意義素(意味の分類) | 対応する類語・関連語 | |
変化する undergo a change |
change |
永久にそれかその前の特性か本質を失わずに何らかの特定の様子で異なるものになる become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics or essence |
vary, alter, change |
変化させる cause to change |
modify, alter, change |
別のものと交換する、取り替える、通常同じ種類またはカテゴリーのものと exchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category |
exchange, convert, commute, change |
覆いを取り外すか、または取り替える remove or replace the coverings of |
change |
服を着替える change clothes |
change |
何かを変える行為 the action of changing something |
change |
取っておく、捨てる、または他のためにおいておく lay aside, abandon, or leave for another |
shift, switch, change |
トーンがより深くなる become deeper in tone |
deepen, change |
ある乗り物または輸送機関から他の物へ乗り換える change from one vehicle or transportation line to another |
change, transfer |
互いに与える、また受け取る give to, and receive from, one another |
exchange, interchange, change |
異なるまたは新しい服 a different or fresh set of clothes |
change |
異なる物 a thing that is different |
change |
通例、快い相違 a difference that is usually pleasant |
change, variety |
何かが1つの状態または段階からもう一つに通過するときに、起こる出来事 an event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another |
change, alteration, modification |
変化あるいは変形の結果 the result of alteration or modification |
change |
より大きな額面金額または異なる通貨でその相当するもののお返しに受け取られるお金 money received in return for its equivalent in a larger denomination or a different currency |
change |
支払いが満期支払高より大きい場合の、入金の収支 the balance of money received when the amount you tender is greater than the amount due |
change |
集積的にみなされる小さな単位のコイン coins of small denomination regarded collectively |
change |
状態間の相関的な違い a relational difference between states |
change |
遷移、 変転、 変ずる、 変質、 変化、 変動、 転変、 変容、 変移、 変遷、 化する、 変わる、 変る、 化す、 チェンジ、 転遷、 変じる
undergo a change
She changed completely as she grew older
The weather changed last night
freshen up, refreshen, freshen, refresh, get dressed, dress, develop, produce, acquire, grow, get, regenerate, shade, gel, brutalise, animalise, animalize, brutalize, convert, creolize, mutate, experience, have, decrepitate, suburbanize, suburbanise, roll, roll up, glass, glaze over, glaze, glass over, turn, barbarize, barbarise, alkalinise, alkalinize, change by reversal, reverse, change integrity, change shape, deform, change form, form, change state, adapt, conform, adjust, jump, rise, climb up, assimilate, dissimilate, change magnitude, modify, deaden, break, crumble, decay, dilapidate, mold, mildew, hydrate, dry, dry out, strengthen, distil, distill, deoxidise, deoxidize, reduce, crack, oxidise, oxidate, oxidize, mellow out, melt, mellow, soften, ionise, ionize, stabilise, stabilize, destabilize, destabilise, lighten up, lighten, discolor, colour, discolour, color, narrow, contract, darken, dim, boil, check, transpire, take up, resume, change surface, sublimate, sublime, cool, cool down, cool off, warm up, warm, transform, metamorphose, transmute, dull, complexify, ramify, americanize, americanise, modernise, modernize, stiffen, tighten, go, give way, break down, give out, go bad, die, conk out, fail, yield, harden, indurate, suffuse, hush, normalise, normalize, reorient, purify, digest, regress, foul, decalcify, industrialise, industrialize, decarboxylate, spot, find, incur, receive, obtain, acetylise, acetylate, acetylize, adopt, take on, assume, take, prim, capacitate, caseate, clinker, cure, dawn, salinate, desalinize, desalinise, desalt, desalinate, shallow, shoal, steepen, superannuate, ulcerate, vitrify, vulcanise, vulcanize, pall, become flat, saponify, move, run, come, catch, catch on, fly, evolve, assibilate, smoothen, turn on, drop, break into, deepen, change, concretize, concretise, transpose, commute, introject, shift, swing, fall, reflate, hydrolyze, hydrolyse, fold up, fold, gelatinize, gelatinise, mat up, matt-up, mat, matte, felt up, matte up, felt, recombine, feminise, feminize, obsolesce, plasticize, plasticise, recede, defervesce, incandesce, calcify, drift, play