意味 | 例文 (7件) |

該当件数 : 7件
To provide a radiotherapy cage which secures safety at whole rotation angles and also has high economic efficiency, reliability, and maintenance property. - 特許庁
Accordingly, it was considered unnecessary to conduct any physical examination at various airports and seaports for radiation. - 経済産業省
To provide a radiation dosage wire utensil wherein the flexibility at the distal end section is increased, and the operability and safety when being inserted in a bent lumen are ensured. - 特許庁
The Industrial Safety and Health Law provides that employers take measures to prevent damage to the health of radiation workers, including radiation exposure, throughout their period of employment, and it requires that they shall be educated on issues of health and safety, work environment monitoring and medical examination of workers. - 経済産業省
二 安全管理者(放射性同位元素等による放射線障害の防止に関する法律(昭和三十二年法律第百六十七号)に基づく第一種放射線取扱主任者免状を取得した後三年以上放射線に係る安全性の確保に関する業務に従事した経験を有する者又はこれと同等以上の知識経験を有する者であって、特定放射光施設における研究者等の安全の確保に関する業務を行う者をいう。)例文帳に追加
(ii) Safety manager (meaning a person with the experience of being engaged in the services concerning protection of safety pertaining to radiation for three years or more after obtaining the license for Type-I radiation protection supervisor under the Act on Prevention of Radiation Disease Due to Radioisotopes, etc. (Act No. 167 of 1957), or a person with equivalent or superior knowledge and experience, who provides the services for protecting the safety of the Researchers, etc. at the Specified Synchrotron Radiation Facilities)発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
The Act Concerning Prevention from Radiation Hazards due to Radioisotopes, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “Radiation Hazard Prevention Act”) was promulgated in 1957, and, in compliance with the Atomic Energy Basic Act, regulates use, sale, lease, disposal or other handling of radioisotopes, use of radiation generating device, and disposal or other treatment of the materials contaminated by radioisotopes to prevent radiation hazard and secure public safety. - 経済産業省
第二十九条 国は、原子力の安全の確保、原子力災害の発生の防止及び放射線障害の防止に関する科学的な研究及び開発を推進するとともに、その成果の普及に努めなければならない。例文帳に追加
Article 29 The State shall promote scientific research and development concerning the securing of nuclear safety, prevention of the occurrence of a nuclear disaster, and prevention of a nuclear hazard, and endeavor to disseminate the results thereof.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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