








英訳・英語 Director General of National Tax Administration Agency




該当件数 : 12



It may be labeled in an area which is designated by the Commissioner of the National Tax Administration Agency under the "Establishing Standards for Labeling of Geographical Indications" by the National Tax Administration Agency.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

二 相互協議を継続した場合であつても合意に至らないと当該相互協議に係る条約相手国の権限ある当局が認める場合において、国税庁長官が当該権限ある当局から当該相互協議の終了の申入れを受け、国税庁長官が同意をしたとき。例文帳に追加

(ii) Where the competent authority of the other contracting state pertaining to a mutual consultation finds that an agreement cannot be reached even if the said mutual consultation were continued, when the Commissioner of the National Tax Agency has received a request for the termination of the said mutual consultation from the said competent authority and has given his/her consent発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Liquors produced by fermentation of the following ingredients: cereals or potatoes, malted cereals or potatoes, water, substances listed by Director-General of the National Tax Administration Agency (the total weight of substances listed by Director-General of the National Tax Administration Agency must be less than that of cereals, potatoes and malted cereals and potatoes).発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

2 法第六十六条の四の二第一項に規定する合意がない場合その他の政令で定める場合は次の各号に掲げる場合とし、同項に規定する政令で定める日は国税庁長官が当該各号に掲げる場合に該当する旨を通知した日とする。例文帳に追加

(2) The case where there is no agreement prescribed in Article 66-4-2(1) of the Act or any other case specified by a Cabinet Order shall be the case listed respectively in the following items and the date specified by a Cabinet Order prescribed in the said paragraph shall be the date on which the Commissioner of the National Tax Agency notified the fact that the case falls under any of those listed in the relevant items:発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 法第六十八条の八十八の二第一項に規定する合意がない場合その他の政令で定める場合は次の各号に掲げる場合とし、同項に規定する政令で定める日は国税庁長官が当該各号に掲げる場合に該当する旨を通知した日とする。例文帳に追加

(2) The case where there is no agreement prescribed in Article 68-88-2(1) of the Act or any other case specified by a Cabinet Order shall be the case listed respectively in the following items and the date specified by a Cabinet Order prescribed in the said paragraph shall be the date on which the Commissioner of the National Tax Agency notified the fact that the case falls under any of those listed in the relevant items:発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


With this amendment, a new provision for the protection of geographical indications, "Among places of manufacturing seishu, the geographical indication for the place designated by the Commissioner of the National Tax Administration Agency may not be used for seishu that is produced in an area other than the designated one." was newly established.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


一 法第六十六条の四の二第一項に規定する協議(以下この項において「相互協議」という。)を継続した場合であつても同条第一項の合意(次号及び第三号において「合意」という。)に至らないと国税庁長官が認める場合(同条第五項各号に掲げる場合を除く。)において、国税庁長官が当該相互協議に係る条約相手国(第一条の三第一項第二号に規定する租税条約の我が国以外の締約国をいう。次号において同じ。)の権限ある当局に当該相互協議の終了の申入れをし、当該権限ある当局の同意を得たとき。例文帳に追加

(i) Where the Commissioner of the National Tax Agency finds that an agreement set forth in Article 66-4-2(1) of the Act (referred to an "agreement" in the next item and item (iii)) cannot be reached even if the consultation prescribed in the said paragraph (hereinafter referred to as a "mutual consultation" in this paragraph) is continued (excluding the case listed in the items of Article 66-4-2(5) of the Act), when he/she has made a request for the termination of the said mutual consultation to the competent authority of the other contracting state pertaining to the said mutual consultation (meaning a contracting state other than Japan of a tax convention prescribed in Article 1-3(1)(ii); the same shall apply in the next item) and has obtained consent from the said competent authority発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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クロスランゲージ 37分野専門語辞書での「国税庁長官」の英訳



該当件数 : 12


一 法第六十八条の八十八の二第一項に規定する協議(以下この項において「相互協議」という。)を継続した場合であつても同条第一項の合意(次号及び第三号において「合意」という。)に至らないと国税庁長官が認める場合(同条第五項各号に掲げる場合を除く。)において、国税庁長官が当該相互協議に係る条約相手国(第一条の三第一項第二号に規定する租税条約の我が国以外の締約国をいう。次号において同じ。)の権限ある当局に当該相互協議の終了の申入れをし、当該権限ある当局の同意を得たとき。例文帳に追加