out, conjugate, isomerise, isomerize, vaporise, evaporate, gradate, keratinise, keratinize, opacify, mature, rejuvenate, sequester, transaminate, vesiculate, undulate, vascularise, vascularize, crash, professionalize, professionalise, flip, flip out, gum, repress, shear, damage, synthesize, come round, come around, promote, part, separate, divide, arrange, format, fall for, move up, ascend, change posture, settle, founder, give, fall in, collapse, cave in, undergo, solarise, solarize, occult, pass, leave, depart, pull up stakes, liberalise, liberalize, stratify, democratize, democratise, relax, loosen, reticulate, flocculate, carbonate, come in, go out, stagnate, make, frost over, ice up, ice over
vary, alter, change
異なる、 異る
この場合の「vary, alter, change」の意味
become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics or essence
「永久にそれかその前の特性か本質を失わずに何らかの特定の様子で異なるものになる」の意味で使われる「vary, alter, change」の例文
her mood changes in accordance with the weather
The supermarket's selection of vegetables varies according to the season
jump, alternate, crackle, modulate, avianize, avianise, move, adapt, accommodate, widen, let out, take in, branch out, broaden, diversify, radiate, narrow, specialize, specialise, narrow down, honeycomb, break
modify, alter, change
入換える、 手直し、 変換える、 修正、 入れ換える、 変更、 模様替、 改む、 換える、 異ならす、 繰りかえる、 入れ替える、 改築、 入替える、 変化、 決直す、 修整、 切り換える、 置きかえる、 脱胎、 切替える、 刷新、 入れかえる、 変形、 改易、 決め直す、 改変、 挿げ替える、 奪胎、 改造、 付替える、 動かす、 異らす、 入れ代える、 変換、 改定、 違える、 切り替える、 チェンジ、 変革、 崩す、 切換える、 直す、 切り変える、 変える、 スイッチ、 改正、 模様替え、 挿げかえる、 決めなおす、 変造、 改める
この場合の「modify, alter, change」の意味
cause to change
「変化させる」の意味で使われる「modify, alter, change」の例文
The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city
The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue
rouse, arouse, wake, waken, awaken, wake up, cause to sleep, affect, refreshen, freshen, refresh, inseminate, fertilise, fecundate, fertilize, indispose, cry, etiolate, shade, brutalise, animalise, animalize, brutalize, convert, opalise, opalize, arterialise, arterialize, make, get, counterchange, transpose, interchange, vascularise, vascularize, decrepitate, suburbanize, suburbanise, revolutionise, overturn, revolutionize, barbarize, barbarise, alkalinise, alkalinize, mythologize, mythicize, mythicise, mythologise, allegorize, allegorise, demythologize, demythologise, land, bring, coarsen, touch on, touch, bear on, bear upon, impact, alchemise, alchemize, alcoholize, alcoholise, form, shape, round, round off, round down, round out, suspend, sober, reconstruct, increase, ease up, let up, ease off, assimilate, dissimilate, exchange, commute, vitalise, vitalize, unclutter, clear, activate, aerate, inactivate, deactivate, deaden, blunt, remodel, redo, redact, edit, cut, edit out, chasten, tame, subdue, temper, moderate, improve, amend, ameliorate, better, meliorate, aggravate, exacerbate, exasperate, worsen, wet, dry, dry out, lubricate, strengthen, fortify, beef up, spike, lace, weaken, oxidise, oxidate, oxidize, unite, merge, unify, age, ripen, mature, antique, antiquate, develop, make grow, soften, damage, ossify, acerbate, stabilise, stabilize, destabilize, destabilise, sensify, sensitize, sensibilise, sensibilize, sensitise, desensitise, desensitize, accustom, habituate, disorder, disarray, discolor, colourize, colourise, colour, colour in, color in, colorise, colorize, color, stain, hue, uglify, untune, set, correct, adjust, disqualify, unfit, reclaim, domesticize, domesticate, domesticise, widen, dehydrogenate, hydrogenate, oxygenise, oxygenize, darken, lighten up, lighten, brighten, blur, blear, obscure, bedim, overcloud, obliterate, hide, blot out, veil, cook, slenderise, slenderize, crack, dismiss, dissolve, end, terminate, demist, defog, condense, contract, concentrate, cool, cool down, chill, heat up, heat, warm, boil, freeze, blister, shift, switch, change over, transform, transmute, transubstantiate, ash, translate, reform, rectify, regenerate, islamise, islamize, invert, reverse, turn