fly | 遺伝子名 | ctl |
同義語(エイリアス) | coatless | |
SWISS-PROTのID | --- | |
EntrezGeneのID | EntrezGene:44805 | |
その他のDBのID | FlyBase:FBgn0000385 |
fly | 遺伝子名 | ctl |
同義語(エイリアス) | gilead; cutlet; CG33122; CG10030 | |
SWISS-PROTのID | --- | |
EntrezGeneのID | EntrezGene:44637 | |
その他のDBのID | FlyBase:FBgn0015376 |
mouse | 遺伝子名 | ctl |
同義語(エイリアス) | curly tail-like | |
SWISS-PROTのID | --- | |
EntrezGeneのID | --- | |
その他のDBのID | MGI:3045163 |
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/07/13 19:14 UTC 版)
CTL* is a superset of computational tree logic (CTL) and linear temporal logic (LTL). It freely combines path quantifiers and temporal operators. Like CTL, CTL* is a branching time logic. The formal semantics of CTL* formulae are defined with respect to a given Kripke structure.