意味 | 例文 (9件) |

英訳・英語 learning style
該当件数 : 9件
To advance learning using a voice according to a learning style of a learner. - 特許庁
A learning support device includes a similar learner detection unit which detects, on the basis of learner information including a learning goal, a learning level, and a learning style, a similar learner having similar characteristics of the learner information and a similar learner information providing unit which provides a learner to be supported with the learner information of a learner similar to the learner to be supported, detected by the similar learner detection unit. - 特許庁
A morpheme string is prepared by extracting sentences from a learning text set with style information by a sentence extraction means 1 and analyzing each sentence by a morpheme analysis means 2 by using a morpheme analysis dictionary 11 and correlation between the generation frequency of each morpheme of an individual sentence and the style of the sentence is learned by a style learning means 3 and stored in a style judgment information storage part 13. - 特許庁
A computer to generate the motion includes means 101 to prepare the database, means 102 to select the motion, means 103 to learn and convert the style, and means 104 to update the database. - 特許庁
To provide a sound model learning device capable of automatically creating a learning data of a sound model with high recognition rate, and creating the sound model applicable to various utterance styles, even when an off line subtitle in which a matching rate of the subtitle and an utterance content is low, is used. - 特許庁
To provide an acoustic model learning device which is capable of producing an acoustic model which corresponds to a variety of uttering styles by automatically generating the learning data of an acoustic model by a high recognition ratio even when an off-line subtitle in which the matching rate of the subtitle and the uttering content is low is used. - 特許庁
単語を確認! -
増える! -
学習機能付き! -
単語を理解! -
該当件数 : 9件
To provide a method that relates to generation of a motion in computer graphics and selects the motion from a database to learn and convert a style of a remaining motion, to which a user supplies an example to be styled to the database. - 特許庁
Peace Commemoration Tokyo Exposition' in Ueno, the first publication of 'Shukan Asahi' and 'Sunday Mainichi,' the first publication of 'learning magazine' by Shogakukan Inc., the foundation of 'Ezaki Glico Co., Ltd.,' beauty lessons given by 'Shiseido Co., Ltd.,' shortcut hair in fashion among women, and the foundation of Zenkoku Suihei-sha発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
意味 | 例文 (9件) |
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