back, customise, customize, personalise, individualize, personalize, individualise, objectify, depersonalize, depersonalise, sharpen, flatten, drop, disintegrate, magnetize, magnetise, degauss, demagnetize, demagnetise, simplify, complicate, elaborate, rarify, refine, perplex, pressurise, pressurize, supercharge, centralise, centralize, deconcentrate, decentralize, decentralise, socialise, socialize, fix, prepare, gear up, set up, ready, internationalize, internationalise, bolshevise, communize, communise, bolshevize, europeanise, europeanize, bestialize, bestialise, americanize, americanise, frenchify, civilise, civilize, nationalize, nationalise, denationalize, denationalise, naturalize, naturalise, denaturalise, denaturalize, even, even out, equal, equalize, match, equate, equalise, stiffen, loose, loosen, fasten, tighten, transitivise, transitivize, detransitivise, detransitivize, intransitivize, intransitivise, inspissate, thicken, full, diversify, slow down, decelerate, speed up, speed, accelerate, delay, retard, check, minify, lessen, decrease, liquify, liquidise, liquefy, liquidize, solvate, validate, invalidate, vitiate, void, empty, make full, fill up, fill, saturate, coagulate, clot, louden, normalise, renormalise, normalize, renormalize, morph, neutralize, neutralise, market, commercialise, commercialize, purify, purge, sanctify, mechanise, mechanize, automate, automatize, automatise, harmonise, harmonize, chord, polarise, polarize, glorify, contaminate, devalue, insulate, calcify, urbanize, urbanise, emulsify, demulsify, decarboxylate, nazify, clarify, embrittle, mark, nick, disable, incapacitate, disenable, enable, destress, de-emphasise, de-emphasize, tenderize, tender, tenderise, charge, bubble, sweeten, iodinate, ionate, archaize, archaise, inform, officialise, officialize, occidentalize, westernise, westernize, occidentalise, orientalise, orientalize, acetylise, acetylate, acetylize, achromatize, achromatise, collimate, parallel, camp, classicize, classicise, conventionalise, conventionalize, decimalise, decimalize, dizzy, envenom, poison, exteriorize, exteriorise, externalise, externalize, glamorise, glamourise, glamourize, glamorize, introvert, laicize, laicise, politicise, politicize, radicalize, proof, romanticize, romanticise, rusticate, sauce, shallow, shoal, tense, steepen, scramble, unscramble, unsex, vitrify, pall, saponify, expand, extend, set aside, muddy, lift, raise, elevate, harshen, dinge, demonize, demonise, devilize, diabolize, devilise, diabolise, etherealize, etherialise, immaterialize, immaterialise, unsubstantialise, unsubstantialize, animize, animate, animise, dynamize, dynamise, subtilize, sublimate, rarefy, volatilize, volatilise, uniformise, uniformize, symmetrise, symmetrize, immortalize, eternise, eternalise, immortalise, eternize, eternalize, denature, sanitise, sanitize, verbify, sputter, draw, dope, prostrate, excite, energize, energise, shake, outmode, spice up, spice, shorten, think, deflate, inflate, reflate, digitalize, digitalise, digitize, digitise, gelatinize, gelatinise, recombine, feminise, effeminise, effeminize, feminize, womanize, masculinize, virilise, virilize, masculinise, disharmonize, dissonate, sexualize, sexualise, schematize, schematise, patent, constitutionalise, constitutionalize, rationalise, rationalize, plasticize, plasticise, paganize, paganise, incandesce, deaminate, deaminize, angulate, circularize, depolarise, depolarize, intensify, isomerise, isomerize, legitimate, vaporise, evaporate, industrialise, industrialize, opacify, opsonize, militarise, militarize, recommend, sentimentalize, sentimentalise, solemnise, solemnize, territorialise, territorialize, transaminate, transfigure, spiritualize, unsanctify, vesiculate, visualize, visualise, variegate, ventilate, vivify, vulgarize, vulgarise, supple, professionalize, professionalise, smut, still, weaponize, sex up, eroticize, piggyback, port, lifehack, cloud, obnubilate, confuse, tone