fly | 遺伝子名 | heartbroken |
同義語(エイリアス) | dof/hbr/sms; Downstream of FGF; dof/hbr; i21; Dof/stumps/heartbroken; stumps; hbr: heartbroken; downstream of FGFR; P1740; 0837/10; l(3)09904; Downstream of FGFR; sms; Stumps; Dof; i28; anon-estC; anon-EST:CL47; stumps/dof; CG18485; Hbr; Heartbroken; dof; gene C; Hbr/Dof; l(3)S083710; DOF; hbr; heartbroken/dof; CG31317; downstream of FGF receptor; CG3375; Downstream of FGF receptor | |
SWISS-PROTのID | --- | |
EntrezGeneのID | EntrezGene:41770 | |
その他のDBのID | FlyBase:FBgn0020299 |