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critical solution pointとは 意味・読み方・使い方

意味・対訳 臨界溶解点; 臨界完溶点
「critical solution point」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 7件
In the critical point searching method, an inflection point of vibration speed is searched for under a condition of a constant temperature and a variable pressure, and a minimal point of the inflection point acquired under a plurality of temperatures is used as a critical point of material solution.例文帳に追加
物質溶液の臨界点を温度一定且つ圧力可変の条件下で振動速度の変曲点を探索し、複数の温度下で得られた該変曲点の極小点とする臨界点探索方法である。 - 特許庁
Similarly, in the critical point searching method, the inflection point of vibration speed is searched for under a condition of a constant pressure and a variable temperature, and the minimal point of the inflection point acquired under a plurality of pressures is used as the critical point of the material solution.例文帳に追加
物質溶液の臨界点を圧力一定且つ温度可変の条件下で振動速度の変曲点を探索し、複数の圧力下で得られた該変曲点の極小点とする臨界点探索方法である。 - 特許庁
The thermally re-releasable adhesive film comprises an adhesive film containing 0.01-5.0 pts.wt. of a metal soap and is obtained by shaping the metal soap into a film at a temperature not higher than the melting point or the critical solution temperature of the metal soap.例文帳に追加
金属セッケンを、0.01〜5.0重量部含有してなる接着フィルムで、金属セッケンの融点以下の温度もしくは臨界溶解温度以下でフィルム化して得られる、加熱再はく離型接着フィルム。 - 特許庁
A poly(oxazoline) has an alkynyl group or a propargyl group having a triple bond at the α-terminal and hydroxy group at the ω-terminal, is monodispersive, and exhibits such a temperature responsive property that it shows a cloud point or a lower critical solution temperature (LCST) at a temperature suitable for living organisms.例文帳に追加
α末端に三重結合を有するアルキニル基またはプロパギル基を有しヒドロキシル基をω末端に有する単分散性で、生体適合温度に曇点もしくは下部臨界共溶温度(LCST)を示すように温度応答性示す、ポリ(オキサゾリン)。 - 特許庁
In the method for manufacturing a porous gel for the material for removing the harmful chemical substances, a silica wet gel is impregnated with a titanium compound solution and then dried by using a drying medium at the critical point or supercritical state of the drying medium to produce crystalline titania on the silica framework.例文帳に追加
シリカの湿潤ゲル体にチタン化合物溶液を含浸させ、次いで乾燥媒体を用いて、乾燥媒体の臨界点ないし超臨界において、乾燥することにより、結晶性のチタニアをシリカ骨格上に生成させる有害化学物質除去材用多孔質ゲルの製造方法。 - 特許庁
This method for treating products including cured products of thermosetting resins comprises (a) a step of contacting products including cured products of thermosetting resins to a decomposition solution containing a solvent capable of breaking main chains and/or cross-linked chains in the cured products of the thermosetting resins in a decomposition tank and (b) a step of heating the decomposition solution at ≥250°C to less than the critical point of the solvent.例文帳に追加
(a)熱硬化性樹脂硬化物を含む製品を、分解槽内において、熱硬化性樹脂硬化物の主鎖および/または架橋鎖を切断し得る溶剤を含む分解液に接触させる工程、および(b)前記分解液を250℃以上でかつ前記溶剤の臨界温度未満の温度に加熱する工程を含む熱硬化性樹脂硬化物を含む製品の分解処理方法。 - 特許庁
A low density dry-gel can be efficiently obtained by applying the treatment for obtaining the hydrophobicity to a wet-gel having water in a solution obtained by mixing a water soluble solvent, a water insoluble solvent and a sililling agent, and by omitting or simplifying the solvent displacement process, and further by drying the hydrophobic gel at a condition under the critical point.例文帳に追加
水を保持する湿潤ゲルに、水溶性溶媒、非水溶性溶媒および疎水化剤を混合してなる疎水化処理液中で疎水化処理を施し、溶媒置換を省略または簡略化させ、さらに疎水化ゲルを臨界点未満の条件で乾燥して低密度乾燥ゲルを効率よく得ることができる。 - 特許庁
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