the former and the latter―the one and the other―one and another
One thing serves as a substitute for another―serves for another―does duty for another.
They are of different orders
to use one thing instead of―in place of―in lieu of―in the room of―another
The one compares favourably with the other.
The one is inferior to the other in quality.
How does the one compare with the other?
The one compares favourably with the other.
There is an essential difference between the two.
A does not compare with B
The one does not compare with the other.
The one, as compared with the other,―when set against the other,―is of a higher tone.
A is inferior to B in ability.
A is superior to B in ability.
The one is nothing to the other―nothing as compared with the other―as nothing compared with the other―nothing in comparison with the other.