該当件数 : 4件
the collection of books of the Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, the Pauline and other epistles, and Revelation 例文帳に追加
福音書、使徒行伝、パウロの書簡と他の使徒書簡、ヨハネの黙示録の本を集めた物 - 日本語WordNet
The place name 'Osaka' first appeared in Chapter 4, Section 15 of Rennyo's "Epistles of Rennyo Shonin (Gobunsho)" as of November 22, 1498, according to historical sources. 例文帳に追加
同7年(1498年)11月22日付の蓮如の『御文(御文章)』四帖の十五に、「大坂」という地名が史料にはじめて現れる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Jitsunyo, racking his mind for what to do amongst these circumstances, planned several responses, notably: 1) promulgating--together with his younger brother Renjun and his son Ennyo--three different punitive admonitions, the most notable of which was the one focused on Jodo Shinshu followers in the Hokuriku region (central-north Japan) that outlawed Ikki; 2) establishing Ichimon-Ikka System that split the household at Hongan-ji Temple into the Ichimonshu (the lineage of the eldest son) and the Ikkashu (the lineage of the second and other sons); and 3) selecting 80 documents from among Rennyo's writings, compiling them into five volumes, calling them the Gobun (also referred as Ofumi, literally Epistles) and using them as the fundamental doctrinal creed of the sect. 例文帳に追加
この事態に苦慮した実如は、弟蓮淳・息子円如とともに北陸門徒に対し一揆の禁止をはじめとする3か条の戒めを発布したり、本願寺の一族を一門衆(嫡男)と一家衆(次男以下)に分ける一門一家制を設けたり、蓮如の文書の中から80通を選んで5帖に編集し御文とよんで宗門信条の基本とするなどの策を講じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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