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英訳・英語 Where something is held;Where something takes place
該当件数 : 6件
第3回女子野球世界選手権大会が,8月25 日からオーストラリアのゴールドコーストで開催される。例文帳に追加
The third annual Women's World Series of baseball will be held on the Gold Coast of Australia from Aug. 25.発音を聞く - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
The schedule management system 500 is sweepingly constituted of four parts, including a schedule management server 300 for managing event information and an event schedule; a user client 100 for managing an individual schedule; an event holding side client 200 for registering information of an event holding side, and event holding information; and a network 400 comprising public or exclusive lines such as the Internet or LAN. - 特許庁
This ministerial meeting was held amid the fear for collapse of the multifaceted trade system, where the Doha Round negotiations were deadlocked for a long period of time and each nation was reinforcing its protectionist policies. - 経済産業省
このため、毎年ドバイで開催される中東最大の旅行博覧会であるアラビアン・トラベル・マーケットに2006 年から日本ブースを出展し、我が国の最新の観光情報を発信するなど、国土交通省の進めるビジット・ジャパンと連携して我が国への観光客の誘致を図っている。例文帳に追加
For example, since 2006, Japan sets up aJapan booth at the Arabian Travel Market, which is the largest travel fair in the Middle East heldannually in Dubai, to provide the latest tour information. - 経済産業省
その後、AD 委員会迂回非公式会合(年2回開催)において、最初の検討項目である「迂回の定義」について非公式な協議が始まった(1998年10月~)ものの、何ら結論には至らず、2000年5月からは「迂回と考えられる行為に対して各国がどのように対処しているか」について、また、2001年10月からは「WTO協定でどこまで対応できるか」についても議論が始まった(注3)。例文帳に追加
Since then, during meetings of the Informal Group on Anti-Circumvention of the AD Committee (held twice a year), informal discussions began (in October 1998) on “what constitutes circumvention”, which was the first topic on the agenda. However, no agreement has been reached. Discussion began in May 2000 on “what is being done by Members confronted with what they consider to be circumvention,” and in October 2001 discussions began on “to what extent can circumvention be dealt with under the relevant WTO rules” 4. - 経済産業省
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