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Wiktionary英語版での「matutine」の意味 |
From Latin, from matutinus (“pertaining to morning”), from Matuta (“Roman goddess of the morning”); related to Latin maturus (“early”) (compare mature).
matutine (not comparable)
- Of or relating to early morning; occurring in the early morning; matutinal.
- 1833, Captain Mundy, Pen and Pencil Sketches, from the Journal of a Tour in India, quoted in 1833, Recent Travels in Upper India, The Edinburgh Review, Or Critical Journal, Volume 57, page 362,
- During a residence of nearly two years in Switzerland, the first object that my eyes opened upon every morning was the snow-clad summit of Mount Blanc; and I thought that a glorious sight. But the glaciers that now form, next to the Omnipotent Being who created them, my first objects of matutine contemplation, present a battalion of icy pinnacles, amongst which Mount Blanc, with its pitiful fifteen thousand feet, would scarcely be admitted in the rear rank!
- 1833, Captain Mundy, Pen and Pencil Sketches, from the Journal of a Tour in India, quoted in 1833, Recent Travels in Upper India, The Edinburgh Review, Or Critical Journal, Volume 57, page 362,
- (astrology) Before the sun (of the rising of a planet または star); that rises before the sun (of a planet または star).
- 1817, Ebenezer Sibly, The New and Complete Illustration of the Celestial Science of Astrology, Volume 2, Revised Edition, 1822 printing, page 1031,
- 1975, Julius Firmicus Maternus], Jean Rhys Bram (translator), Ancient Astrology Theory And Practice: Matheseos libri VIII, page 39,
- 1990, George Noonan, Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, page 14,
- (of, relating to または occurring in early morning): vespertine
- (that rises before the sun): vespertine
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