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該当件数 : 6件
To preserve foliated branches and stems of bamboo and bamboo grass for a long period of time. - 特許庁
The objective craftwork has the following structure: flower- shaped windmills are mounted on the tips of the respective subbranches of a bamboo branch having a plurality of knots and the plurality of subbranches. - 特許庁
To provide a crusher capable of certainly and directly sending a bamboo material with branches to a crushing part by a conveyor. - 特許庁
To cut a branch of a fruit by pushing the branch of the fruit at a high position in combination with the handle of a bamboo rod so as to be pinched and to collect the fruit in a net attached to the collecting tool. - 特許庁
Ogai got along with modern women who had a strong sense of individuality and thus were subject to criticism, for example Akiko (whose twins were named by Ogai), Raicho, Kazue OTAKE who edited high art magazine 'Saffron,' and so on. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
It has been used for a twig of sakaki (a tree used for shrine rituals) which miko (a shrine maiden) in the service of a shrine who performs a dance before the gods has or for igushi (a branch of a sacred tree) using a young bamboo and bamboo grass which are offered to the gods, and for a symbol of the boundary indicating the holy area decorated on shime-nawa (a thick rope used as a ceremonial implement of shrines which indicates the boundary between the holy area and the everyday area) as shide. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
例文 (6件) |
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