(i) Where the Commissioner of the National Tax Agency finds that an agreement set forth in Article 68-88-2(1) of the Act (referred to as an "agreement" in the next item and item (iii)) cannot be reached even if the consultation prescribed in the said paragraph (hereinafter referred to as a "mutual consultation" in this paragraph) is continued (excluding the case listed in the items of Article 68-88-2(5) of the Act), when he/she has made a request for the termination of the said mutual consultation to the competent authority of the other contracting state pertaining to the said mutual consultation (meaning a contracting state other than Japan of a tax convention prescribed in Article 1-3(1)(ii); the same shall apply in the next item) and has obtained consent from the said competent authority発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

六 国税又は地方税の犯則事件に関する法令(他の法令において準用する場合を含む。)に基づいて国税庁長官、国税局長、税務署長、収税官吏、税関長、税関職員又は徴税吏員(他の法令の規定に基づいてこれらの職員の職務を行う者を含む。)がする処分及び行政指導並びに証券取引又は金融先物取引の犯則事件に関する法令に基づいて証券取引等監視委員会、その職員(当該法令においてその職員とみなされる者を含む。)、財務局長又は財務支局長がする処分及び行政指導例文帳に追加

(vi) Dispositions and Administrative Guidance rendered by the Commissioner of the National Tax Agency, directors of the Regional Taxation Bureaus, the chiefs of tax offices, tax collectors, the superintendents of custom houses, customs officers, or local tax officials (including those who perform the duties of these offices pursuant to the provisions of other laws and regulations) pursuant to laws and regulations relating to national or local tax law violations (including cases where such laws and regulations are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to other laws and regulations ), and Dispositions and Administrative Guidance rendered by the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission, personnel of that Commission (including those persons deemed as its personnel pursuant to applicable laws and regulations), directors of Local Finance Bureaus, and directors of the Local Finance Branch Bureaus pursuant to laws and regulations relating to violations of securities and exchange and financial futures trading regulations;発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第四条の二 内国法人(普通法人又は協同組合等に限るものとし、次に掲げる法人を除く。)及び当該内国法人との間に当該内国法人による完全支配関係(発行済株式又は出資(自己が有する自己の株式又は出資を除く。)の全部を直接又は間接に保有する関係として政令で定める関係をいう。以下この条において同じ。)がある他の内国法人(普通法人に限るものとし、清算中の法人、資産の流動化に関する法律第二条第三項 (定義)に規定する特定目的会社その他政令で定める法人を除く。)のすべてが当該内国法人を納税義務者として法人税を納めることにつき国税庁長官の承認を受けた場合には、これらの法人は、この法律の定めるところにより、当該内国法人を納税義務者として法人税を納めるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 4-2 Where a domestic corporation (limited to an ordinary corporation or a cooperative, etc.; excluding the corporations listed below) and other domestic corporation(s) (limited to ordinary corporations; excluding a corporation under liquidation proceedings, specific purpose company prescribed in Article 2(3) of the Act on Securitization of Assets (Definitions), and any other corporation specified by a Cabinet Order) in which the former domestic corporation has a full controlling interest (meaning a relationship specified by a Cabinet Order as a relationship whereby one party directly or indirectly holds the whole of the issued shares of or capital contributions to the other party (excluding the shares or capital contributions held by the other party); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) have all obtained approval from the Commissioner of the National Tax Agency for paying corporation tax via such controlling domestic corporation as taxpayer, these corporations shall pay corporation tax via the controlling domestic corporation as taxpayer pursuant to this Act:発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第六十六条の四の二 内国法人が租税条約の規定に基づき国税庁長官に対し当該租税条約に規定する申立てをした場合(外国法人が租税条約の規定に基づき当該外国法人に係る条約相手国の権限ある当局に対し当該租税条約に規定する申立てをした場合を含む。)には、税務署長等(国税通則法第四十六条第一項に規定する税務署長等をいう。以下この条において同じ。)は、これらの申立てに係る前条第十六項第一号に掲げる更正決定により納付すべき法人税の額(これらの申立てに係る条約相手国との間の租税条約に規定する協議の対象となるものに限る。)及び当該法人税の額に係る同法第六十九条に規定する加算税の額として政令で定めるところにより計算した金額を限度として、これらの申立てをした者の申請に基づき、その納期限(同法第三十七条第一項に規定する納期限をいい、当該申請が当該納期限後であるときは当該申請の日とする。)から当該条約相手国の権限ある当局との間の合意に基づく同法第二十六条の規定による更正があつた日(当該合意がない場合その他の政令で定める場合にあつては、政令で定める日)の翌日から一月を経過する日までの期間(第七項において「納税の猶予期間」という。)に限り、その納税を猶予することができる。