- 絞込み
- A
- AA
- AB
- AC
- AD
- AE
- AF
- AG
- AH
- AI
- AJ
- AK
- AL
- AM
- AN
- AO
- AP
- AQ
- AR
- AS
- AT
- AU
- AV
- AW
- AX
- AY
- AZ
- A(50音)
- A(タイ文字)
- A(数字)
- A(記号)
- a real shop
- A realistic hero
- A really bad cold
- A really bad cough
- A really bad hangover
- A reasonable price
- A reception hall
- a recommended photo spot
- a record
- A record
- A record of consecutive wins
- A record of expenses
- A recording studio
- A recovery one day early
- a recruitment agency
- A recurring nightmare
- A red morning foretells a stormy day.
- A red rose
- A red sky at night is the shepherd's delight.
- A reed before the wind lives on, while mighty oaks do fall.
- A reference number
- A reflow oven
- A refreshing flavor
- a refuse dump
- a region famed for producing ~
- A regional secret
- A regional tournament
- a regular member
- a relationship based on mutual freedom
- A relationship that can’t become public won’t last long.
- A relationship was derived .....
- A relationship was observed .....
- a relatively popular singer in the States
- A relaxed atmosphere
- a relaxing time
- A relaxing time
- A relay board
- A relay station and a small satellite station
- A reliable person
- A relief anyway
- A religious dietary restriction
- a relish
- a remote countryside where nothing exists
- A remote prospect
- A rental agreement
- A repeat of ~
- A repetitive question
- a replay point
- a reply for "thank you for waiting."
- a reply from something
- A report from and information processing society
- A reporting line
- A representative director
- A representative's seal
- A request for consideration
- a request for the transfer of registration
- A request from. . .
- A request on short notice
- a request out of the blue
- A requested
- A research encouragement award
- A reservation confirmation form
- A residents' tax
- A resounding vibration
- A respectable person
- A rest area
- A restaurant opened in a back alley. Next time I'll invite someone to eat there with me
- A restaurant reservation
- A restaurant serving western food
- A restaurant that serves premium soba noodles
- A restaurant with a lot of orders
- A restaurants signature dish
- A retail store where only members and those accompanying them can shop at
- a retirement party for Mr./Ms. Ushiyama
- A retractable extension chord
- a return journey
- A revelation
- A revenue stamp
- A reverse edge
- A reverse mutation test
- A reversion test
- A review I can't avoid
- a review notebook
- A review request
- A revised collection of sample questions for junior high school students
- A ribbon heater
- A ribbon tie
- A rice croquette
- A rice farmer
- A rice plant is used to symbolize humbleness.
- A rich environment
- A rich father
- A rich man's joke is always funny.
- a rich variety
- a rich variety of ...
- a riddle wrapped up in an enigma
- A ring bearer pillow
- a rip-off
- a rise in iodine concentration
- a rise in radioactive iodine concentration
- a rise in radioactivity concentration
- a rise out of
- A rising tide lifts all boats.
- a risky situation
- A river flows.
- a river runs through it
- A River Runs Through It
- A road
- A robot cleaner restarts charging by itself.
- A robot soldier
- A robotic cat
- A robust flavor
- a rock and a hard place
- A Rock and a Hard Place
- a rod for one's back
- a rod for one's own back
- A roll
- a roll in the hay
- A roll of the dice
- A rolling attack
- a rolling stone gathers no moss
- A rolling stone gathers no moss
- A rolling stone gathers no moss.
- A roof plan
- A room can be prevented from getting as cold merely by laying down a carpet.
- a room for 4 people
- A room mate
- A room that doesn't feel lived in
- a rope of sand
- A rose by any other name would smell as sweet
- A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
- A rough appearance
- A rough draft
- a rough estimate
- A rough estimate
- A rough estimate will be fine.
- a rough school, students behave badly
- a rough story line
- a round
- a round peg in a square hole
- A row
- a row of cherry trees
- A row of ginkgo trees glowing golden in the sun
- A row of people
- A rule is strict
- a rule of thumb
- A run around the palace grounds
- a run for one's money
- a run for the money
- A run on the bank could occurred if people think that it will go bankrupt
- A run-of-the-mill. . .
- A running change
- A Russian accent
- a s
- A s
- A sad feeling
- a sad, heartbreaking song
- a safe and cozy place to live
- A safe place
- a safe workplace
- a safeguard against tyranny
- A safety prayer
- A safety sticker
- A safety warning
- A sales assistant
- A sales contact person A sales counter
- A sales position
- A sampling
- A samurai pretends he has eaten well when he has no food.
