〈高ぶる〉 be proud; be haughty; 《口語》 be stuck up
〈もったいぶる〉 stand on one's dignity; give oneself airs; put on airs
strut 《about, along》
読み方 いばる
To be proud; to be haughty; to be stuck-up; to be puffed up; to be pompous; to be pretentious; to be pretending; to swell with pride; to put on side; to hold up one's head; to hold one's head high; to stand upon one's dignity; to look big; to talk big; to have influence
(=何を威張る)to be proud of (one's birth); to take pride in (one's profession); to stand on, pride oneself on, value oneself on, pique oneself on, plume oneself on, peacock oneself on (on one's skill, etc.)
(=人に対して威張る)to domineer over (one); to lord it over (one); to be overbearing towards (one)