企業の人事・総務関連の業務で用いられる人事労務関連の用語を英語で調べることができます。 提供 人事・労務 URL http://www.jinji-roumu.com/ |
人事労務和英辞典 のさくいん |
- M&A
- machinist
- major career path
- managed trade
- management based on job classification
- management based on labor participation
- management by objective
- management by objective scheme
- management of competent personnel
- management philosophy
- management principle
- management strategy
- manager
- managerial and supervisory personnel
- managerial education
- managerial personnel
- managerial position
- managerial prerogative
- managing director
- mandatory age-limit retirement
- mandatory retirement system
- manpower planning
- manpower reduction
- manpower shortage
- manufacturing industry
- marginal profit
- married woman part-timer
- mass relief
- maternity function
- maternity leave
- Matual Aid Association
- Matual Aid Association Pension Scheme
- ME equipment
- meal allowance
- mechanic
- mechanization
- medical benefit
- medical examination
- medical expense
- medical expense insurance
- medical treatment covered by health insurance
- medical treatment expenditure
- menstruation leave
- mental function
- mental health
- mental labor
- mentally retarded person
- merchandising
- merger
- merger & acquisition
- merit rating
- merit system
- merit-rating
- method of wage payment
- ME化
- ME革命
- ME機器
- microelectronics revolution
- microelectronization
- mid-career labor market
- mid-career recruit
- middle-aged and older worker
- middle-class consciousness
- migrant worker
- minimum cost of living
- minimum wages
- Minimum Wages Law
- minor career path
- minor enterprise
- miscellaneous allowances
- modified working schedule
- modified working schedule system
- money wages
- monotonous work
- monthly sickness leave
- monthly standard compensation
- monthly wages
- morale and attitude appraisal
- morning meeting : morning assembly
- motivation
- moving average
- moving expenses
- multi-national company
- multiple evaluation
- multitrait-multirater approach