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英訳・英語 polymerase chain reaction
ライフサイエンス辞書での「酵素連鎖反応法」の英訳 |
該当件数 : 5件
To obtain a composition for purification, amplification, etc., of a nucleic acid according to a reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR) by formulating a homopolymeric nucleic acid with a reverse transcriptase, a DNA polymerase, a primer, a monomer, a buffer agent, a salt and an additive for amplification. - 特許庁
Using the method of the invention, whole DNA of the organism of which base sequence is completely unknown can be perfectly multiplied through the polymerase chain reaction. - 特許庁
The method for assaying the enzyme comprises a probe containing an oligonucleotide hybridizing to a specific region of the enzyme involved in the first phase reaction of drug metabolism, a kit for assaying the enzyme containing combination of the probe and the specific primer pair, performing a polymerase chain reaction using the kit, and measuring presence and absence of hydrolysis reaction of the used probe. - 特許庁
本発明は生物体のデオキシリボ核酸(DNA)の選択的増幅方法に関するもので、より詳しくは生物体のDNAを増幅するのに必要なプライマーに対する情報がなくてもポリメラーゼ酵素連鎖反応(Polymerase Chain Reaction)を通じて生物体のデオキシリボ核酸(DNA)を増幅させる方法に対するものである。例文帳に追加
To provide a method relating to selective polymerase chain reaction of a DNA of an organism, more particularly a method for multiplying the DNA of the organism through polymerase chain reaction even without any information on a primer needed for multiplication of the DNA of the organism. - 特許庁
This method of amplification for nucleic acid features including a process for making the nucleic acid in the form of a straight chain double strand DNA, fragmentating it by a restriction enzyme, combining a synthetic linker 1 with the nucleic acid fragment and carrying out a polymerase chain reaction by the use of a primer containing a base sequence part capable of being complementaryly combined with the base sequence of the linker part. - 特許庁
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