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Wiktionary英語版での「West Union」の意味 |
West Union
- a CDP in Clark County, Illinois, USA.
- an unincorporated community in Parke County, Indiana, USA.
- a city in and the county seat of Fayette County, Iowa, USA.
- a small city in Todd County, Minnesota, USA.
- a small town in Steuben County, New York, USA.
- a village in and the county seat of Adams County, Ohio, USA.
- an unincorporated community in Washington County, Oregon, USA.
- a small town in Oconee County, South Carolina, USA.
- a town in and the county seat of Doddridge County, West Virginia, USA.
- an unincorporated community in Pocahontas County, West Virginia.
「West Union」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 9件
a regional economic organization called the {West African Customs Union}発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
西アフリカ関税同盟という地域経済組織 - EDR日英対訳辞書
United States general who was commander of all Union troops in the West発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
米国の将軍で、西部における全北軍の指揮官であった - 日本語WordNet
But the relationship between the Soviet Union and the other countries began to deteriorate, and the Berlin Wall was built around West Berlin in 1961.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
しかし,ソ連と他の国々との関係が悪化し始め,1961年には,西ベルリンの周囲にベルリンの壁が建てられました。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
For instance, West Germany greatly expanded its share of car sales in Western Europe, overtaking the United Kingdom, which did not participate in the customs tariff union, and made a remarkable comeback as an industrial country.例文帳に追加
例えば、西ドイツは、関税同盟に参加しなかった英国に代わり西欧での自動車販売のシェアを大きく高め、工業国として復活を遂げた。 - 経済産業省
'not surprisingly, georgia's aspiration to integrate with the west 'is in direct conflict with russia's desire to regain influence 'over territory lost in the breakup of the soviet union, 'which according to russia's leader, vladimir putin例文帳に追加
グルジアは西側諸国に 調整役を熱望していますが、 ロシアの地域影響力に 直接対立する構図となり 領土消失はソビエト連邦の 崩壊に繋がるでしょう - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
In 1857, he became a Dainagon (Major Counselor) and in the following year he advocated a theory of 'Kobu Gattai' (union of the imperial court and the shogunate), arranging a reconciliation between the court and the shogunate in terms of an issue of the bakufu seeking imperial sanction to the treaties with the West ('Joyaku chokkyo mondai' in Japanese) and a friction caused between the two candidates for the 14th Shogun's post, Yoshinobu HITOTSUBASHI and Yoshitomi (the future Iemochi) TOKUGAWA ('Shogun keishi mondai' in Japanese).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
安政4年(1857年)大納言となり、翌年には公武合体を唱え、また条約勅許問題や将軍継嗣問題において朝幕間の調停に努めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
For example, all stock of the East Japan Railway Company (JR East Japan) and West Japan Railway Company (JR West Japan) held by the Japanese Government was sold off to private entities. However, the European Union has not withdrawn its objections against the exclusion applicable to both companies under the Government Procurement Agreement.例文帳に追加
例えば、我が国の東日本旅客鉄道株式会社(JR 東日本)や西日本旅客鉄道株式会社(JR 西日本)は、政府の保有株式が全て売却され、その資本は全て民間の保有になったが、EC は、両社を政府調達協定の適用対象から除外することについて異議を撤回していない。 - 経済産業省
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「West Union」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 9件
Although Maizuru-nishi Port (west port) was initially designated for the repatriation, later the designation was changed to Taira-sanbashi Bridge at Maizuru-higashi Port (east port) in 1947 when the repatriation from the Soviet Union started, and many repatriates arrived at Taira-sanbashi Bridge during the following thirteen years.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
舞鶴港では当初は舞鶴西港が引揚げ港に指定されたが、ソ連地域からの引揚げが開始された1947年(昭和22年)には舞鶴東港の平桟橋へ変更され、その後13年にわたって多くの引揚者が祖国への一歩を平桟橋に記した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
With the unification of East and West Germany in 1990, the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991 and China’s advocacy of a transition to a socialist market economy in 1992, a series of socialist countries made transitions toward market economies. As a result, the size of the global market economy expanded rapidly in the 1990s.例文帳に追加
1990年東西ドイツ統一、1991年ソ連崩壊、1992年中国による「社会主義市場経済」移行提唱等を通じ、社会主義国が相次いで市場経済への移行を進めた結果、世界経済の市場規模は1990年代に急速な拡大を遂げた。 - 経済産業省
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