独禁法(独占禁止法)に関連する法令・訴訟や手続きなどに関する専門用語の英語訳を調べることができます。 提供 競争法研究協会 URL http://www.jcl.gr.jp/ |
英和独禁法用語辞典 のさくいん |
- R and D
- rapporteur
- ratchet effect
- rate agreement
- rate of return
- ratio decidendi
- rationalization cartel
- Re
- reactive interchangeability
- real evidence
- reallocation of resources
- reasonable interchangeability
- reasonable restraint
- reasonably close in point of time
- rebuttable presumption
- rebuttal
- rebuttal evidence
- reciprocal buying
- reciprocal buying arrangement
- reciprocal dealing
- reciprocity
- recommended resale price
- red tape
- redeeming virtue
- redress
- referral sales
- refusal to deal
- regional office
- registrar
- registration
- regrating
- regulated industry
- regulatory agreement
- rehearing
- relevant market
- relevant product
- relief
- remand
- remedy
- remove
- rent seeking
- repeal
- report of compliance
- representation
- representative
- representative suit
- reputation effect
- request for information
- request to admit
- requirement contract
- res judicata
- resale market
- resale price maintenance
- research and development
- Research and Development
- residency
- resource allocation
- respondant
- restatement
- restitution
- restraint of trade
- restrictive agreement
- restrictive business arrangements
- restrictive business practices
- Restrictive Trade Practices Act
- reverse exclusive dealing
- rich parent
- risk rewards
- rivalry
- Robinson-Patman Act
- rollback
- Rome Treaty
- ruinous competition
- rule of law
- rule of reason
- rule of thumb
- rule out
- rulemaking power
- ruling