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Nichiren also subscribed to this theory and described in "Kanjin Honzon Sho" (Spiritual Contemplation and the Most Venerable One), connecting it with mappo mukai (a concept to deny the validity of precepts in the Final Dharma Age), 'Sakyamuni's Ingyokatoku no niho (the practices done by Sakyamuni over a long period of time and the virtues cultivated for them) are all contained in the five words of myo, ho, ren, ge, and kyo (in Myohorenge-kyo (Hoke-kyo), and if we remember (and honor) the teachings of Buddha with these five words, his kudoku (merits) of cause and effect are naturally transferred to us.'発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
また、日蓮もこの説を継承し、末法無戒と結びつけ、『観心本尊抄』に「釈尊の因行果徳の二法は妙法蓮華経の五字に具足す。我等此の五字を受持すれば自然に彼の因果の功徳を譲り与え給う」と述べている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Seshin preached Gonenmon (Five Practice-Gates of Mindfulness), which are "raihai (pray), sandan (praise Buddha's virtues), kansatsu (observe), sagan (make a vow), and eko," and cited going to the Pure Land to become Buddha together by having eko to all mankind with the various merits pursued as an important point.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
世親は、「礼拝、讃歎、観察、作願、回向」と五念門を説き、往生浄土のための行の中、自ら修めた諸功徳をすべての衆生に回向して、ともに浄土に往生して仏となることを重要な項目としてあげている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
T'an-luan (early Chinese Pure Land philosopher and popularizer) explains Oso-eko in his main literary work "Muryoju-kyo Ubadaisha Ganshoge-chu" (also known as Ojoronchu) (Commentary on Vasubandhu's Upadesa on the Sutra of Immeasurable Life, also known as Ojoron-chu or Wangsheng lun zhu (Notes on the Treatise on Birth - in the Pure Land): Oso-eko means to give to all others one's virtues acquired through practicing good conduct and accumulating merits, and to aspire that everyone including oneself attains birth in Amida's Pure Land.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
中国の曇鸞の主著『無量寿経優婆提舎願生偈註(往生論註)』のなかに、自分の行じた善行功徳をもって他の人に及ぼし、自分と他人と一緒に弥陀の浄土に往生できるようにと願うことが往相回向であるとする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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