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a classification, in the Japanese Marine Self Defence Forces, called Navy General - EDR日英対訳辞書
a person in the classification of Navy General in the Japanese Marine Self Defence Forces - EDR日英対訳辞書
He was first the ambassador of Cheonghaejin, then 感義軍使 and became the naval commander. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
a classification for a Japanese Marine Self Defence Force officer that is between Sea Captain and Sea Assistant General - EDR日英対訳辞書
三 給与法別表第二自衛官俸給表の適用を受ける自衛隊員であって、同表の陸将、海将及び空将の欄に定める額の俸給を受けるもの並びに陸将補、海将補及び空将補の(一)欄に定める額の俸給を受けるもの例文帳に追加
(iii) Self-defense forces personnel to whom the Self-Defense Forces Regular Personnel Salary Schedule in Appended Table No. 2 of the Remuneration Act is applied and those who receive the salary in the amount provided for the column for General of GSDF, Admiral of MSDF, and General of ASDF and who receive the salary in the amount provided for the columns for Major General (I) of GSDF, Rear Admiral (I) of MSDF, and Major General (I) of ASDF in the same Salary Schedule - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
However, Shimonokuni family still did not give up the attempt to continue controlling where was once its sphere of influence, and tried to display the controlling range from the northern Mutsu Province to Ezo, by proclaiming itself Tokai Shogun (general of Tokai) within and outside the territory (About this, there are some contradictions). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Ryokai mandala symbolically represents the view of the world conceived by Esoteric Buddhism; and although the original which Kukai brought over does not exist any more, commonly called Takao mandala at Jingo-ji Temple is said to have been created when Kukai lived and to be close to the original which Kukai brought over. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
なお、出羽国の戦国大名 安東氏では当初、北海道南部にも勢力を持ち、奥州十三湊日之本将軍、または東海将軍と称して北海道南部に土着した安東氏の庶家や蠣崎氏後の松前氏を上国守護職、下国守護職、松前守護職などに封じているなど、幕府以外にも守護職が独自に設置・任免された事績も確認できる。例文帳に追加
In fact, it has been confirmed that, beginning with the warlords of Dewa Province, the Ando clan, who also had influence in southern Hokkaido, a branch of the Ando clan indigenous to southern Hokkaido called Oshu Tosaminato Hinomoto Shogun or Tokai Shogun, or the Matsumae clan after the Kakizaki clan, were made Jogoku (major province) shugoshiki (post of provincial constable), Gekoku (minor province) shugoshiki, or Matsumae shugoshiki, examples of Shugo being installed independently of the Shogunate. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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