ただし、当該申請を行う者につき当該申請の時において当該法人税の額以外の国税の滞納がある場合は、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 66-4-2 (1) Where a domestic corporation has, pursuant to the provisions of a tax convention, filed an objection prescribed in the said tax convention with the Commissioner of the National Tax Agency (including the cases where a foreign corporation has, pursuant to the provisions of a tax convention, filed an objection prescribed in the said tax convention with the competent authority of the other Contracting State which is related to the foreign corporation), the district director, etc. (meaning the district director, etc. prescribed in Article 46(1) of the Act on General Rules for National Taxes; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) may, upon application by the corporation that has filed the objection, grant a grace of tax payment, up to the amount calculated pursuant to the method specified by a Cabinet Order as the amount of corporation tax payable based on the reassessment or determination listed in paragraph (16)(i) of the preceding Article which pertains to the objection (limited to the amount to be covered by the consultation prescribed in the tax convention with the other Contracting State which pertains to the objection), including the amount of additional tax prescribed in Article 69 of the said Act with regard to the said amount of corporation tax, for the period from the due date for tax payment (meaning the due date for tax payment prescribed in Article 37(1) of the said Act; in the case where the application has been filed after the due date for tax payment, the period shall start from the date of the filing of the said application) until the day on which one month has elapsed since the day following the day on which a reassessment has been made pursuant to the provision of Article 26 of the said Act based on an agreement with the competent authority of the other Contracting State (in the case where there is no such agreement or in any other case specified by a Cabinet Order: the date specified by a Cabinet Order) (this period shall be referred to as the "grace period for tax payment" in paragraph (7)); provided, however, that this shall not apply where the corporation that has filed the application has been, at the time of filing the application, delinquent in payment of national tax other than the said amount of corporation tax.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第六十八条の八十八の二 連結親法人が租税条約の規定に基づき国税庁長官に対し当該租税条約に規定する申立てをした場合には、税務署長等(国税通則法第四十六条第一項に規定する税務署長等をいう。以下この条において同じ。)は、当該申立てに係る前条第十六項第一号に掲げる更正決定により納付すべき法人税の額(当該申立てに係る条約相手国との間の租税条約に規定する協議の対象となるものに限る。)及び当該法人税の額に係る同法第六十九条に規定する加算税の額として政令で定めるところにより計算した金額を限度として、当該申立てをした者の申請に基づき、その納期限(同法第三十七条第一項に規定する納期限をいい、当該申請が当該納期限後であるときは当該申請の日とする。)から当該条約相手国の権限ある当局との間の合意に基づく同法第二十六条の規定による更正があつた日(当該合意がない場合その他の政令で定める場合にあつては、政令で定める日)の翌日から一月を経過する日までの期間(第七項において「納税の猶予期間」という。)に限り、その納税を猶予することができる。ただし、当該申請を行う者につき当該申請の時において当該法人税の額以外の国税の滞納がある場合は、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 68-88-2 (1) Where a consolidated parent corporation has, pursuant to the provisions of a tax convention, filed an objection prescribed in the said tax convention with the Commissioner of the National Tax Agency, the district director, etc. (meaning the district director, etc. prescribed in Article 46(1) of the Act on General Rules for National Taxes; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) may, upon application by the consolidated corporation that has filed the objection, grant a grace of tax payment, up to the amount calculated pursuant to the method specified by a Cabinet Order as the amount of corporation tax payable based on the reassessment or determination listed in paragraph (16)(i) of the preceding Article which pertains to the objection (limited to the amount to be covered by the consultation prescribed in the tax convention with the other Contracting State which pertains to the objection), including the amount of additional tax prescribed in Article 69 of the said Act with regard to the said amount of corporation tax, for the period from the due date for tax payment (meaning the due date for tax payment prescribed in Article 37(1) of the said Act; in the case where the application has been filed after the due date for tax payment, the period shall start from the date of the filing of the said application) until the day on which one month has elapsed since the day following the day on which a reassessment has been made pursuant to the provision of Article 26 of the said Act based on an agreement with the competent authority of the other Contracting State (in the case where there is no such agreement or in any other case specified by a Cabinet Order: the date specified by a Cabinet Order) (this period shall be referred to as the "grace period for tax payment" in paragraph (7)); provided, however, that this shall not apply where the consolidated corporation that has filed the application has been, at the time of filing the application, delinquent in payment of national tax other than the said amount of corporation tax.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



Director General of National Tax Administration Agency JST科学技術用語日英対訳辞書

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