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In late 1565, Mototada resigned Tayu at the age of 57 and shaved his head to become a priest and called himself Ichianzai Sosetsu (hereafter called Sosetsu). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Monjin of Shoin FUJIMURA includes Dosetsu SAITO (1684 - 1766), who was originally from Osaka but later introduced the Yoken-ryu school in Edo (present-day Tokyo). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Although Tanehikobon does not exist as is mentioned above, Ieyasu TOKUGAWA had some of the sukisha daimyo (tea masters daimyo) such as Yusai HOSOKAWA and Nobutada ODA copy it, and the manuscript KANZE head family stored was the one that Sosetsu KANZE copied from what the daimyo had copied. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
When Yasukazu was Daisanji of Isawa Prefecture, he favored Shinpei GOTO and Makoto SAITO as shosei (a student who is given room and board in exchange for performing domestic duties), and when he was Fukushima Kenrei after Iwakura Mission returned to Japan, he introduced Shinpei GOTO to Fukushima Yogakko (Fukushima School of Western Studies) and Sukagawa Igakko (Sukagawa School of Medical Science). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
as the gaslight began to pale in the library and the shape of the windows was seen dimly behind the curtains, a long cock-a-doodle-doo came from beneath the old gentleman's cloak, followed by a few bars of an aria from _Tannhauser_, ending with a loud click. - Ambrose Bierce『不完全火災』
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原題:”An Imperfect Conflagration” 邦題:『不完全火災』 | This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide. 翻訳:枯葉 プロジェクト杉田玄白正式参加テキスト。 最新版はhttp://www005.upp.so-net.ne.jp/kareha/にあります。 Copyright (C) Ambrose Bierce 1886, expired. Copyright (C) Kareha 2002, waived. |
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