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a soldier of the American Revolution who was hanged as a spy by the British発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
アメリカ独立戦争の兵士で、英国のスパイとして絞首刑にされた - 日本語WordNet
During the war, he created "Kancho Imada Shisezu" (The Spy Is Not Yet Deed) in 1942 and "Kaisen no Zenya" (On the Eve of War) in 1943 which, although both strongly nationalist, were popular because of the suspense in the style of American films.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
また戦時中は1942年に『間諜未だ死せず』、1943年に『開戦の前夜』といった国策色の強い映画ながら、アメリカ映画ばりのサスペンス調の演出で人気を呼ぶ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Especially in the European and American block, the culture of 'Japan' as imagined by foreign people was likely to be exaggerated in some part or being mixed with China and being stereotyped, due to curiosity (exoticism) about a culture of which the ancestry was completely different from that of Christian culture, and many 'perception biases' from the Japanese viewpoint were seen (even now, there are many foreign travelers who are surprised to know that Japan has no 'ninja' (professional spy in feudal Japan highly trained in stealth and secrecy)).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
外国からイメージされた「日本」の文化は、特に欧米圏では、キリスト教文化とは全く系統の異なる文化への好奇心(エキゾチズム)から、ある一面が誇張され、あるいは中国などと混同され、ステロタイプ(ステレオタイプ、紋切り型)化されて伝わる傾向があり、日本人から見れば「偏った認識」と思われるものが多く見受けられた(現在でも、日本に「忍者」がいないので驚いたという外国人旅行者は少なからずいる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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American Sport Art Museum and Archives
American Sports Medicine Institute
American spy
Americans say they brush their teeth after every meal.
Americans spend most of their lives working, being productive.
Americans spend much of their free time at home.
Americans switched over to daylight-saving time on Sunday, April 3.
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