![]() ![]() 「斎藤和英大辞典」(斎藤秀三郎著、日外アソシエーツ辞書編集部編)は、昭和3年に初版が刊行された和英辞典の復刻新版です。日本的な言い回しや慣用表現の英語訳を調べることができます。 提供 日外アソシエーツ URL https://www.nichigai.co.jp/ |
- 絞込み
- O
- OA
- OB
- OC
- OD
- OE
- OF
- OG
- OH
- OI
- OJ
- OK
- OL
- OM
- ON
- OO
- OP
- OQ
- OR
- OS
- OT
- OU
- OV
- OW
- OX
- OY
- OZ
- O(50音)
- O(タイ文字)
- O(数字)
- O(記号)
- old usage
- old wives' tales
- old woman
- old woman-servant
- Old women of both sexes
- Old World
- old wound
- old year
- old-clothes dealer
- old-clothes man
- old-clothes shop
- old-fashioned
- Old-fashioned
- Old-fashioned ideas
- old-fashioned rite
- old-fogeyish
- old-fogeyism
- old-furniture shop
- old-style calendar
- old-time ceremonial court-dress
- old-time court-ceremony of driving out the devils
- old-time dancing girl
- old-time spirit
- old-time warrior
- Old-womanly solicitude
- older
- Older
- older than
- oldest man of a party
- olfactory organ
- olibanum
- Olibanum
- Oligarchy
- olive
- Olympic games
- omelette
- omen
- Omen
- ominous
- Ominous
- Ominousness
- omission
- Omission
- omission in writing
- Omission of a passage
- omission of a word
- Omission to pay the compliments of the season
- omit
- omit in writing
- omit to hear
- omit to say
- omitted word
- omitted word or letter
- Omnipotence
- omnipotent
- omnipresence
- Omnipresence
- omnipresent
- Omniscience
- Omniscience and omnipotence
- omniscient
- omniscient and omnipotent
- Omnivorous
- ompose upon
- on a disagreeable footing
- on a large scale
- on a level
- on a par
- on a plane
- on a small scale
- on a sudden
- on account of
- on alternate days
- on alternate evenings
- on alternate nights
- on an average
- On an average
- on an equal footing
- on an equality
- on any account
- on bad terms
- on bare feet
- on behalf of
- on board
- On board ship
- on common
- on compulsion
- on condition that
- on duty
- on earth
- on either side
- on end
- on equal terms
- on every side
- On foot
- on good terms
- on guard
- on hand
- on horseback
- on land and sea