- A sauna bag
- A sautéed meat patty
- A savings account
- A scale
- a scan
- A scan
- A scary dream
- A scary person
- A scary sensation when looking down from an elevated place
- a scene from a movie
- A scenic view of the bright green garden of a place of learning
- A schedule
- A schedule for a trip to Japan
- A schedule is decided.
- A schedule is empty.
- A scheduled broadcast date
- A scheduled payment
- A schematic
- a school attended by expats
- A school class
- A school committee assistant
- A school committee member
- a school of fish
- A school of fish
- A school recommendation
- A school referral
- A school subject
- a school tour and orientation session for a school I want to go to
- A school which combines an elementary, middle and high school
- A school's message of introduction
- a schoolboy
- a schoolgirl
- a scope
- A scotch and water please.
- A scrap chute which is out of die is proper to stock.
- A screen displaying static
- a scripted show
- A sculptor
- A seagull pooped on my head!
- A seal carved from leather
- A seasoned artisan
- A seat becomes available.
- A seat becomes empty.
- A seat on the train became available but was immediately sat in by someone else
- A seat sensor
- A seat where you can stretch your legs is great
- a second greeting
- a second request
- a second string to one's bow
- A second year middle school student
- A secret
- A Secret
- A secret between just two people
- A secret between two people
- A secret track
- A section of .....
- A section of a park
- A section of steel casing
- a segment
- A self-closing water valve
- A sending-off message
- A senior that you respect
- A sense for names and naming things
- a sense of
- A sense of being on the outskirts
- A sense of capability
- A sense of cleanliness is more important than appearance
- a sense of closure
- a sense of obedience to the rule of law
- a sense of occasion
- a sense of responsibility
- A sense of rivalry
- a sensitive discussion
- A separate estimate
- A separated place
- a sequence of
- a sequence of .....
- a sequence of movements
- A serial number
- a series
- A series
- a series of
- a series of .....
- a series of events
- a series of failures to draw sufficient sell offers from financial institutions for its fund injection operations
- a series of movements
- A serious relationship
- A server used to access other systems
- a set
- a set of
- a set of ornamental dolls for Japanese Girls' Day
- a set of ~
- A setting that
- A sewing kit
- A sewing set
- a shady guy
- A shallow guy is showing on the screen from time to time behind the reporter.
- a shame
- A shameless scheme of putting a limit of up to 30 plates and announce it as "all you can eat"
- A shapely nose strengthens the impression of a handsome face
- A shared awareness
- A shared journal
- a sharp pain runs through
- A sheet of magnets
- A shift
- A shift at one's part time job
- A shift at work
- a shimeji mushroom
- A shining star
- A ship and a woman are ever repairing.
- a shocking accident
- A Shocking Accident
- A shop about three minutes' walk from the train station
- A shop counter
- a shop just around the corner
- A shop that used to be here is already gone.
- A shopping center
- A shopping list
- A shopping mall
- A short amount of time
- A short break
- A short height
- A short mold
- a short ton
- a short trip for one night and three days
- A shortage of produce
- a shot across the bows
- a shot in the arm
- a shot in the dark
- A Shot in the Dark
- a shot to save the day
- a shoulder to cry on
- a show of hands
- A Show of Hands
- a show that explores cities' history and culture from a geological point of view
- A showcase of new products
- A shower of flower petals
- A shower without soaking in the tub is enough
- A shrine maiden
- A sick person
- A Side Break Machine
- A side effect to the vaccine prevented me from lifting my arm up.
- A side order
- A Side Scriber
- a sight for sore eyes
- a sight for sore eyes!
- a sight for the gods
- a sight-seer
- a sign of love
- A sign of relief
- A signature dish
- a significant amount of money
- a significant percentage of
- a significant portion of .....
- A silent follower
- A silicone steamer
- A simple charger - just place on it
- A simple event motivated me to start worrying about the future of this country.
- A simple house with a few pieces of furniture
- A simple relationshps could be established .....
- A simple washlet
- a simplified version
- a sincere person
- A single friend
- a single hair
- A single item
- a single line
- a single line diary
- a single period
- A single room is better, but I don’t mind sharing a room with another person.
