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Among various types of kazari-fu, 'Kyokomachi-fu' and 'Hana-fu' (flower-shaped fu) of Kyoto and 'Kaga kazari-fu' (decorative fu of the Kaga region) are well known.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
京都の「京小町麩」、「花麩」、石川県の「加賀飾り麩」などが有名。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide an artificial flower decoration easily manufactured, having highly strong and fancy artificial flowers secure from falling and being usable as various types of accessories and room decorations such as a necklace, a broach, a hair accessory, a mural decoration, and a stationary article in the flower decoration disposed with a plurality of artificial flowers on a single flexible metal wire.例文帳に追加
1本の柔軟な金属線材に複数の造花を配置した花飾りに関し、製作が容易で、造花が脱落するおそれが全くなく、堅牢で装飾性の高い造花を作ることができ、ネックレス、ブローチ、髪飾り、壁掛け、置物などの種々の身飾品や部屋飾りとして利用することが可能な花飾りを得る。 - 特許庁
To provide a teaching material having education effects by producing a flower vase changing its color into respective types of colors and having color-changing flowers, a tower of champagne glasses beautifully changing the color, and color-changing ciphers, giving pupils seeing them a surprise and getting them interested in the phenomena.例文帳に追加
各種の色に変化し、花の色も変わる花瓶、美しく変色するシャンパングラスの塔、色の変わる暗号文字などを製作し、見るものに驚きを与え、この現象に興味を持たせ、教育する効果を持った教材を提供すること。 - 特許庁
At least, 13 pieces of mirrors in 9 categories were buried, that is, 1 piece each of Shaen Nishin Niju-kyo (a mirror with raised edge and relief engraving of two animals and two gods), Hokakukiku shishin-kyo Mirror (a round mirror with a square pattern in the middle and engraving of four gods), Jutai kyo (round mirror of animal pattern) and Hirabuchi (listel) Shinju-kyo Mirror (a mirror with relief engraving of animals), 3 pieces of Naiko Kamon-kyo Mirror (a mirror with patterns like a flower-petal) and 6 pieces of four types of Sankakubuchi Shinju-kyo Mirror (a round mirror with raised edge and relief engraving of animals and gods) on the basis of the restored pieces from fragments.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
破片から復元すると斜縁二神二獣鏡、方格規矩四神鏡、獣帯鏡、平縁の神獣鏡各一面、内行花文鏡三面、三角縁神獣鏡四種6面、計9種類で少なくとも13面鏡が副葬されていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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