“新しい製品を販売するにあたっては、まず、商品開発部(Product Development Department)のプロジェクトチームが情報を収集・検討して、商品のコンセプトを考えます。次に、コンセプトや商品仕様、採算性などをまとめた企画書(proposal)を上司や会社の経営幹部に提出し、社内会議でプレゼンテーション(presentation)を行うのが一般的です。この会議で商品化するかどうかが決まります。続いて、製造部門と協力して、商品仕様をもとに試作品の改良を重ねます。同時に、その製品を販売するための販売戦略も考えなければなりません。テストでは、これらの段階での社員の会話や社内文書が出題されるので、商品開発の流れを把握しておきましょう。
launch a product
* launchには名詞で「発売」という意味もある。
Manufacturing Department
問題 1
To: Deborah Miles
From: Bob Selander
Date: October 4
Subject: New product presentation
Regarding the decision reached last week at our department’s monthly meeting—we are scheduled to make a presentation to Marketing in mid-November for a new home disinfectant. Having assessed customer needs through the market research conducted this summer, it is clear that customers want an effective yet safe product with several choices of scent. The prototype we now have can be arranged in several ways to cater to customer demands, so not much work is needed there. However, the presentation itself must be attractive; otherwise it will be impossible to persuade Marketing to buy our idea. I suggest that we, and at least three others in Product Development, meet at the earliest possible date to brainstorm.
Question: What is the main purpose of this e-mail?
(A) To announce a decision made at a meeting
(B) To report market research results
(C) To suggest changes to a prototype
(D) To propose the need for action
Having assessed customer needs / through the market research /
conducted this summer, / it is clear (for us) / that customers want
an effective yet safe product / with several choices of scent.
Having … this summer が従属節で、it is以降が主節。一見すると、主節と従属節の主語が異なるので従属節の分詞構文が成立しないように思えるが、主節のclear のあとに意味上の主語を表すfor usを補って考えると、どちらも主語がweなので成立することがわかる。conducted this summer は、the market researchを修飾している。
最後の文に、I suggest that we … meet at the earliest possible date to brainstorm.「私たち…ができるだけ早い日に会って、ブレインストーミングをすることを提案する」とあるので、(D)が正解。suggestをpropose「…を提案する」と言い換えている。(A) 1 文目で会議での決定事項について言及しているが、その発表が目的ではない。(B)2 文目で市場調査の結果について言及しているが、結果の報告が目的ではない。(C) 3 文目で試作品の改良について言及しているが、それを提案することが目的ではない。
reach a decision
be scheduled to
[名] 消毒剤
market research
[接] けれども
[名] 香り
cater to
[名] 要求
[形] 魅力的な
[副] そうでなければ
buy one’s idea
[動] ブレインストーミングをする
問題 2
invites you to the launch party of
Thank you for your continued patronage of BOSCO TECH products. We are proud to announce the launch of our newest line of shock absorbing gel sheets, MEGA GEL. BOSCO TECH continues to be dedicated to product quality and innovation, and that is what we deliver with MEGA GEL, a product that protects everything from smartphones to flat screen TVs. We would like you to celebrate with us and share in the wonder of the shock absorbing technology of the future.
September 12
6:00 P.M.
Lakeside Gold Lounge
R.S.V.P. to gjohnson@boscotech.com by September 1
Question: What is NOT mentioned in the invitation?
(A) The recipient is invited to the event.
(B) The recipient is expected to give a reply.
(C) MEGA GEL is a protective product.
(D) MEGA GEL is already on the market.
BOSCO TECH continues to be dedicated to
product quality and innovation, / and that is what we deliver with MEGA
GEL, / a product that protects everything / from smartphones to flat screen TVs.
product qualityとinnovationをandがつないでおり、そのかたまりをthatで表している。a product以降は、MEGA GELの説明。