![]() ![]() 広範な生命科学(ライフサイエンス)の学問領域で使われる専門用語の英・和対訳や、シソーラス、関連語などが引ける辞書です。 提供 ライフサイエンス辞書プロジェクト URL https://lsd-project.jp/cgi-bin/lsdp roj/ejlookup04.pl |
- 絞込み
- N
- NA
- NB
- NC
- ND
- NE
- NF
- NG
- NH
- NI
- NJ
- NK
- NL
- NM
- NN
- NO
- NP
- NQ
- NR
- NS
- NT
- NU
- NV
- NW
- NX
- NY
- NZ
- N(50音)
- N(タイ文字)
- N(数字)
- N(記号)
- nulled
- nullified
- nullifies
- nullify
- nullifying
- nulling
- nulliparity
- nulliparous
- nullisomic
- nullisomy
- nullizygosity
- nullizygous
- nulls
- NuMA
- numb
- number
- number needed to treat
- number of cases
- number of death
- number of deaths
- number of experiment
- number of leukocyte
- number of leukocytes
- number of molecules
- number of specimens
- number of theoretical plates
- numbered
- numbering
- numbers
- numbing
- numbness
- numeral
- numerals
- numerator
- numerators
- numerical
- numerical aperture
- numerically
- numerous
- numismatics
- nummular dermatitis
- nummular eczema
- Nunc
- Nuphar
- Nuphar rhizome
- nurse
- nurse cell
- nurse cells
- nurse clinician
- nurse culture
- nurse practitioner
- nurse practitioners
- nursed
- nurseries
- nursery
- nursery plant
- nursery school
- nursery soil
- nurses
- Nurses' Health Study
- nursing
- nursing care
- nursing care plan
- nursing diagnosis
- nursing education
- nursing home
- nursing homes
- nursing interview
- nursing model
- nursing process
- nursing record
- nursing research
- nursing school
- nursing service
- nursing services
- nursing staff
- nursing student
- nursing students
- nursing theory
- nurture
- nurtured
- nurtures
- nurturing
- nut
- nut allergy
- nutcracker syndrome
- nutmeg
- nutraceutical
- nutraceuticals
- nutrient
- nutrient agar
- nutrient artery
- nutrient canal
- nutrient foramen
- nutrient intake
- nutrient intakes
- nutrient requiring mutant
- nutrient solution
- nutrient solutions
- nutrients