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However, Kiyomori ignored Tokitada's proposal and dispatched his private retainers (elite troops belonging directly to Kiyomori) to subjugate Mino-Genji (Article for December 7 in "Gyokuyo"). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The material of the eyeball clip is plastic and light, and the whole shape is roundish with no sharp and dangerous part to provide a safe form. - 特許庁
Yugiri came back to Genji, and tenaciously questioned him about what he really intended to do with Tamakazura, saying that there was a rumor that he would take her as one of his concubines. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
First bent portions 31a and 31b formed into an acute angle relative to the ball falling direction are formed on the side wall on the upstream side of at least one alignment passage 12a and 12b. - 特許庁
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