down, obfuscate, synchronize, synchronise, mince, break down, crush, fatten, flesh out, plump, fat, plump out, fill out, fatten out, fatten up, disturb, dull, undo, untie, barb, string, straighten, straighten out, commix, amalgamate, mix, mingle, put, clean, make clean, dirty, grime, colly, begrime, bemire, soil, lower, depress, deform, break up, break, alter, decorate, grace, adorn, beautify, embellish, ornament, humanize, humanise, humble, alien, alienate, disaffect, estrange, right, deodourise, deodorize, deodorise, blind, change intensity, change taste, replace, substitute, capture, lend, add, bestow, contribute, impart, reinstate, reestablish, restore, liberalise, liberalize, redress, compensate, democratize, democratise, subvert, debauch, corrupt, demoralize, demoralise, debase, misdirect, pervert, deprave, profane, relax, flocculate, turn, cohere
exchange, convert, commute, change
入換える、 変替、 交わす、 乗換える、 入れ換える、 とり交わす、 コンヴァート、 繰換える、 取替こ、 すげ替える、 換える、 挿替る、 繰りかえる、 挿し替える、 とり交す、 取り換える、 挿替える、 コンバート、 取っ換える、 入れ替える、 交す、 繰り換える、 互換、 引き換える、 乗り換える、 イクスチェンジ、 入替える、 取替えこ、 つけ替える、 置き換える、 取換える、 差し換える、 取り替えこ、 引換える、 乗り替える、 置きかえる、 差し替える、 差替える、 取り替えっこ、 差しかえる、 刷新、 挿換える、 繰替える、 入れかえる、 繰り替える、 取交す、 引きかえる、 付け換える、 取り替こ、 挿げ替える、 代える、 交換、 取り替える、 取交わす、 付替える、 取替っこ、 取り交す、 引き替える、 エクスチェインジ、 取り交わす、 挿し換える、 入れ代える、 交代、 取換る、 変換、 替える、 取りかえる、 チェンジ、 スイッチ、 付けかえる、 取替えっこ、 差換える、 取替える、 取っ替える、 付け替える、 交替、 挿げかえる、 エクスチェンジ、 取り替っこ
この場合の「exchange, convert, commute, change」の意味
exchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category
「別のものと交換する、取り替える、通常同じ種類またはカテゴリーのものと」の意味で使われる「exchange, convert, commute, change」の例文
Could you convert my dollars into pounds?
He changed his name
convert centimeters into inches
convert holdings into shares
入れ換える、 換える、 入れ替える、 翻す、 検める、 乗り換える、 転じる、 切り換える、 動く、 移ろう、 乗り替える、 革まる、 切替える、 改まる、 移る、 変わる、 変る、 乗り移る、 違える、 切り替える、 崩す、 切換える、 切り変える、 変える、 変じる、 改める
remove or replace the coverings of
Father had to learn how to change the baby
After each guest we changed the bed linens
着換える、 着替える、 着がえる
change clothes
Change before you go to the opera
変易、 変更、 改変、 変改
the action of changing something
the change of government had no impact on the economy
his change on abortion cost him the election
entail, reversal, policy change, about-face, volte-face, adulteration, relocation, move, downshift, filtration, reduction, simplification, decimalization, decimalisation, metrication, metrification, variation, turning, diversification, variegation, flux, shift, switch, switching, substitution, commutation, exchange, promotion, demotion, change of state, adjustment, alteration, modification, motion, movement, motility, change of direction, reorientation, change of magnitude, change of integrity, conversion, updating, change of shape, satisfaction, nationalisation, nationalization, communisation, communization, secularisation, secularization, rollover
shift, switch, change
換える、 差し換える、 差し替える、 差替える、 差しかえる、 チェンジ、 スィッチ、 シフト、 スイッチ、 差換える
この場合の「shift, switch, change」の意味
lay aside, abandon, or leave for another
「取っておく、捨てる、または他のためにおいておく」の意味で使われる「shift, switch, change」の例文
switch to a different brand of beer
She switched psychiatrists
The car changed lanes
transition, shift, break, surf, channel-surf, jump, leap, diphthongize, diphthongise, cut
deepen, change
この場合の「deepen, change」の意味
become deeper in tone
「トーンがより深くなる」の意味で使われる「deepen, change」の例文
His voice began to change when he was 12 years old
Her voice deepened when she whispered the password
change, transfer
乗りうつる、 乗換える、 乗り継ぐ、 乗り換える、 乗り替える、 乗移る、 乗りつぐ、 乗り移る、 乗りかえる、 乗継ぐ
この場合の「change, transfer」の意味
change from one vehicle or transportation line to another
「ある乗り物または輸送機関から他の物へ乗り換える」の意味で使われる「change, transfer」の例文
She changed in Chicago on her way to the East coast
exchange, interchange, change
交わす、 とり交わす、 とり交す、 遣取、 交す、 やり取り、 遣り取り、 交える、 取交す、 遣取り、 交換、 取交わす、 取り交す、 取り交わす
この場合の「exchange, interchange, change」の意味
give to, and receive from, one another
「互いに与える、また受け取る」の意味で使われる「exchange, interchange, change」の例文
Would you change places with me?
