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ark shells発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
フネガイ科の貝類 - 日本語WordNet
The ark shell seeds are collected by inserting the tool 1 for collecting the seeds of the ark shells into the seawater in which the larvae of the ark shells float, and the spats of the ark shells attached to the collecting tool 1 are inserted and cultured in the interior of the basket for culturing the ark shells.例文帳に追加
この採苗器1をアカガイ幼生が浮遊する海水に入れてその採苗器1でアカガイの採苗を行った後、採苗器1に付着したアカガイ稚貝を前記アカガイ養殖篭の内部に入れて養殖する。 - 特許庁
type genus of the family Arcidae: ark shells and blood clams発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
フネガイ科の標準属:フネガイ類とアメリカアカガイ類からなる - 日本語WordNet
Powders obtained from waste products of edible shells such as ark shells, mussels, oysters, hard clams, abalones, turban shells or the like by crushing and calcining at 500-1,800°C, are preferably used.例文帳に追加
この場合、上記酸化カルシウムとしては、廃棄物である赤貝、イガイ、牡蠣、ハマグリ、アワビ類、サザエ等の食用貝の貝殻を粉砕し、500℃〜1800℃で焼成した粉末を使用してもよい。 - 特許庁
Regarding two deities sent by Kamimusubi, Kisagaihime refers to an ark shell and Umugihime a clam; it is considered that powder of ark shells was dissolved in clam soup to apply to a burn.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
カミムスビが遣わしたキサガイヒメはアカガイ、ウムギヒメはハマグリであり、赤貝の殻の粉を蛤汁で溶いて火傷に塗布したと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide a method for pre-freezing treatment of bivalves comprising freezing bivalves such as clams, short-necked clams, ark shells and oysters with their quality kept fresh: and to provide pre-treatment electrodes used for the pre-treatment.例文帳に追加
品質を保持したままハマグリ,アサリ,赤貝,カキ等の二枚貝を凍結保存するための冷凍前処理方法及びその前処理に用いる前処理用電極を提供する。 - 特許庁
To provide a method for artificially cultivating shellfish by which a young shell of a snail such as an abalone, a turban shell and a Japanese abalone, or a bivalve such as a clam and an ark shell is efficiently grown to an adult shell, and the stable volume of the production of the adult shells is secured according to the requirement of a market.例文帳に追加
鮑、さざえ、とこぶしなどの巻貝、蛤、赤貝などの二枚貝の幼貝を効率よく成貝まで生育させ、市場の要求に応じた安定した成貝の生産量を確保する人工養殖方法の提供。 - 特許庁
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「ark shells」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 8件
The tool 1 for collecting the seeds of the ark shells is obtained by arranging many tape bundles 5 obtained by folding back a water-resistant tape 4 having a specific gravity lower than that of seawater several times, at an interval, linking the intermediate part of each of the tape bundles 5 with a linking material, and fixing a weight 3 to one terminal of the linking material.例文帳に追加
アカガイ種苗の採苗器1が、比重が海水の比重以下の耐水性テープ4を複数回折り返して成るテープ束5の複数を並列に間隔をあけて配置し、各テープ束5の中間部を連結材で連結し、連結材の一端に重り3を固定して成る。 - 特許庁
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