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Greater Adriaとは 意味・読み方・使い方

意味・対訳 大アドリア大陸(Greater Adria)は、2億4000万から1億4000万年前に存在した古大陸。
Wiktionary英語版での「Greater Adria」の意味 |
Greater Adria
greater + Adria. From being first discovered in researching the geologic region called Adria.[1]
Greater Adria
- (paleogeography, paleogeology) A Greenland-sized paleo-microcontinent in the Neo-Tethys Ocean that rifted from the north of Africa portion of the supercontinent of Gondwana and accreted to the south of Europe portion of the supercontinent of Laurasia, and thence subducted.
- 2019, Douwe J.J. van Hinsbergen, Trond H. Torsvik, Stefan M. Schmid, Liviu C. Maţenco, Marco Maffione, Reinoud L.M. Vissers, Derya Gürera, and Wim Spakman, “Orogenic architecture of the Mediterranean region and kinematic reconstruction of its tectonic evolution since the Triassic”, in Gondwana Research[1], DOI: , page 80:
- A northwestern ocean basin system was genetically related to the Atlantic Ocean, opened in Middle to Late Jurassic time, and is known as the Alpine Tethys Ocean, which include multiple branches, such as the Piemonte-Liguria Ocean between Greater Adria (i.e. modern Adria かつ the its restored portions now folded かつ thrusted in circum-Adriatic orogens), Iberia, and the Briançonnais continental fragment, and the Valais Ocean between the Briançonnais fragment and Europe
- 2020 November 11, Sonia Yeung, Marnie Forster, Emmanuel Skourtsos, and Gordon Lister, “Evidence for the Late Cretaceous Asteroussia event in the Gondwanan Ios basement terranes”, in Solid Earth[2], preprint, European Geosciences Union:
- In their reconstruction model, the Ios basement, along with other tectonic units in the Cycladic islands and Crete, are all part of a subducted Greater Adria continental ribbon.
- microcontinent
- paleomicrocontinent
- continent
- paleocontinent
Before accreting to Laurasia, the microcontinent of Iberia rifted from Greater Adria. What was once Greater Adria now forms the Alps, Apennines, the Balkans, Anatolia, the Caucasus. Including the Iberian microcontinent, it also now forms Iberia, the Pyrenees, and Occitania.[2][3][4]
- ^ Washington Post, "You may have visited the long-lost continent of Greater Adria without even knowing it", Kayla Epstein, 24 September 2019
- ^ CNN, "A lost continent has been found under Europe", Ashley Strickland, 23 September 2019
- ^ Forbes, "Goodbye Atlantis, Hello ‘Greater Adria’. A Lost Continent Has Been Mapped By Geologists", Jamie Carter, 15 September 2019
- ^ National Geographic, "Lost continent revealed in new reconstruction of geologic history", Robin George Andrews, 11 September 2019
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