We have been exchanging letters for a year
sell, cash, cash in, ransom, redeem, stand in, sub, fill in, substitute, swop, swap, switch, trade, barter, trade in
召し替え、 召替え、 召しかえ、 着替え、 召替、 めし替え
a different or fresh set of clothes
she brought a change in her overnight bag
article of clothing, clothing, vesture, wear, wearable, habiliment
御返し、 変更、 動、 お返し、 替え、 変わり、 変化、 異状、 変動、 転変、 転換、 変移、 変遷、 異動、 変り、 変換、 変わり目、 乗換え、 チェンジ
a thing that is different
he inspected several changes before selecting one
change, variety
御返し、 変更、 御釣り、 多様性、 動、 お返し、 替え、 変わり、 変化、 異状、 変動、 転変、 転換、 変移、 変遷、 異動、 変り、 変換、 変わり目、 乗換え、 チェンジ
この場合の「change, variety」の意味
a difference that is usually pleasant
「通例、快い相違」の意味で使われる「change, variety」の例文
he goes to France for variety
it is a refreshing change to meet a woman mechanic
change, alteration, modification
変易、 変替、 変更、 遷移、 模様替、 変転、 変わり様、 遷り変わり、 うつり変わり、 遷り変り、 移い、 変わり、 移り変り、 変質、 変化、 変相、 異変、 移り変わり、 変動、 転変、 変容、 変様、 変調、 変替え、 変形、 変態、 変移、 変遷、 変型、 変改、 変り、 変成、 変換、 変革、 移ろい、 転遷、 変わりよう、 変換え、 模様替え
この場合の「change, alteration, modification」の意味
an event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another
「何かが1つの状態または段階からもう一つに通過するときに、起こる出来事」の意味で使われる「change, alteration, modification」の例文
the change was intended to increase sales
this storm is certainly a change for the worse
the neighborhood had undergone few modifications since his last visit years ago
occurrence, natural event, happening, occurrent
acceleration, slowing, deceleration, retardation, avulsion, break, mutation, sublimation, surprise, nativity, birth, nascence, nascency, breakup, separation, detachment, vagary, variation, fluctuation, conversion, decease, death, expiry, decrease, lessening, drop-off, destabilization, increase, relief, easing, moderation, deformation, transition, shift, transmutation, transformation, sparkling, twinkle, scintillation, shimmer, play, harm, damage, impairment, development, revolution, genetic mutation, chromosomal mutation, sex change, loss of consciousness
変易、 変更、 遷移、 変転、 遷り変わり、 遷、 遷り変り、 変わり、 変化、 移り変わり、 変動、 転変、 変容、 変様、 変形、 変移、 変遷、 変り、 転遷
the result of alteration or modification
there were marked changes in the lining of the lungs
there had been no change in the mountains
effect, consequence, upshot, outcome, event, result, issue
両替、 イクスチェンジ、 エクスチェインジ
money received in return for its equivalent in a larger denomination or a different currency
he got change for a twenty and used it to pay the taxi driver
御釣り、 釣り銭、 お釣り、 御釣、 釣、 釣銭、 釣り、 お釣、 つり銭
the balance of money received when the amount you tender is greater than the amount due
I paid with a twenty and pocketed the change
両替、 御釣り、 変化、 釣り銭、 釣、 小銭、 釣銭、 釣り
coins of small denomination regarded collectively
he had a pocketful of change
移り、 遷移、 変転、 遷り変わり、 遷、 遷り変り、 移い、 変わり、 移り変り、 変化、 移り変わり、 変動、 変容、 変移、 変遷、 変り、 移ろい、 転遷
a relational difference between states
he attributed the change to their marriage
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