病名や症状、身体、薬、治療法など、医学に関連する専門用語の英語訳を調べることができます。 出典 北里大学医療衛生学部 医療情報学研究室編集 医学用語集 URL http://bme.ahs.kitasato-u.ac.jp:808 0/docs/take/html/yg/index.htm |
- 絞込み
- R
- RA
- RB
- RC
- RD
- RE
- RF
- RG
- RH
- RI
- RJ
- RK
- RL
- RM
- RN
- RO
- RP
- RQ
- RR
- RS
- RT
- RU
- RV
- RW
- RX
- RY
- RZ
- R(50音)
- R(タイ文字)
- R(数字)
- R(記号)
- rate of rise
- rate pressure product
- rate responsive pacing
- Rathke's pouch
- rating
- ratio
- ratio breathing
- raw image
- ray
- Raynaud's disease
- Raynaud's phenomenon
- Raynaud's syndrome
- RA細胞
- Rb
- RBC count
- RD
- re do
- re-entry
- re-excitation
- reabsorption
- reaction
- reaction threshold
- reaction time
- reactivation
- reactive
- reactive depression
- reactive hyperemia
- reactive psychosis
- reactivity
- readmission
- reagent
- reagin
- reaginic
- reaginic antibody
- real time
- real time data
- realtime image
- reanimation
- rearrangement
- rebellant
- rebellious
- rebound
- rebound phenomenon
- rebound tenderness
- rebreathing
- recall
- recanalization
- recanalization reperfusion therapy
- recanalization therapy
- receiver
- recent myocardial infarction
- receptive aphasia
- receptive field
- receptive relaxation
- receptive relaxation of stomach
- receptor
- receptor assay
- receptor defficiency disease
- receptor of pressure
- receptor operated channel
- recess
- recessive
- recessive gene
- recessive inheritance
- recessive mutation
- rechargeable battery
- recidivation
- recipe
- recipient
- reciprocal
- reciprocal beat
- reciprocal conduction
- reciprocal crossing
- reciprocal inhibition
- reciprocal innervation
- reciprocating
- reciprocating beat
- reciprocating tachycardia
- reciprocity
- reciprooal
- reciprooal beat
- reciprooal rhythm
- recirculation
- Recklinghausen's disease
- recognition
- recognition pattern
- recollection
- recombinant
- recombinant DNA
- recombinant interferon
- recombinant tissue type plasminogen activator
- recombination
- recombinaze