
英訳・英語 bit field
該当件数 : 18件
In structures, zero-length bit fields cause the next bit field to start on an integer boundary, rather than on a character boundary.発音を聞く - コンピューター用語辞典
while the events member will contain the returned event bit field.発音を聞く - JM
by the process's current cpuset. nodemask points to a bit mask of node IDs that contains up to maxnode bits.発音を聞く - JM
To store a plurality of bit fields in the memory area of one address (one byte) in a RAM. - 特許庁
オプションの logopt 引数はビットフィールドの値になります -とりうる組み合わせ値については以下を参照してください。例文帳に追加
The optional logopt argument is a bit field - see below for possible values to combine. - Python
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該当件数 : 18件
For facilitating, the bit field is coded for identifying whether or not the request is speculative. - 特許庁
In the processing of an instruction request, whether the request is speculative is decided, based on a bit field in the instruction. - 特許庁
An additional bit field may define a priority of a speculative request to influence the decision of processing as based on the conditions. - 特許庁
In the image component coding format of this invention, bit fields within the format is assigned so as to code any one of the α resolution and the high color resolution of plural bits. - 特許庁
The round-off processing part 10 selects a bit field C to secure according to a use state of a specified area A of a higher order z/2bit among the respective input data IN1 to INK of 32 bit and rounds it off to z/2. - 特許庁
実数xをa* (2^n)と表した時のaを仮数部、nを指数部としたときに、Nビット(N≧(U+L))のビットフィールドの上位側のUビットに仮数部を固定小数点数値で格納し、下位側のLビットに指数部を整数で格納する。例文帳に追加
A mantissa part is stored in an U bit at a higher order side of a bit field of N bit (N≥(U+L)) with a fixed point numeric value, and an exponent part is stored in an L bit at a lower order side with an integer, when a is the mantissa part and n is the exponent part in an actual number x represented by a*(2^n). - 特許庁
In the case where a packet, constituting digital television broadcast, received via an antenna 30 does not include a bit field for determining scramble information for each sub-channel, in a broadcast receiver 1, a PID of a packet that becomes a candidate of processing for obtaining a scramble determination result, is selected. - 特許庁
A user equipment (UE) receives a radio signal of a high speed shared control channel including information to show a N bit field including a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) of N bit added to an UE identification of N bit with two as a rule and at least one high speed downlink sharing channel (Step 4). - 特許庁
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