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該当件数 : 3件
To provide a horizontally excavating machine capable of excavating ground laterally even when an obstacle such as a pedestrian overbridge exists above the machine and improving the working efficiency. - 特許庁
To provide a sheave device that can perform operation without removing a cutting-driving device from a traction rope in a crosswise excavator with a pile driver as a base machine, eliminates the need for the detaching operation of the traction rope, and can prevent irregular winding from being generated. - 特許庁
Togawa Tsuijidai-gin was interest which should be paid annually, and that interest was from a loan of money which was made by selling reclaimed lands along the Sonezaki-gawa River, the Kyomachi Hori-kawa River, the Tateurihori-kawa River, the Awahori-kawa River, the Toyokohori-kawa River, the Kaifuhori-kawa River, the Satsumahori-kawa River, the Nakanoshima Uenohana, the Edo Hori-kawa Shitanohana, and the Enokojima Shitanohana in 1767. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
例文 (3件) |
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