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Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 異数性のに関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 11


* ヒトの精子における異数性の分析例文帳に追加

* analysis of heteroploidy in human sperm - 経済産業省


For example, an increase in the frequency of occurrence of heteroploidy in human sperm to which the substance is exposed, etc. - 経済産業省

- 次世代に受継がれる証拠はないがヒト生殖細胞に変異原を示す陽結果;例えば、暴露されたヒトの精子中の異数発生頻度の増加など。例文帳に追加

- Positive results showing mutagenicity in human germ cells without evidence of transmission to the progeny; for example, an increase in the frequency of aneuploidy in sperm cells of exposed human subjects. - 経済産業省

(a) 染色体プローブのセットを被験者由来の生物学的サンプルにハイブリダイズさせ、 (b) 上記生物学的サンプルから細胞を選択し、 (c) 上記選択した細胞における異数染色体細胞の有無を判定し、 (d) 上記選択した細胞における異数染色体細胞の存在を被験者の癌と相関させる、ことを含んでなる被験者の癌をスクリーニングする方法。例文帳に追加

Methods for screening cancer of a subject includes: (a) hybridizing a set of chromosomal probes to a biological sample obtained from the subject; (b) selecting cells from the biological sample; (c) determining presence/absence of aneusomic cells in the selected cell; and (d) correlating the presence of the aneusomic cells in the selected cells with the cancer of the subject. - 特許庁


(a) 染色体プローブのセットを被験者由来の生物学的サンプルにハイブリダイズさせ、(b) 上記生物学的サンプルから細胞を選択し、(c) 上記選択した細胞における異数染色体細胞の有無を判定し、(d) 上記選択した細胞における異数染色体細胞の存在を被験者の癌と相関させる、ことを含んでなる被験者の癌をスクリーニングする方法。例文帳に追加

Cancer of a subject is screened by (a) hybridizing a set of chromosome probe to a biological sample originating from the subject, (b) selecting a cell from the biological sample, (c) judging the presence of heteroploid cell in the selected cell and (d) correlating the presence of the heteroploid cell in the selected cell with the cancer of the subject. - 特許庁



The present invention concerns the identification of proteomes of biological fluids and their use in determining the state of maternal/fetal conditions, including maternal conditions of fetal origin, chromosomal aneuploidies, and fetal diseases associated with fetal growth and maturation. - 特許庁


To provide a quantitative determination method of nucleic acids derived from samples having problems such as aged samples, formalin-fixed samples, paraffin-embedded samples, heteroploid cell-containing samples and fragmentated nucleic acids-containing cells. - 特許庁


This novel plant species Ssamchoo improved by applying a heteroploidy breeding method to a crossbreed of a Chinese cabbage and a cabbage, and having the number of chromosomes of 2n=40 can be utilized as a substitute for a lettuce by harvesting a single leaf, and, when being folded into a head, has excellent effects suitable for a salad. - 特許庁


As the method, a method for efficiently solubilizing the nucleic acid from preserved clinical samples under non-denaturalizing condition without depending on organic extraction, a method for normalizing cell numbers independent of heteroploidy, a method for detecting the fragmentated state of a nucleic acid and a method for providing the standard curve of a decomposed nucleic acid sample are cited. - 特許庁


9) 数多くの in vitro 遺伝毒試験(ほ乳類培養細胞を用いるコメット試験、ほ乳類培養細胞を用いる UDS 試験、枯草菌を用いるDNA修復試験(Rec-assay)、ネズミチフス菌を用いる umu 試験、大腸菌を用いる SOS 試験、酵母を用いる異数を含む染色体異常試験/遺伝子変換試験など)や宿主経由試験(Host-mediated assay)があるが、これらの試験結果は分類に用いない。例文帳に追加

9) There are a number of in vitro genotoxicity tests (comet test using mammalian cultured cells, UDS test using mammalian cultured cells, DNA repair test (Rec-assay) using grass bacillus, umu test using Salmonella typhimurium, SOS test using colon bacillus, chromosome aberration including aneuploidy test using yeast/gene conversion, etc.) and the host-mediated test (host-mediated assay), but these test results are not used for classification. - 経済産業省


これには、哺乳類を用いた生殖細胞のin vivo 遺伝変異原試験(げっ歯類優致死突然変異試験、マウス遺伝転座検定、マウス特定座位試験など)で陽の場合、または、哺乳類を用いた体細胞のin vivo 変異原試験(哺乳類骨髄細胞染色体異常試験、哺乳類赤血球小核試験、マウススポット試験など)の陽に加えて、当該物質が生殖細胞に突然変異を誘発する可能についての何らかの証拠(例えば、哺乳類精原細胞染色体異常試験、精子細胞小核試験、精原細胞を用いた姉妹染色分体交換分析、精巣細胞を用いた不定期DNA 合成試験(UDS)などでの陽結果や、活を示す当該物質あるいは代謝物質の生殖細胞への曝露の証拠など)がある場合、または、次世代への遺伝の証拠はないがヒト生殖細胞に変異原を示す陽結果がある場合(例えば、暴露されたヒトの精子細胞中の異数発生頻度の増加など)が該当する。例文帳に追加

These include substances showing positive result(s) in in vivo heritable mutagenicity tests in mammalian germ cells (rodent dominant lethal mutation test, mouse heritable translocation assay, mouse specific locus test, etc.), or positive result(s) in in vivo mutagenicity tests in mammalian somatic cells (mammalian bone marrow chromosome aberration test, mammalian erythrocyte micronucleus test, mouse spot test, etc.) in combination with some evidence that the substance has potential to induce mutations in germ cells (for example, positive results in mammalian spermatogonial chromosome aberration test, spermatid micronucleus assay, sister chromatid exchange analysis in spermatogonia, unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) test in testicular cells, or evidence of exposure of germ cells to the active substance or its metabolite(s)), or positive results showing mutagenicity in human germ cells without evidence of transmission to progeny (for example, an increase in the frequency of aneuploidy in sperm cells of exposed human subjects). - 経済産業省


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