意味 | 例文 (10件) |

該当件数 : 10件
To provide a tritium contamination preventing and decontamination method for efficiently suppressing accumulation of tritium and removing tritium in tritium handling facilities, particularly, nuclear fusion related facilities and tritium treating facilities. - 特許庁
(四十三) トリチウムと重水素との核反応による静電加速型の中性子発生装置例文帳に追加
(xliii) Neutron generators utilizing electrostatic acceleration to induce a tritium-deuterium nuclear reaction発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
To establish an on-the-spot measuring technology of purity of tritium released from a tritium storage bed, which is important for purity control of tritium supplied to the core of a nuclear fusion reactor vacuum vessel or for tritium metering control of the whole tritium process system. - 特許庁
In addition, deuteriums and tritiums obtained from water, such as seawater, etc., are made to cause nuclear fusion by having deuteriums and tritiums irradiated with the powerful laser beam. - 特許庁
To provide a method and system for decontaminating contaminants by removing tritium from radioactive contaminants contaminated with tritium (hydrogen-3: ^3H) generated from nuclear power plants, nuclear material handling facilities, or nuclear fusion research facilities. - 特許庁
五十三 トリチウムと重水素との核反応による静電加速型の中性子発生装置であって、真空ポンプを使用しないで操作できるように設計したもの例文帳に追加
(liii) Neutron generators utilizing electrostatic acceleration to induce a tritium-deuterium nuclear reaction designed to be operable without using a vacuum pump発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
When this method is applied to a part contaminated with a radioactive nuclide generated in a nuclear facility including a reprocessing plant under operation, the radioactive nuclide can be similarly separately recovered in a liquid. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 10件
To highly sensitively measure tritium in a state in which radon, thoron, their progeny nuclides, and other background nuclides are absent in carrier gases, reduce carrier-gas consumption, eliminate the need for waste disposal work, and reduce maintenance work. - 特許庁
To provide a treatment method for separating the liquid waste of heavy water generated in the purification treatment of depleted heavy water by an electrolytic method into impurities (alkali compounds and gamma nuclides) and heavy water containing tritium to dispose the impurities safely. - 特許庁
The tritium monitor comprises using a highly pure nitrogen gas as a carrier gas, being discharged in the carrier gas by selectively separating steam in a sample gas 100 with a steam separator 6, interrupting the carrier gas from radon, tron, its daughter nuclide or the other gaseous radioactive substance since the carrier gas containing the discharged water vapor is introduced into a measuring ionization chamber 16 to find tritium concentration from the ionized amount. - 特許庁
意味 | 例文 (10件) |
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