



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 英和専門語辞典 > request eventの意味・解説 

request eventとは 意味・読み方・使い方





意味・対訳 要求事象

クロスランゲージ 37分野専門語辞書での「request event」の意味

request event

「request event」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 402


00>=40 .vs 0u0int type;/* CirculateNotify */unsigned long serial;/* # of last request processed by server */Bool send_event;/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */Display *display;/* Display the event was read from */Window event;Window window;int place;/* PlaceOnTop, PlaceOnBottom */} XCirculateEvent; When you receive this event, the structure members are set as follows.The type member is set to the event type constant name that uniquely identifies it.例文帳に追加

type メンバには、イベントの型を一意に識別する定数名が設定される。 - XFree86

00>=40 .vs 0u0int type;/* ConfigureNotify */unsigned long serial;/* # of last request processed by server */Bool send_event;/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */Display *display;/* Display the event was read from */Window event;Window window;int x, y;int width, height;int border_width;Window above;Bool override_redirect;} XConfigureEvent; When you receive this event, the structure members are set as follows.The type member is set to the event type constant name that uniquely identifies it.例文帳に追加

type メンバには、イベントの型を一意に識別する定数名が設定される。 - XFree86

00>=40 .vs 0u0int type;/* DestroyNotify */unsigned long serial;/* # of last request processed by server */Bool send_event;/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */Display *display;/* Display the event was read from */Window event;Window window;} XDestroyWindowEvent; When you receive this event, the structure members are set as follows.The type member is set to the event type constant name that uniquely identifies it.例文帳に追加

type メンバはイベントの型を一意に識別する定数の名前である。 - XFree86

00>=40 .vs 0u0int type;/* GravityNotify */unsigned long serial;/* # of last request processed by server */Bool send_event;/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */Display *display;/* Display the event was read from */Window event;Window window;int x, y;} XGravityEvent; When you receive this event, the structure members are set as follows.The type member is set to the event type constant name that uniquely identifies it.例文帳に追加

type メンバには、イベントの型を一意に識別する定数名が設定される。 - XFree86

00>=40 .vs 0u0int type;/* ReparentNotify */unsigned long serial;/* # of last request processed by server */Bool send_event;/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */Display *display;/* Display the event was read from */Window event;Window window;Window parent;int x, y;Bool override_redirect;} XReparentEvent; When you receive this event, the structure members are set as follows.The type member is set to the event type constant name that uniquely identifies it.例文帳に追加

type メンバには、イベント型を一意に認識するための定数名が設定される。 - XFree86

00>=40 .vs 0u0int type;/* UnmapNotify */unsigned long serial;/* # of last request processed by server */Bool send_event;/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */Display *display;/* Display the event was read from */Window event;Window window;Bool from_configure;} XUnmapEvent; When you receive this event, the structure members are set as follows.The type member is set to the event type constant name that uniquely identifies it.例文帳に追加

type メンバには、イベントの型を一意に認識する定数の名前が設定される。 - XFree86


A MappingNotify event with request = MappingKeyboard is sent to all clients.例文帳に追加

また、request = MappingKeyboard である MappingNotify イベントが全てのクライアントに送られる。 - XFree86


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

「request event」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 402


A MappingNotify event with request = MappingPointer is sent to all clients.例文帳に追加

request =MappingPointer である MappingNotify イベントは全てのクライアントに送られる。 - XFree86

00>=40 .vs 0u0int type;/* CirculateRequest */unsigned long serial;/* # of last request processed by server */Bool send_event;/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */Display *display;/* Display the event was read from */Window parent;Window window;int place;/* PlaceOnTop, PlaceOnBottom */} XCirculateRequestEvent; When you receive this event, the structure members are set as follows.The type member is set to the event type constant name that uniquely identifies it.例文帳に追加

type メンバには、イベントの型を一意に識別する定数名が設定される。 - XFree86

00>=40 .vs 0u0int type;/* ColormapNotify */unsigned long serial;/* # of last request processed by server */Bool send_event;/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */Display *display;/* Display the event was read from */Window window;Colormap colormap;/* colormap or None */Bool new;int state;/* ColormapInstalled, ColormapUninstalled */} XColormapEvent; When you receive this event, the structure members are set as follows.The type member is set to the event type constant name that uniquely identifies it.例文帳に追加

it.type メンバにはイベントの型を一意に識別する定数名が設定される。 - XFree86

00>=40 .vs 0u0int type;/* CreateNotify */unsigned long serial;/* # of last request processed by server */Bool send_event;/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */Display *display;/* Display the event was read from */Window parent;/* parent of the window */Window window;/* window id of window created */int x, y;/* window location */int width, height;/* size of window */int border_width;/* border width */Bool override_redirect;/* creation should be overridden */} XCreateWindowEvent; When you receive this event, the structure members are set as follows.The type member is set to the event type constant name that uniquely identifies it.例文帳に追加

type メンバはイベントの型を一意に識別する定数の名前である。 - XFree86

00>=40 .vs 0u0int type;/* Expose */unsigned long serial;/* # of last request processed by server */Bool send_event;/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */Display *display;/* Display the event was read from */Window window;int x, y;int width, height;int count;/* if nonzero, at least this many more */} XExposeEvent; When you receive this event, the structure members are set as follows.The type member is set to the event type constant name that uniquely identifies it.例文帳に追加

type メンバには、イベントの型を一意に識別する定数名が設定される。 - XFree86

00>=40 .vs 0u0int type;/* FocusIn or FocusOut */unsigned long serial;/* # of last request processed by server */Bool send_event;/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */Display *display;/* Display the event was read from */Window window;/* window of event */int mode;/* NotifyNormal, NotifyGrab, NotifyUngrab */int detail;/* * NotifyAncestor, NotifyVirtual, NotifyInferior, * NotifyNonlinear,NotifyNonlinearVirtual, NotifyPointer, * NotifyPointerRoot, NotifyDetailNone */} XFocusChangeEvent;typedef XFocusChangeEvent XFocusInEvent;typedef XFocusChangeEvent XFocusOutEvent; When you receive these events, the structure members are set as follows.The type member is set to the event type constant name that uniquely identifies it.例文帳に追加

type メンバはイベントの型を一意に識別するための定数名が設定される。 - XFree86

00>=40 .vs 0u0int type;/* KeymapNotify */unsigned long serial;/* # of last request processed by server */Bool send_event;/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */Display *display;/* Display the event was read from */Window window;char key_vector[32];} XKeymapEvent; When you receive this event, the structure members are set as follows.The type member is set to the event type constant name that uniquely identifies it.例文帳に追加

type メンバには、イベントの型を一意に識別する定数名が設定される。 - XFree86


00>=40 .vs 0u0int type;/* MapRequest */unsigned long serial;/* # of last request processed by server */Bool send_event;/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */Display *display;/* Display the event was read from */Window parent;Window window;} XMapRequestEvent; When you receive this event, the structure members are set as follows.The type member is set to the event type constant name that uniquely identifies it.例文帳に追加

type メンバには、イベントの型を一意に識別する定数名がセットされる。 - XFree86


request eventのページの著作権
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