- A single story house
- a sintered crack
- A site
- A site used to look for jobs
- a situation in which one needs to take initiative
- A situation like that
- A situation like this
- a sixth
- a sizable amount
- A size
- A size battery
- A size cell
- a size where adults can also enter
- a sketch
- A skilled hawk hides it's talons
- a slap in the face
- a slap on the back
- a slap on the wrist
- A sleepy head
- A slightly smaller size
- a slow coach
- a slut
- a smack in the eye
- A small act of kindness
- a small amount of
- a small amount of .......
- A small and cute flower has come out on my cactus plant.
- A small apology
- A small boat
- A small craft
- A small difference
- a small dose
- a small fortune
- A small gift
- a small matter
- a small number of
- a small part
- A small pleasure
- a small space/little time before a certain occurrence
- a small village surrounded by steep mountains on four sides
- A small waterfall
- a smart dresser who wears odd-colored sneakers
- A Smile Can Save the World
- A smile draws good luck
- A smile like the sun
- a smile looks good on you
- A smooth talker
- A snazzy dresser
- A snowy landscape
- A soccer match
- A society of surveillance
- a soda
- A soft answer turns away wrath.
- A soft Mohecan
- A solder bath
- A solder pot
- A soldering defect
- A soldering pot
- a solid solution
- A song at the seaside
- a song for you
- A Song for You
- A song I made a short time ago finally sold
- a song of ice and fire
- A Song of Ice and Fire
- a song that I liked when I was young
- A sore throat
- A sorrowful melody
- a sort of
- a sound basis
- a sound business
- A sound mind in a sound body.
- A sound mind is found in a sound body.
- a sound of thunder
- A Sound of Thunder
- A sound stops
- a space with an atmosphere that you will make one sleepy
- a spare time slot
- a spat is the evidence they get along with each other
- A spat is the evidence they get along with each other.
- A speaker phone
- A special attack
- a special coupon
- A special dinner makes me excited.
- A special estimate
- A special severance payment
- A specialist in general medicine
- A specialized machine makes it.
- A specially appointed associate professor
- A specially appointed professor
- A specially appointed substitute teacher
- A specific date has not yet been decided.
- A Specified Electric Utility
- a speech in 1 minute
- a speech in 2minutes
- A spell is lifted.
- a split
- a spoonful
- A Spoonful of Sugar
- a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down
- a spot
- A spotted seal
- A spouse visa
- a sprat to catch a mackerel
- a spring
- A spring board
- A springboard attack
- A springboard server
- a sprout
- a square peg in a round hole
- a stab in the back
- A stable business
- a stable life
- A stable life
- A stable lifestyle
- A staff is going to quit the company
- A staff meeting
- a stag beetle
- A stage production
- A staging post
- A stainless steel tray
- A stamp that girls would like
- a standard app
- A standard contract for dispatch workers
- A standard light
- A standardized test
- A star
- A starry night
- A starter
- a state
- A statement
- A station
- A stay
- a steady job
- a steal
- A steamer made from silicone
- A steel canister
- A steering committee
- a step
- a step in the right direction
- A Step in the Right Direction
- A stewed meat patty
- A stich in time saves nine.
- A stick is quickly found to beat a dog with.
- a stick-in-the-mud
- A still tongue makes a wise head.
- a stillbirth
- a stingy person
- a stitch in time saves nine
- A stitch in time saves nine.
- a stock
- A stock
- A stolen base champion
- A stomach and intestine inflammation is going around.
- a stone's throw away
- a store clerk/driver
- A store loyalty card
- A store many celebrities go to
- A store that helps people enjoy daily life
- A storm door is a type of typhoon-proof measure.
- A storm in a glass of water.
- a storm in a teacup
- a storm is brewing
- A storm is brewing.
- A storm is coming.
- A storm prevented the plane from taking off.
- A story about pulling oneself together
- a story based on the school life of hero or heroine
- a story everyone can relate to
- a story from a reliable source
- A story I heard was. . .
- A straight line
- a straight line in general position
- A straight. . .
- a strain
- A strained back is incredibly painful.
- A strange dream
- a strange man
- A strange taste
- a strap and a rail
- A straw festoon
- a straw in the wind
- a straw shows which way the wind blows
- A straw shows which way the wind blows.
- A strawberry tart
- a stream
- A stream cannot rise above its source.
- a street
- A street elbow
- a streetscape with fond memories
- A streetscape without power lines looks more beautiful after all
- A strict environment
- a strict selection
- a strictly physical relationship between opposite sexes
- a striped pattern
- a stroke of lightning
- a stroll
- A strong bond
- A strong connection
- A strong flavor
- A strong force is beyond our comprehension is at play
- A strong position
- A strong tendency
- a strut
- A stub from a pane ticket