4-2.6 mm from intersections between linear parts of the capillaries 11a and 11b and curvature parts 11e and 11f for connecting the capillaries to the main tube 11c. - 特許庁
In this flowmeter for detecting a mass flow rate of fluid based on a change of a temperature distribution of a sensor capillary 5 generated corresponding to the mass flow rate of the fluid, equipped with the sensor capillary 5 which is heated and wherein the fluid is circulated in the tube, a resistance capillary 7 for the fluid is provided in series with the sensor capillary 5. - 特許庁
One or multiple serial pipes, each created by connecting a narrow spiral pipe with a thick spiral pipe in series, are disposed in parallel with each other in order to form the velocity-heat converter. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 49件
In this case, both end faces of the bundle of the thin tubes 12 after being bent in U-shape are kept at a right angle relative to the axis thereof by twisting the bundle of the thin tubes 12 so that the connection of the cold accumulator 2 to the pulse tube 3 can be easily performed. - 特許庁
Then, with the electrode line 12 as a plus electrode and the thin tube 10 as a minus electrode, d.c. current is made to flow so as to form a plating film at the inner wall 10a of the thin tube 10. - 特許庁
An upright capillary 20 is arranged over the liquid level moving up and down corresponding to the liquid quantity, and a heat sensor (electrical resistor) 30 is mounted on the capillary 20. - 特許庁
Capillary tube plates 401 to 404 are laminated so that grooves 405 of the layers are extended to be perpendicular to each other and to be rotated each by 90 degrees in an X-Y plane. - 特許庁
To obtain a resin/metal composite thin tubular body which consists of a resin layer on its inner side and a metallic layer on its outer side, does not give rise to trouble in machining, etc., by post process steps and is straight and uniform. - 特許庁
Rectilinear or meandering line grooves are inscribed on the inner side of the tube for drainage to impart some capillarity to the tube for drainage itself. - 特許庁
Further the heat radiating side 87 of the heat pipe 8 is directly connected to a refrigerant capillary or the cooling fin of the heat exchanger 5. - 特許庁
An outer tube bulb has two ends, and the two ends are each directly jointed to a narrow tube of a discharge vessel through one joint means. - 特許庁
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