独禁法(独占禁止法)に関連する法令・訴訟や手続きなどに関する専門用語の英語訳を調べることができます。 提供 競争法研究協会 URL http://www.jcl.gr.jp/ |
英和独禁法用語辞典 のさくいん |
- f.o.b. price
- fact finding
- fact in issue
- facts and contentions
- failing company defense
- fair competition
- fair competition code
- Fair Packaging and Labeling Act
- fair trade
- Fair Trade Commission
- fair trade law
- Fair Trading Act
- fair-trade pricing
- fairness
- false advertising
- False Claims Act
- false packaging
- fault
- Federal Bureau of Investigation
- Federal Cartel Office
- Federal Grand Jury
- Federal Marine Commission
- Federal Register
- Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
- Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
- Federal Trade Commission
- Federal Trade Commission Act
- felony
- fidelity rebate
- field of use restriction
- Fifth Amendment
- fighting ship
- final decision
- final judgement
- firm
- First Amendment
- first impression
- first-mover advantage
- fishery association
- Flammable Fablics Act
- floor price
- fluid action
- focal-points
- force majeure clause
- foreclosing
- foreclosure
- foreign commerce
- Foreign Commerce Section
- foreign sovereign
- Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act
- foreign trade
- forestalling
- forfeiture
- forum
- forum non convenience
- forward vertical integration
- founding father
- fourth line injury
- franchaiser
- franchise agreement
- franchisee
- fraud
- fraudulent concealment
- free competition
- free enterprise system
- free market economy
- free ride
- free ride effect
- freedom of choice
- Freedom of Information Act
- freight equalization
- full-cost pricing
- full-line forcing
- functional discount
- functional interchangeability
- functional interdependence
- fungibility
- Fur Products Labeling Act
- further consideration