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英訳・英語 effective exchange rate
該当件数 : 52件
effective exchange rate発音を聞く - EDR日英対訳辞書
the actual or real rate of exchange for one currency to another発音を聞く - EDR日英対訳辞書
an exchange rate called the nominal effective exchange rate発音を聞く - EDR日英対訳辞書
With this point taken into account, the nominal effective exchange rate is adjusted for inflation to become the "real effective exchange rate." - 経済産業省
Nominal effective exchange rate is indexed January 2000=100. month) - 経済産業省
③ 実質実効為替レートと交易条件の関係について例文帳に追加
(C) Relationship between real effective exchange rate and terms of trade - 経済産業省
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該当件数 : 52件
In order to understand the yen rate and evaluate exchange rate levels more comprehensively, two indicators are commonly used; one is an exchange rate changed to an “effective” basis (the nominal effective exchange rate), which is the weighted average of nominal exchange rates of multiple currencies (such as the dollar-yen rate) by trade amount, and the other is an exchange rate changed to a “real” basis (the real effective exchange rate), which is obtained by adjusting the nominal effective 409 exchange rate, using product prices in the home country and rivaling countries. - 経済産業省
Therefore, the current appreciation of the yen has been creating a severer exchange rate environment to Japanese export enterprises. - 経済産業省
そこで、ドル・円レート、名目実効為替レート、実質実効為替レートの3 つの見方により、今般の2012年1 月時点の円高水準113 をそれぞれ過去と比較してみた(第2-4-3-1 図参照)。例文帳に追加
While examining exchange rates with the three indicators, namely the dollar-yen exchange rate, the nominal effective exchange rate and the real effective exchange rate, this section compares the appreciation of the yen as of January 2012 with the past cases (see Figure 2-4-3-1). - 経済産業省
「実質実効為替レート」とは、特定の2 通貨間の為替レートだけでは分からない対外競争力を、単一の指標で総合的に捉えようとするものである。例文帳に追加
The real effective exchange rate is viewed as an overall measure of a country's external competitiveness that cannot be indicated by an exchange rate between two specific currencies alone. - 経済産業省
さらに、岡田・浜田(2009)や有馬(2010)によれば、輸出産業の収益力を測るには、交易条件と実質実効為替レートの比率(=交易条件/ 実質実効為替レート)をみるのが適しているとされる。例文帳に追加
According to Okada and Hamada (2009) and Arima (2010), it is appropriate to measure profitability of export industries by the ratio of the terms of trade to the real effective exchange rate (=the terms of trade/the real effective exchange rate). - 経済産業省
上述した、交易条件と実質実効為替レートの比率(=交易条件/ 実質実効為替レート)を指標として用い、我が国と韓国、ドイツの輸出産業の収益力を比較してみることとする。例文帳に追加
Using the aforementioned ratio of the terms of trade to the real effective exchange rate (=the terms of trade/the real effective exchange rate) as an indicator, this section compares profitability of the export industry in Japan, South Korea and Germany. - 経済産業省
As for effective forex rates for recent years, the yen has been rapidly appreciating in comparison with the US dollar, Euro, or Korean won. - 経済産業省
In this regard, the real effective exchange rate has both of the features and thus properly represents Japan’s international competitiveness rather than the nominal exchange rate of a single currency such as the dollar-yen rate (Ito, Inaba, Ozaki, Sekine, et al. (2011)). - 経済産業省
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