意味 | 例文 (10件) |

該当件数 : 10件
第十九条特別年金1 第三条に掲げる者又はその遺族は、当該者又はその遺族がスイスの遺族保険による特別年金、障害(a)(i)保険による特別年金又は老齢保険による特別年金(スイスの遺族保険又は障害保険による特別年金に代わ23るもの)の申請を行う日の直前に当該者又はその遺族が少なくとも五年間継続してスイスの領域内に居住していた場合には、これらの特別年金について、スイス国民と同一の条件で受給する権利を有する 。例文帳に追加
Article 19 Extraordinary pensions 1 A person specified in (a)(i) of Article 3 or his survivor shall be under the same conditions as Swiss nationals entitled to receive a Swiss extraordinary survivors’ pension, invalidity pension or old age pension which replaces an extraordinary survivors’ or invalidity pension if, immediately before the date from which they claim the extraordinary pension, they have resided in the territory of Switzerland for a continuous period of not less than five years - 厚生労働省
with the exception of complementary periods for Japanese nationals on the basis of ordinary residence outside the territory of Japan and periods of coverage for Category IIIinsured persons under the National Pension. - 厚生労働省
1 第三条に掲げる者又はその遺族がスイスの領域内に居住せず、かつ、スイスの老齢保険及び遺族保(a)(i)険による通常部分年金について、対応する通常完全年金の十パーセント以下に等しい通常部分年金の給付を受ける権利を有する場合には、当該通常部分年金の代わりに、保険事故の発生のときにスイスの法令により支払われる当該通常部分年金の現在価値に相当する一時金を当該者又はその遺族に対して支給する 。例文帳に追加
1 If a person specified in (a)(i) of Article 3 or his survivor who does not reside in the territory of Switzerland is entitled to an ordinary partial pension under the Swiss old-age and survivors’ insurance which is equal to not more than ten percent of the corresponding ordinary full pension, that person shall be granted instead of the partial pension, a lump-sum which corresponds to the capitalized value of that pension payable under the legislation of Switzerland when the insured event occurs - 厚生労働省
(a) a person shall be considered to be subject to the Canada Pension Plan or to the comprehensive pension plan of a province of Canada during a period in which that person is present or resides in the territory of Japan only if that person makes contributions pursuant to the plan concerned during that period by reason of employment or self-employment. - 厚生労働省
その選択については、給付を受ける権利を有する者が保険事故の発生のときにスイスの国外に滞22在している場合には当該通常部分年金の給付を決定する手続の過程において行われ、又は当該者がスイスの領域内において既に年金を受給していた場合にはスイスを離れるときに行われなければならない 。例文帳に追加
This selection shall be made during the course of the procedure to determine the pension if the entitled person is staying outside Switzerland when the insured event occurs, or shall be made when leaving Switzerland, if the entitled person already received a pension in the territory of Switzerland - 厚生労働省
4 一方の締約国の法令に基づく年金制度及び医療保険制度に加入し、かつ、通常当該一方の締約国の領域内において自営業者として就労する者が、一時的に他方の締約国の領域内において自営業者として就労する場合には、当該他方の締約国の領域内における自営活動の期間が五年を超えるものと見込まれないことを条件として、その者が当該一方の締約国の領域内において就労しているものとみなして当該一方の締約国の法令のみを適用する。例文帳に追加
4. Where a person covered under the laws of one Party, who ordinarily works as a self-employed person in the territory of that Party, works temporarily as a self employed person in the territory of the other Party, that self-employed person shall be subject to the laws of only the first Party as if that self-employed person were working in the territory of the first Party, provided that the period of such self-employment in the territory of the second Party is not expected to exceed five years. - 厚生労働省
2 5から7までの規定に従うことを条件として、一方の締約国の法令に基づく年金制度及び医療保険制度に加入し、かつ、当該一方の締約国の領域内に事業所を有する雇用者に当該領域内において通常雇用されている者が、当該雇用者により当該一方の締約国の領域から他方の締約国の領域内において就労するために派遣される場合には、その派遣の期間が五年を超えるものと見込まれないことを条件として、その被用者が当該一方の締約国の領域内において就労しているものとみなして当該一方の締約国の法令のみを適用する。例文帳に追加
2. Subject to paragraphs 5 to 7 of this Article, where a person who is covered under the laws of one Party and normally employed in the territory of that Party by an employer with a place of business in that territory is sent by that employer from that territory to work in the territory of the other Party, the employee shall be subject to the laws of only the first Party as if that employee were working in the territory of the first Party, provided that the period of such detachment is not expected to exceed five years. - 厚生労働省
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該当件数 : 10件
That person's spouse or common-law partner and dependants who reside with him or her shall be considered to be subject to the legislation of Japan during a period in which that person's spouse or common-law partner and dependants are present or reside in the territory of Japan only if that person's spouse or common-law partner and dependants are covered as Category II insured persons under the National Pension during that period; - 厚生労働省
That person's spouse or common-law partner and dependants who reside with him or her shall be considered to be subject to the Canada Pension Plan or to the comprehensive pension plan of a province of Canada during a period in which that person's spouse or common-law partner and dependants are present or reside in the territory of Canada only if that person's spouse or common law partner and dependants make contributions pursuant to the plan concerned during that period by reason of employment or self-employment. - 厚生労働省
この(b)の規定は、カナダの領域外に居住する者に対して年金を支給する場合において必要なときは、第六条3及び4(a) の規定に従ってカナダ居住期間及び日本国の法令による保険期間を通算することにより、カナダの老齢保障法による最小限のカナダ居住期間に関する要件が満たされることに影響を及ぼすものではない。例文帳に追加
Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this subparagraph, the requirement of that Act regarding a prescribed minimum period of residence in Canada for the purpose of the payment of a pension to a person who is outside the territory of Canada shall be fulfilled, when required, through the totalization of periods of residence in Canada and periods of coverage under the legislation of Japan in accordance with paragraph 3 and subparagraph 4(a) of Article 6;and - 厚生労働省
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