contribute an article to one’s publication
*「 投稿者」はcontributor。
ask for submissions
appear in the May issue
問題 1
reviewed by Jan Mizuno
How to Win the Losing Game
Author: Kate Hersey
128 pages with photos
Conrad & Smith, $15.95
Kate Hersey has earned a reputation as one of the country’s foremost gurus of diet and fitness. The fact that 10 of her 15 publications have topped the Brooklyn Times Bestseller List is proof that many think of her as the savior to a nation plagued with obesity. Although the title of her latest book hints at step-by-step instructions for dieting, the content has to do more with literacy than practicality. Divided into several sections—each with a theme—the book is an easy read, informative and full of the contagious energy and humor that is the hallmark of the Kate Hersey persona.
Question: What is NOT mentioned about Kate Hersey?
(A) She is popular.
(B) She has written best-selling books.
(C) She has never been obese.
(D) She is humorous.
The fact that 10 of her 15 publications have topped the Brooklyn Times
Bestseller List is proof / that many think of her as the savior to
a nation plagued with obesity.
主語はThe factからListまでで、接続詞thatで始まる節がThe factを修飾している。is proof thatのthatも接続詞で、proofを説明している。manyは「多くの人」という代名詞で、that節内の主語。manyのあとには<think of+目的語+as >「(目的語)を…と見なす」の形が続いている。さらに、plagued with obesityがa nationを後ろから修飾している。
批評:Jan Mizuno
How to Win the Losing Game
著者:Kate Hersey
128ページ 写真入り
Conrad & Smith刊、15ドル95セント
Kate Herseyは、ダイエットと健康に関して、国内でナンバーワンのカリスマ的指導者としての評判を得ている。彼女の15 冊の出版物のうち10 冊が、Brooklyn Timesのベストセラーリストの首位を占めたという事実は、多くの人々が彼女のことを、肥満に苦しむ国の救済者だと考えている証拠である。彼女の最新作の題名は、ダイエットの段階的な指導を示唆するものだが、内容は実用性よりも専門知識に関するものである。この本は、それぞれにテーマを持つ、いくつかのセクションに分かれており、読みやすく有益で、Kate Herseyという人物の特徴である、影響力のある表現力とユーモアにあふれている。
問題 : Kate Herseyについて述べられていないことは何ですか。
Sophistication, the most widely subscribed lifestyle magazine for thirtysomethings, is asking for your submission for its September/October issue. The subject is limited to autobiographical travel experiences. Submissions should preferably be at least 500 words but may not exceed 800 words. Submissions may either be mailed or sent as an attachment to an e-mail. Deadlines are May 14 and May 20, respectively. Mailed submissions will not be returned to the sender. Contributors will be notified by June 15 as to whether their story will be published. For more information, visit the Sophistication Web site at
Question: What is suggested about the magazine?
(A) It is a travel magazine.
(B) It is popular among certain people.
(C) It is published every month.
(D) It is looking for editors.
Sophistication ,
(the most widely subscribed lifestyle magazine for thirty-somethings,)
is asking for your submission / for its September/October issue.
この文の主語はSophistication~thirty-somethingsで、主語を、( )に入れた名詞句で説明している。動詞はis asking。
4 文目
Submissions may either be mailed or sent as an attachment to an e-mail.
この文の主語はSubmissions。動詞はmay be emailedとsent。either A or B「A かB のどちらか」の形になっている。