該当件数 : 5件
それが 永遠に交わることのない 空と大地を 繋ぎ留めるように例文帳に追加
That binds together the earth and the sky, whom in all eternity will never mingle... - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
A third rope 114 is extended from a second anchor 113 for mooring the second reef body 111 and the second rope 112. - 特許庁
On the motorcycle, the air bag device is mounted which has an air bag 122 and a long webbing 130 for linking the air bag 122 to the body side. - 特許庁
This air bag device 120 installed on the motorcycle 100 is constituted to provide a bent part 124 having a smooth surface on a portion where a webbing 140 to connect the air bag 121 to the side of the car body makes contact with a retainer 123. - 特許庁
In an airbag device 120 fitted to a motorcycle 100, deployment and inflation of an airbag to the direction of a rider head by using a webbing for connecting the airbag to the motorcycle in the initial state of deployment and inflation of the airbag in a head-on collision of the motorcycle. - 特許庁
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